View Full Version : Waking up

11-19-2012, 06:58 AM
I hate the feeling of waking up with extreme jitters soon as I open my eyes in the morning! My mind just takes off running and I'm already lost in thoughts that I can't stand! I feel like I lose more of myself every single day.

11-19-2012, 07:42 AM
I know the feeling. I dread sleeping at night because I always wake up all through the night feeling really worried/helpless/spaced out.

11-19-2012, 07:51 AM
I hate waking up because from the moment I wake my anxiety and really horrible thoughts run around my head!

11-19-2012, 08:19 AM
Yup I have the really horrible thoughts too, mine are really morbid and I hate it.

11-19-2012, 08:43 AM
The second I wake up I do a workout at home, it seems to help me. Also knackers me out so I tend to sleep better.

11-20-2012, 12:27 AM
The second I wake up I do a workout at home, it seems to help me. Also knackers me out so I tend to sleep better.

The only way is Essex! :-)

11-20-2012, 02:56 AM
The only way is Essex! :-)

Haha that show is shameful, I don't know anyone from that acts like that!

11-20-2012, 03:34 AM
You are not alone, mornings suck for me too....for a lot of us. My lexipro has helped. Its weird, its like, now in the AM i feel a rush of panic coming but the lexi seems to blunt it. Like i feel my body temp go up and i feel like my heart is going to race, but it doesnt as much. Weird feeling, but i will take it over soaring anxiety any day.

11-20-2012, 04:57 AM
Night time is the worst for me, probably cause I'm tired and the house is quiet so there is nothing to do but think :/
Can I ask you something? Is there something going on in your life that you dread facing on a daily basis? Perhaps that could be a cause of your morning anxiety?

11-20-2012, 06:02 AM
Night time is the worst for me, probably cause I'm tired and the house is quiet so there is nothing to do but think :/
Can I ask you something? Is there something going on in your life that you dread facing on a daily basis? Perhaps that could be a cause of your morning anxiety?

Both morning and night seem to be anxieties best friends.

For mornings, dread of the day ahead will usually stir anxiety.
For night, as you say - tiredness and thinking come into play... especially those who are bound to their house / living room every night (because of kids or whatever).

>Is there something going on in your life that you dread facing on a daily basis? Perhaps that could be a cause of your morning anxiety?

Yeah, WORK I imagine! lol

11-20-2012, 08:37 AM
I'm a stay at home mom so that's a tough job lol, but I don't dread it. What I do dread, however, is sitting in the house all day and not feeling productive. I know that I am productive because I take care of my child and home but somedays it's just hard. I think my issue is that I wake up fearing the day ahead like "oh no what if I go crazy today" "what if all my morbid thoughts are non stop today" "I'm scared of hurting my daughter today" so from there the anxiety stirs and my feet haven't even touched the floor yet.

11-20-2012, 08:49 AM
I'm a stay at home mom so that's a tough job lol, but I don't dread it. What I do dread, however, is sitting in the house all day and not feeling productive. I know that I am productive because I take care of my child and home but somedays it's just hard. I think my issue is that I wake up fearing the day ahead like "oh no what if I go crazy today" "what if all my morbid thoughts are non stop today" "I'm scared of hurting my daughter today" so from there the anxiety stirs and my feet haven't even touched the floor yet.

Interesting you worry so about going crazy - where the welfare of your daughter could be compromised.

This is a quite a normal, overly protective instinct of a parent you know... there's nothing wrong with it at all.
You care / worry SO strongly about your little'un that you're even scared of yourself.

You're not EVER just gonna go bonkers... you're just scared of the irrational thought of doing so.

FEAR, it affects us all in unusual and bizarre ways.

Your hair still looks great by the way :-D

11-20-2012, 09:12 AM
I'm a stay at home mom so that's a tough job lol, but I don't dread it. What I do dread, however, is sitting in the house all day and not feeling productive. I know that I am productive because I take care of my child and home but somedays it's just hard. I think my issue is that I wake up fearing the day ahead like "oh no what if I go crazy today" "what if all my morbid thoughts are non stop today" "I'm scared of hurting my daughter today" so from there the anxiety stirs and my feet haven't even touched the floor yet.

I couldn't have said it better myself!

11-20-2012, 09:14 AM
Str8crew - why the "crew" in your name? are you in a breakdancing crew?

11-20-2012, 09:19 AM
I wasn't done typing... darn phone. Anyhow I have found that a 45 min walk helps me a little because there is only so much cleaning and laundry to do... so my walks come first in the morning (of course after my oldest 3 have gone to school and husband has left for work). My doc prescribed me zoloft... but I have yet to take (I'm afraid to take it). Although I don't wish this feeling on my worst enemy it helps me to know I am not alone in what I face on a daily basis... I'm just so tired of not feeling like myself anymore... I'm sure you can relate :/ take care and I hope things can start looking up for us

11-20-2012, 09:20 AM
Str8crew - why the "crew" in your name? are you in a breakdancing crew?

No... just the name I use when referring to my family :)

11-20-2012, 09:28 AM
Do you reckon it might be something to do with boredom or perhaps lonliness?

I think staying at home everyday would bore me to tears. I simply couldn't do it.
Quite a depressing prospect I'd say... no matter how much you love your kids.

11-20-2012, 09:39 AM
Do you reckon it might be something to do with boredom or perhaps lonliness?

I think staying at home everyday would bore me to tears. I simply couldn't do it.
Quite a depressing prospect I'd say... no matter how much you love your kids.

I honestly think mine is a chemical imbalance/shift from my pregnancy/birth of baby 7 months ago. I had panic attacks and anxiety prior to having her and its now intensified greatly... started when she was around 5 weeks old. I have held a full time job since I was 18 years old and was just laid off in August, so this is the first I've been a stay at home mom. I had 2 panic attacks while at work in the same week back in August, so I'm not sure what exactly where they come from, as they seem to come out of nowhere :/