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11-18-2012, 06:56 AM
So for the past 3 days my heart rate has been between 100-150 bpm. Trying to get advice from my family to see if I should go to doctors but they insist there's nothing wrong with me and its all in my head! 138 bpm right when I get up from sleeping??

11-18-2012, 07:01 AM
So for the past 3 days my heart rate has been between 100-150 bpm. Trying to get advice from my family to see if I should go to doctors but they insist there's nothing wrong with me and its all in my head! 138 bpm right when I get up from sleeping??

My heart rate is always high, even when I have just woken up or when I'm really tired and about to go to sleep. I would say that it is just anxiety, but if you would feel better going to the doctors then do that, if it will put your mind at rest xx

11-18-2012, 07:26 AM
Josh - you already know that anxiety / panic can and often does cause an increased heart rate. This is a known.

Also, we very rarely just wake up in a flash. We often stir around for some time before we actually open our eyes. The waking process is gradual.
It could be that the moment your brain STARTS to wake up, anxiety is flowing... and by the time you've opened your eyes you're in a bit of a pickle.

Do you feel uneasy when you wake? could it be any meds you take?

I must say, I'm usually extremely calm first thing. In fact, I look forward to the stiring.

Trouble is with anxiety, it / you tend to form habits. If you haven't already, you're probably already forming one now in that you're now gonna be worrying about it every time you wake... a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In my opinion, the heart rate should NOT be this high for such lengths of time. It IS NOT dangerous, but it doesn't sound normal either... unless you're in a continous state of fight or flight, which would also cause other symptoms, such as pains, etc.

Thyroid? tell-tale sign is that the hands shake when you put them out straight in front of you.
Sugar levels?

Get checked, just in case.

Highly unlikely to be directly heart related, but more of an external factor to the heart.

11-18-2012, 07:32 AM
I'm in the same boat as you. Mine has been high for 2 weeks. It's annoying and uncomfortable. I've been to the dr and she says there is nothing wrong. Did an EKG which was normal. I don't get chest pains, or arm pains with it. Do you? I actually went to bed early last night because my hr was at 75 and it felt so good I knew I could relax and fall asleep easily. I told myself to remember this feeling. I knew it would be high when I woke up, and yes, it is high again. I told myself to feel my heartbeat without judgment. Just feel it and move on. Easier said than done, but I am trying. I have a lot to accomplish today and I need some sanity and clarity. I've allowed myself to be eaten up by anxiety for too many days. Time to buck up and take hold. Another thing...I WILL NOT check my pulse today. If I have to tie my hands in a rope, I will. Checking it feeds my fear. Good luck my friend. I completely understand your worry. I'm there right now. I'm glad you posted this. Keep me updated.

11-18-2012, 07:42 AM
I've been to a cardiologist before, had a stress echo done! Doc says it perfectly fine! Had my thyroid levels checked and was normal. Blood tests came back negative. I've had chest pains when my anxiety first started! Then the pains turned to palpitations! But I've never had my heart rate, while resting, 150 bpm. Kinda scary and my family is no help so!

11-18-2012, 08:27 AM
Although you feel your family aren't helping maybe they're just being flippant in order to stop you worrying and they may think they are reassuring you by not acting worried, they probably are right and it's nothing to worry about and is just anxiety but unless they've felt the way you do they can't sympathise properly, I do get this too and I mean really fast and it comes in waves but when I do get it I generally feel very nervous with it too so I know it's prob anxiety but you just can't help your mind thinking otherwise, I'm almost certain it is anxiety but its always good to get checked if its worrying you so much x