View Full Version : My Anxiety Problems

04-22-2007, 01:36 AM
Some people that may view these forums, especially, the ones with anxiety problems are always curious on what kind of symptoms other people occur, besides themselves... So I'm new and I thought I would list some of mine.

-Shortness of breath
-Heart Palpitations

Just a few of what I have, and you always think your having a heart attack but in reality your fine. Stop the ER medical bills and see your family doctors for CBT or some meds to help you out.

I'm currently on Xanax and Buspar, Buspar dosen't work for crap. The current dose of Xanax I'm on works decently enough.

04-22-2007, 11:05 AM
Welcome to the forum. I'm fairly new myself, but it's been great seeing people who come on here to share their stories with other sufferers. I'm trying to learn everything I can about Anxiety/Panic. The medications you're taking, they really help? Well you say Buspar doesn't, but Xanax does. Are there any side effects to it? Hope to hear from you soon!


04-28-2007, 08:37 PM
Well, to be honest, one of the major side effects to Xanax would be addiction. They are very addictive, and your family doctor will have to wing you off of them if you get put on them.

Other than that, I've had no other side effects.. Hopefully this helps on your road to recovery!