View Full Version : obsessed with 4.0

04-22-2007, 12:27 AM
I think i may be getting a B in this class because of an error i made in this internet class. not submitting an assignment on time and cant turn it in late, now im getting a b and ruining my 4.0 im so upset any help with this telling me its ok to have a 3.8

04-22-2007, 01:53 PM
its okayyyy omg..id kill to have a gpa that nice...3.8 is amazing...ur goin somehwre in life..dont u worry..and dont think grades are everything...everythings gonna be okay so dont worry :D :mrgreen:

04-22-2007, 02:03 PM
Amaya, don't be so hard on yourself. While a 4.0 and a 3.8 are not the same, it's not as bad as say, getting a 2.8. LoL Don't be negative. Think positive. Afterall, you're PASSING, you're SMART, and more importantly, I think, is that you realized your mistake. Now the question is, did you learn from it? In all aspects of life, it is important to meet deadlines. Learn from it! And keep up the good work!!

04-22-2007, 03:32 PM
thank you for the tip and advice. I just get really anxious because this class was so easy and i just got my days confused and just because of that i am now getting a B oh well I will difinitly learn from this Thanx

05-02-2007, 06:27 PM

I can relate perfectly to your situation!!! I had a 4.0 in my high school, and I expected similar success in college. Before starting college though, I realized how much I was torturing myself over this little number though.

During my senior year, I thought I was going to blow my 4.0 when I was taking my AP Calculus class. It was plaguing me. I took a stress management course at a local college (while in high school), and I was introduced to CBT. From that point on, whenever I faced anxiety about my grades, I'd simply start asking myself questions like the following:

- What is going to happen to me if I don't get an A?
- What is more important to me: Learning material or seeing a letter on my test?
- Is the level of my worry and anxiety I'm feeling worth an A?
- Do I always need to get an A in order to feel successful?
- How important is my grade in this class one year from now? Three years? Five years? Fifteen years?

I bombarded myself with questions like this whenever I faced such anxiety, and with regular questioning, my anxiety naturally started to trail off. It didn't go away entirely, but I seriously could eventually laugh in situations when I would have been torturing myself before.

In college, I graduated with a 3.95 GPA. I didn't obsess over my grades though at all. I simply tried to do my best and get the A if possible, but I NEVER tried so hard for the A that I would impair my health.

I met a girl in college who had a better GPA than I had, and I felt so sorry for her. She reminded me of myself in college. She was going to retake a class because she got an A- in it!!!! A few points in a GPA is just NOT WORTH THE WORRY!!!


I hope this helps!!!