View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

11-16-2012, 10:02 PM
Ok, so I have had a day from hell! I have been battling panic disorder for about 12 yrs now, ever since my first child was born, but had no clue that was what I had until a few years back, when I finally went to the doc after dealing w/panic attacks and self medicating w/ alcohol or smoking pot. So I was prescribed Lexapro which I took for about 6 months and it seemed to help. Then I moved from IL to AZ yr and a half ago and also got pregnant w/baby #4 so I went off the Lexapro plus needed a doc etc etc. So fast forward to 7 months ago... I had my baby and when she was around 6 weeks old I started having dizzy spells and instantly told myself I have cancer (doesn't matter what symptom or pqin I experience I automatically think the worst and fear death). So finally in August I made an appt w/my doc as then I was also experiencing internal trembling and had experienced 2 panic attacks in 1 week. She prescribed me Zoloft and Xanax for anxiety and panic disorder after my blood work came back normal. I've never had an EKG on my heart or any kind of scan of my head and worry that something more serious is wrong because those other things have not been checked. So now the last few days I am experiencing some like tingly kind of feeling behind my ears .... almost like my head is being massaged kinda (its hard to explain) anyhow, was wondering if this is anxiety related as well? I almost wonder if I felt it once and now its just a constant worry in my head because if I keep myself busy for the most part I don't feel it (8t comes and goes) anyway it really has me convinced now that I'm dying from something .... its terrible I hate living like this. Also I am terrified to take the meds the doc prescribed :/ can anyone else relate?! Thanks for reading through all of this

11-17-2012, 01:13 AM

Whew! Take a breath, girl! You are really going through it. Four kids! Wow. I have 3 cats, and that's too much for me, sometimes. I'm no doctor, but everything you have described sounds like anxiety. I am pretty confident, considering your recent pregnancy and birth (congrats, btw), and you've recently seen your doctor and discussed your fears, that you are experiencing severe anxiety. The mind is a funny thing, it knows what you're afraid of and can play on that. Trust your doctors and take your pills, and see a therapist for some coping skills and to talk about your fears. You can also try journaling. Sometimes, just the act of writing it down will quell or squash the fear outright. Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.


11-17-2012, 12:46 PM
Thank you! I do tell myself its only anxiety and close to 80% of the time it works. And the other 20 I am hanging by a thread fearing the worst. I just started a retail job hoping that by keeping my mind busy w/customers would help but I think I'm just anxious learning all the new ropes but I feel it helps to get me out of the house. When I just sit here (well I am busy with 4 kids) but just being at home my mind just wanders and worries. Thanks again for understanding... I don't have the understanding here!

11-17-2012, 04:39 PM
Sounds like you are doing everything you can to stay on an even keel. I'm sorry you don't feel understood or supported right now. Have you ever tried journaling? Sometimes just getting your fears on paper is enough to dispel them.


11-17-2012, 05:10 PM
Has anyone ever felt while sleeping like a warm flush through the body?

11-17-2012, 06:21 PM
I was scared to take the meds too, at first. I filled them and they sat in my medicine cabinet for weeks, months!!! Finally, I broke down and took them, so glad I did!!!! I'm feeling much better and I'm able to do more with my kids.

11-17-2012, 11:52 PM
Sounds like you are doing everything you can to stay on an even keel. I'm sorry you don't feel understood or supported right now. Have you ever tried journaling? Sometimes just getting your fears on paper is enough to dispel them.


Yeah I really am. I have been taking 45 minute walks daily. I am not understood or supported at home ... nobody understands what an anxiety sufferer goes through unless you are one. My husband is so judgmental and gets mad that I don't take my meds but my anxiety does not even affect him, as I don't talk to him about it. He doesn't understand it and will just throw it in my face and gets upset that I "don't listen to my doc (meaning taking the meds)" but I don't do it on purpose I just get anxious about taking them. They are sitting in my cabinet and I have tried numerous times to take them but I back out everytime... I just want to try to tackle this with my own natural approaches (eating right... exercise etc). I think I will try the journaling and see if it helps. I know it helps just writing on here and having others understand what I go through. Thank you for writing back and suggeating the journal writing... I do appreciate the feedback :)

11-17-2012, 11:53 PM
I was scared to take the meds too, at first. I filled them and they sat in my medicine cabinet for weeks, months!!! Finally, I broke down and took them, so glad I did!!!! I'm feeling much better and I'm able to do more with my kids.

Which meds are you taking? I was prescribed zoloft and xanax and have yet to even take one :/

11-17-2012, 11:55 PM
Has anyone ever felt while sleeping like a warm flush through the body?

Can you explain exactly... like does it wake you? Or do you feel just as you fall asleep or?? I know I have experienced just as I fall asleep a shaking sensation that freaks me out and then makes me panic and makes it hard to fall asleep... anxiety can suck and just know you are not alone.