View Full Version : Alankay!!**

11-21-2012, 07:19 AM
So i sent you a big message and when i went to send it they told me I couldn't lol.

Anyways, I hope you see this. The point of my message was your discussion that you have tried citalopram and prozac. I am current on citalopram (started on 10m for four weeks and have been on 20mg for two weeks) and have been pretty satisfied.

My nurse practitioner, on my second visit to up my dose to 20mg, mentioned prozac. I ended up just upping the citalopram but I'm wondering what your experience with prozac is compared to citalopram. I haven't been *super* impressed with citalopram but I think it has definitely helped with some of my anxiety.

Hope to hear from you and your experience with Prozac!!


11-21-2012, 09:03 AM
Well for me celexa(citalopram) helped but I never slept well even after 6 months so tried lexapro(same on sleep with it) so returned to prozac and am better off for it. See, all these will effect a patient differently and all a doc can do is go with his best guess and/or try switching ssri's. Prozac did make me more anxious after a few weeks but that passsed with the help of an ocassional valium. I also sleep much better on it and it helps anxiety enough for me. If you are doing well, I'd hold on celaxa. It's just for me, prozac had the fewest side effects(none after a while). Since it's only been 2 weeks give it at least a month or two before deciding on trying prozac(IMHO). Retry PM'ing me any time. Alankay.