View Full Version : Chest pains?

11-16-2012, 06:02 PM
Hi, just wondering if anyone experiences somewhat sharp chest pains ever?

I accidentally inhaled some of my friend's marijuana (which sets off my panic attacks really quick, I usually leave the room if they light up.) and for the last 2 weeks I've been experiencing almost constant chest pains as well as constant pressure above my eyes.

Is it a common symptom for people to experience these? Any idea as how long it will last? The pressure went away after a week but after that I've been having the pains in the middle of my ribcage.

11-16-2012, 07:55 PM
MJ sets off interesting effects; anxiety being a terrible by-product.

Go see a doctor and get checked out, once you've been given the clear, then work on your anxiety and stay clear of negative triggers.
