View Full Version : all in my head?

04-21-2007, 06:06 AM

There are some years since I've seen many doctors. Most say there is nothing wrong and it's all in my head.

The symptoms are: constant pain in neck/head(occipital) and the sensation of dizziness like after one or two beers, but with no euforia :(
The pain does not go away with painkillers. Anyone else has these kind of symptoms for long periods? What do you do to make them go away?

If these symptoms last longer then I get heart palpitations and other classical anxiety symptoms, probably because I get worried. So doctors say that stress and anxiety are causing me the symptoms, but I feel the opposite.

04-21-2007, 09:00 AM
It sounds like youre "worrying yourself sick", kinda hypachondriate-sp??

Have you considered taking meds? Or trying cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?

04-22-2007, 03:10 AM
it's hard to try therapy when you are convinced there is a physical cause.