View Full Version : very nervous about my food..

11-19-2012, 10:19 AM
I have no idea why but I've got really nervous over the two remaining foods I have left.
Everytime I've eaten a weetabix today I've had to stop myself panicking over the fact I have eaten it.
I made 3 slices of toast and completely panicked when I realised I'd eaten nearly all the slices, I had to put a bit back on the plate just so I knew that I hadn't eaten all of them..
Why? Why's this happening now?
I've felt very nervous for the past two days for no reason.
I only eat weetabix and brown bread I can't let anxiety force me to cut them out to.. Please help?
I never actually ask for help but I'm getting very worried..

11-19-2012, 11:35 AM
This could be an eating disorder or an obession/fear about food. Not sure at all but you need to eat. If this gets worse I'd go in to talk to a doc or therapist to try and get a handle on this. Don't be afraid to ask for help. These things happen so there is help out there. PM me any time. Alankay.

11-19-2012, 02:37 PM

How long have you been eating JUST weetabix and toast?

Weeks? months? .... years???

11-19-2012, 03:16 PM
Camilla91, it's good that you are aware of how you are feeling and thinking. Some people aren't. But the fact that you are aware that something is wrong is a good first step to getting better.

11-20-2012, 02:43 AM
Its been about 5 months dazza.
I've woke up this morning craving cheese badly and going to try some today. Bout time I started fighting this.
I've got cbt therapist aswell today so I'm going to mention it to him

11-20-2012, 02:50 AM
Cheeeese. I fucking love cheese! :)

11-20-2012, 03:37 AM
Hi Milla - I think I remember that you were diagnosed with 'anorexia' recently, but you believe you're dealing with more of a food phobia?

It's the anxiety driving you not to eat, rather than the desire to be thin, right? I really want you to read this article on the Minnesota Starvation Experiement - it will help you understand why your body and brain are reacting the way that they are. http://www.2medusa.com/2009/08/anorexia-bulimia-minnesota-starvation.html?m=1

In a nutshell, losing 25% of your body weight and embarking on a starvation diet (under 900 calories per day) will mess with you. It has massive implications on your mental health, whether you intended to 'go on a diet and lose weight' or whether you are just phobic of foods and eating.

I just want you to know that what your brain and body are doing and how you are reacting are 'normal' for your circumstances - in fact they are biologically programmed.

I'm really glad you're getting support and that you are trying to fight this, because as a survivor (sort of) of anorexia and bulimia (I'm still a skinny bitch), you HAVE to fight. No matter what form your illness takes - whether it is based in fear, like yours or based on my shallow, juvenile (and sadly socially sanctioned) idea that at 5'10" and a size 16 (at 16) I felt I took up too much space... You have to fight this.

Good luck hon x

11-20-2012, 04:04 AM
Aww bless you! That's so sad! I'd absolutely kill to be a size 16! The biggest I've ever gone is size 14 that doesn't matter, I'd much rather be a size 16 and know I'm healthy. Then be this small and constantly worrying about my health.
I'll read that article, thank you x

11-20-2012, 06:06 AM
Cheeeese. I fucking love cheese! :)

I bet you're the sort who takes bites out of the cheese in ya fridge? (leaving teeth marks in it) pmsl

Anyone tried Haloumi cheese? grilled? it's like having an orgasm in your mouth... (urrrr that sounded wrong)

11-20-2012, 07:15 AM
I bet you're the sort who takes bites out of the cheese in ya fridge? (leaving teeth marks in it) pmsl

Anyone tried Haloumi cheese? grilled? it's like having an orgasm in your mouth... (urrrr that sounded wrong)

How did you know? I could eat a whole block of cheese I reckon. Not tried haloumi cheese :/
Cathedral city! NomanomaNom

11-20-2012, 07:39 AM
How did you know? I could eat a whole block of cheese I reckon. Not tried haloumi cheese :/
Cathedral city! NomanomaNom

Wholly cheese sticks... is this you, Jhunter? lmfao


11-20-2012, 07:41 AM
You twonk.

11-20-2012, 10:35 AM
Just saw the picture... Not amused :!:

11-20-2012, 12:47 PM
Just saw the picture... Not amused :!:

lol... chewwin on a nice slab of cheshire!

11-20-2012, 01:09 PM
If me eating cheese is gonna make me end up Lookin like that its goin in the fuckin bin lol

11-21-2012, 02:40 AM
The craving thing is something that happens when your body overrides your thoughts - after 5 months of weetabix and toast, you'll be craving all kinds of things.

I have a strange diet, I eat intuitively and definitely have anxiety around certain situations - like eating out or eating food I haven't prepared. However if I have been eating junk for a good while, my body will literally crave fruit and vegetables.

I hope you are loading up on some multivitamins. Start small. Even of you can add one 'safe' food a week, you'll be doing your body and your mind a huge favour.