View Full Version : what do i do? My life is a mess.

11-20-2012, 04:38 PM
I cry every night now because of how Ill I've been feeling, I get pretty much every symptom of anxiety, not even exgadurating. I have days where I look at everything and it doesn't look real, I think how weird life is and It doesn't seem realistic. I don't even know if there is something wrong with me anymore, I just can't tell with l these symptoms. They're taking over my life, they just came back for no reason and have been getting worse and worse. Why did my symptoms come back? I feellike sh*t mentally and physically 24/7. How do I stop feeling ill and become happier?

11-20-2012, 05:09 PM
>How do I stop feeling ill and become happier?

Growing up helps. You're only 13, right?

Happiness comes from within. I'm not saying this is easy to find, coz it isn't... I'm just saying.

Happiness is about self confidence / self worth and REALIZING that the best things in life are free.

Happiness is not about looking like a super star and not about having loads of money.

Happiness is not about being the best, but rather, being you.
Don't try to be someone you're not - it'll just end in tears.

You're no better and no worse than anyone else. We're all the same.

Happiness is about accepting things as they are and just getting on with it.

Happiness is living, where life isn't always a bed of roses. There'll be crap and there'll be good stuff. That's just the way it is.

Happiness is your choice. How you approach your day determines everything and it's ALL in your hands.

You're not being judged - people don't really care (unless you hurt them in some way)

Stop your worrying. Worrying is a pointless emotion and gets you nowhere.

This is your world as much as it is anyone elses. Make use of it.

Be thankful you're not suffering from a life threatening illness. Many people out there are... right here, right now.

You're so young and have your whole life ahead of you. Try not to spoil it with silly things like anxiety.
Anxiety or life - there is a choice.

11-20-2012, 06:07 PM
Well said dazza :)

11-21-2012, 12:46 AM
>How do I stop feeling ill and become happier?

Growing up helps. You're only 13, right?

Happiness comes from within. I'm not saying this is easy to find, coz it isn't... I'm just saying.

Happiness is about self confidence / self worth and REALIZING that the best things in life are free.

Happiness is not about looking like a super star and not about having loads of money.

Happiness is not about being the best, but rather, being you.
Don't try to be someone you're not - it'll just end in tears.

You're no better and no worse than anyone else. We're all the same.

Happiness is about accepting things as they are and just getting on with it.

Happiness is living, where life isn't always a bed of roses. There'll be crap and there'll be good stuff. That's just the way it is.

Happiness is your choice. How you approach your day determines everything and it's ALL in your hands.

You're not being judged - people don't really care (unless you hurt them in some way)

Stop your worrying. Worrying is a pointless emotion and gets you nowhere.

This is your world as much as it is anyone elses. Make use of it.

Be thankful you're not suffering from a life threatening illness. Many people out there are... right here, right now.

You're so young and have your whole life ahead of you. Try not to spoil it with silly things like anxiety.
Anxiety or life - there is a choice.

Im 14 now just saying:L You obviously don't understand, for the past year I've been trying my best to cope and be happy, I have lots of things going on at home and in my family, I have spoke to counsellors to help me. I have grown up, you don't have the right to tell me I haven't grown up when I have done everything possible to help myself, you don't even know what other things could be affecting my happiness, I can't show it. I Basically show all the symptoms of an ill person, I throw up, I can't stand sometimes, the list goes on. My grades at school are under where they should be and my teachers are questioning that and wondering what's going on. Im sick of it.

11-21-2012, 12:57 AM
Ellen, That sounds like a horrible feeling. While anxiety can be a scary thing, please know that there are experts (psychologists and psychiatrists) in your area that can help you sort out these feelings and get on the right track. Anxiety is curable. Do your parents know about how you've been feeling? Would they support you seeking help from a professional? Can you talk to your school's guidance counselor about your feelings? A lot of times they can help you connect with a professional to treat your symptoms. I hope you feel better soon. -Nate