View Full Version : New to group

11-16-2012, 03:57 PM
Going to be taking my 4 th dose of med tonight. Can't remember the name of the med just know it is the generic form of celexa. Still have panic in the evening and feel like crap. I am not even sure how I got on this road. My doctor said I had been over stressed for sometime along with sleep depravation. I am scared and I just want to be normal again for my family and my beautiful children. My baby girl most of all who is so strong battling luekemia. She doing well knock on wood!! I just want to be me again! Thanks for reading.

11-16-2012, 04:00 PM
Hi there, and welcome :]
Keep positive best you can, maybe read some of the stickies here to learn good ways to fight it. You're on the road to recovery though! You'll be normal again, you just have to work hard. I hope your daughter stays well too :]

11-16-2012, 08:00 PM
Hugs Wynlowe, you are not alone. Being a Mum is a joy and a challenge and it would be even harder when you have a sick baby. I'm not surprised you are feeling strung out! It's understandable. I'm doing great with my meds (nearly 2 weeks on lexapro). I hope you feel some relief from your anxiety soon :)

11-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Thank you just so scared.