View Full Version : Told to get a second opinion

11-21-2012, 09:59 AM
Pcp has done an EKG, blood work an I'm still not convinced I'm ok. I just feel like my heart beats too fast. It's especially the worst in the mornings. Ive googled, which I know is terrible. My therapist says now I've convinced myself that I'm not normal than every other person. He says that maybe getting a second opinion is the only thing that will help. Like having a 24 hr holter monitor. His opinion is based on all of the info, counseling and reassuring I've been given. Anyone else feel the same?

11-21-2012, 10:01 AM
I've got a similar type of anxiety like this, I just feel so concerned about my heart! I feel like it's just going to stop beating - crazy I know!

I am 16 years old, had 5+ standard ECG's and I've recently just had a 24 hour ECG and everything was fine! But I still think I'm seriously ill! I think it's very common with anxiety sufferers

11-21-2012, 11:24 AM
I have this issue.. It's pretty annoying I've had many many EKG in the past few years.. I've been to the er so many times they know me!! It's pretty embarrassing

11-21-2012, 11:28 AM
The ammount if times I've been complaining to doctors or hospitals is embarrassing! It's horrible it's constantly on my mind 24/7! I get all kinds of pains and I just think I'm going to die! It's absolutely horrible

11-21-2012, 11:38 AM
I have this issue.. It's pretty annoying I've had many many EKG in the past few years.. I've been to the er so many times they know me!! It's pretty embarrassing

Do they have you chipping in for staff birthdays?

11-21-2012, 02:49 PM
There is absolutely NO doubt that both the heart rate and rythmn is seriously affected by anxiety & panic. This is hard fact.

Fully-fledged panic mode causes the heart to beat faster & harder.

Fear of your heart, coupled with your heightened awareness of it will likely cause irregular rythmns / palpitations.
Also, otherwise normal irregular rythmns that have always been there (and are completely harmless) will now get noticed - whereas before your anxiety they just went unnoticed.

However, I'm always weary when someone says they have CONSTANT symptoms.
During my worst period of anxiety --> panic, I noticed horrific symptoms during anxious / fearful periods but I also noticed they weren't constant.

Please go get double checked when you think you have a constant symptom. It may well be you are in a constant state of anxiety, but best to double check.

11-21-2012, 03:19 PM
I'm terrible when it comes to my heart, I do have an underlying heart complaint which was found when I was five and I've had no ill health or treatment because of it but when I was pregnant with my second daughter I had quite a few palpitations and became very aware of my heart and I believe my anxiety stems from the heart complaint and now every time I have any fast beats, palpitations, or pains I panic and think my heart is just going to stop, I do have it checked and kept an eye on so I know nothing is wrong but can't help thinking what if x

11-21-2012, 03:20 PM
Also my anxiety sometimes goes away and these things don't bother me so much then sometimes I just cannot deal with it x

11-21-2012, 03:31 PM
Them two posts that you have just replied to sound like I've wrote them lol, that's exactly how I am and it's not nice :(

11-21-2012, 04:20 PM
I'm convinced I have pots. And I think it developed after I had my first son. Which it's common to happen after pregnancy. I have an appt with my pcp on wed and I plan to have her refer me to a cardiologist. I will have them do a holster monitor and possible tilt table test, although I'm not sure they can do that on while I am pregnant. Anyway, it's a horrible thing to feel/deal with. Pots quite often gets misdiagnosed as anxiety. I know what is happening to me is not normal, and cannot possibly all anxiety related. I will say that when I ignore the symptoms, and just live my life, I am fine. Symptoms are still there, but I'm happy. I'm just down in the dumps now, and it's been tho way for 2 weeks. I'm miserable. :(

11-21-2012, 07:43 PM
Yes I just went to a med express today and they thought it was just anxiety ! It's hard to believe when I'm just sitting around and my heart is beating like crazy! I don't know I'm just going to take it easy this weekend and not do a thing!!