View Full Version : Can someone tell me what this is?

11-19-2012, 05:56 AM
I have woke up with ear ache, and a bad throat. Basically all the common cold symptoms. When I cough the back of my throat hurts and my ears! But when I swallow its okay. I am getting really anxious to what this is ... I feel like there's something trapped in my chest/throat/neck that I just need to burp out or cough out! I am constantly trying to squeeze a burp out! It feels like something is stuck! I have googled and it says acid reflux? I'm just really scared! I'm coughing up flem too, weather it's a chest infection I just don't know! I'm at doctors today also :)

11-19-2012, 06:20 AM
Just sounds like a bad cold, my dear. Hope all goes well at the doctors office!!!!

11-19-2012, 06:29 AM
Thanks very much for your help, it was scaring me wondering what was wrong ! It feels like I need to burp something up like something is stuck lol it's weird I'll discuss it with the doctor thanks so mich

11-19-2012, 09:17 AM
Thanks very much for your help, it was scaring me wondering what was wrong ! It feels like I need to burp something up like something is stuck lol it's weird I'll discuss it with the doctor thanks so mich

i always feel like that too. sometimes i even have to make myself be sick because it's the only time that i feel a bit better x

11-19-2012, 09:33 AM
Yeah it makes me feel sick too! I feel really sick but I can't actually be sick, just been to doctors and their blaming it on anxiety yet again !!! Absolutely sick x