View Full Version : Ugh

11-18-2012, 07:15 PM
Does it get better? It seems like I guess I expect miracles . I am only on day 6 tonight for my antidepressant . I feel somewhat normal but stil have panic episodes . I have lorazapam to help but it just sucks today I already took my twice a day limit. I guess I am just scared and I love my kids but it has been hard to focus with them like I did before this damn GAD. Sorry to complain it just helps to know other people are going thru or have been thru the same thing.

11-19-2012, 04:43 PM
It'll get better if you take the right steps.

Simply drugging yourself up to the eyeballs everyday will unlikely cure you in the long term.

Firstly, when and (if you can answer) why did you develop anxiety / panic disorder?
(There's ALWAYS a reason... beit a previous trauma / difficulty or an overwhelming accumulation of fears / worries or just plain old stressed out)

Once you've pin-pointed the cause then maybe we can look at ways of dealing with it.

11-19-2012, 07:41 PM
- Dazz is right, drugs only conceal not heal anxiety.

You've got to work through the cause and understanding of anxiety.
A diagnosis is never a cure.
A diagnosis is never a cure

11-20-2012, 01:29 PM
Dazza doctor says stress and loss of sleep . I have had a lot go on over the past year. First my grandmother who lived with us died in hospice care in my home and it was hard. I just recently agonized over that. Them my husband got arrested out of state and that got cleared up. Stress over money my husband spends I save. Then probably the worst my daughter at just a year old jan 2012 was diagnosed with luekemia. Oh my god! She doing well now just have to keep close eye on her . Then in may my uncle was killed or suicide his death undetermined. I have been strong for so long. Then one day out of the blue trouble sleeping so always needing sleep aid one panic attack 3 mths ago moved along. Then just this last month paid everyday and just miserable and scared thought I had heart problems went to Er was diagnosed with Gad given lorazapam and saw a dr and got ad generic for celexa can't think of name of it and on day 7 and just still feel crappy and trying to pull through for my kids but I am just scared and not sleeping Just want some relief. Thanks for reading! Going to a counselor soon ...I guess unloading on my family isn't relief enough!