View Full Version : heart palpitations

11-18-2012, 07:45 PM
Hi everyone. I'm a 38 yr old female. I'm pretty sure I've had anxiety all my life but it seemed to get worse after I had children. It's normally some what tolerable I guess. I don't currently take anything for it, I guess I've just learned to deal with it. Well, today out of nowhere I started getting heart palpitations, one pretty much right after another. I've had them before but never over and over where it didn't stop once I left a situation. Need-less-to-say I'm freaked out. I've been trying to ignore it, breathe through it, relax, whatever but it isn't helping. I'm just so tired of this. I feel like I will never be free of this stupid anxiety stuff. My husband, sister, close friends I can imagine are so tired of hearing about this stuff from me so I don't even tell them now. Anxiety is so isolating. I feel like it is all trapped inside and I have to pretend like it isn't there.

So the question is, does anyone else get these heart flip flops and have them all through out the day?

11-18-2012, 08:02 PM
These are terrible. Normal for anxiety sufferers. Most people have palpitations, but with anxiety we become hyper sensitive to our body and feel everything.

The key is to accept them and not fear them. Once fear creeps in, anxiety level is heightened and every time you get them your anxiety or panic sets in and responds. If you accept them, in time they have less impact when they do occur.

You need to see a doctor if it continues for a few days non-stop. If its intermittent its normal with anxiety.

Hang in there,

11-18-2012, 08:21 PM
Thank you, James. Some times it just helps knowing you aren't alone in this (especially since it is so hard for people who don't have anxiety to understand why we feel the way we do). I'll definitely get it checked out if it doesn't stop. Until then, I'm going to try to accept them, not be afraid and hope it helps.

I really appreciate your response.

11-18-2012, 10:50 PM
I have them everyday for almost a year now. It is so hard to feel healthy when you have them! My father is a paramedic and he assures me they are normal. Especially for anxiety sufferers. I would check with your doctor and they can do some simple tests to make sure your heart is fine but my guess is that it is. I have heard that magnesium supplements help with them. It might be something you want to search on google.

11-19-2012, 12:46 AM
I have them intermittently and they are so freaking scary, about 2yeats ago now I had them every other neat and I felt so weak and terrible so I went to the doctor who sent me to A&E and they kept me in over night which made me panick more but then they kept reassuring me it was just anxiety and sent me home the next morning telling me I will be fine and I had them for another 4days constantly it was freaky but even after the hospital stay and being told I'm fine they still freak me out x