View Full Version : Help ! Extreme paranoia or just plain crazy.

11-18-2012, 08:38 AM
I feel hopeless . I don't know what to do.

I've been diagnosed with Anxiety and panic disorder along with depression. My doctor had prescribed me Zoloft and i didn't
take it very long because i didn't like how it made me feel and it didn't kick in instantly , i had to take a half a pill
and then a full pill when I had reached 30 days to see a change. I could never stick with it longer than a week. This was
when i was 16 or 17. I am now 18

I'm starting to feel crazy. i feel like something is after me , something demonic or ghost.

I don't believe I'm crazy or Schizophrenic.Feeling like this has me up all night I can't sleep at night. I wait until sunrise
until the morning where i feel I'm safe to finally sleep

When I sleep at night I feel the bed shake and i feel a presence like something is hovering over me. So i get up and check
the house about 20 times to make sure doors and windows are lock just in cause. I'm feeling very paranoid. Any noise the house
makes, I am up running around making sure somebody is not trying break in or a demonic or ghost.

The reason why I believe ghost or demonic things are after me is because. When i was 15, my old house had a haunting and
my mom and grandma experienced it too. Family and friends would experience it. We had somebody come to the house to see if
we had any spirit activity and we did. This really frightening me , Since I was the target of their spirit shenanigans.I think this worse my condition even more

Sometimes when I do sleep my body goes into sleep paralysis and it freaks me out.

This is the Last year of school since I am a senior. I sleep all day since I can't go to sleep at night. When I wake up, I don't want
to do any homework.I can't sit there and concentrate at all. I can't remember anything I read. I'm home-schooled since I was 15.

I don't know if I'm having extreme panic attacks or if I'm Schizophrenic or If i have PTSD from what I experience at 15( I don't believe ghost are apart of PTSD Symptom list though)
but if i was Schizophrenic, everybody who experienced what I did would be too right? or I'm I only Schizophrenic at night? Idk

I have kaiser, so it takes about a week or so to be finally seen and I'm scared to tell her everything cause Im scared she is just gonna diagnose me with

Anybody else feel like this or can give me some insight.
I know some of the things i talked about don't really go with anxiety or panic attacks.

Please help

Mr Anxious
11-18-2012, 09:27 AM

Not quite the same but a little similar,

Ive had problems with anxiety for 12 years, i used to think i had a serious mental problem, i used to argue with my doctor telling him he doesn't know what he's talking about lol,

For a long time when i was younger , i used to have a reoccurring thought that i was living in a dream lol and used to get all kinds of weird feelings, (sleep paralysis, been there)

I can sort of see now that it is anxiety and in a way im just winding myself up with obsessive thoughts, and i still do it a bit today with other thoughts,

Its probably best to speak to a professional just on some clarity on what it is, don't be like me and tell them there talking rubbish, if not do some research into your symptoms and thoughts, you may be surprised that others may have had similar thoughts, also try something like a little CBT and try to look at your thoughts and evaluate how realistic they are, its not easy or easy to believe.

My advice don't believe all your thoughts are true, perhaps they are automatic or as like me winding myself up, and yes it is scary but don't be afraid to talk about,

Any problems get in touch

All the best


similarish sort of thing another person has asked elsewhere, may be some help, cant post link as said need 25 posts let me know if wanted an i will mail it too you