View Full Version : open space, space, anxiety, panic attack

11-16-2012, 02:45 PM
Hi, its took me a while to accept that this is taking over my life in so many ways. I cant do half the things i used to do. Go out with my friends to the cinema, go to town, go on holiday (GET A PLANE), theme parks, day trips.

My anxiety and panic attacks first started about a year ago and half ago, i first became aware of it after a hard break up with my ex boyfriend. It crushed me. It got to the point where i bottled everything up for so long my body could no longer take it. It was the thought of me not wanting to accept the breakup. I wanted to believe that we would always get back together as i thought he was the love of my life and still is.... I cried and cried myself to sleep everything night, pretending i was fine to my friends like i was happy as ever (even though i was feeling the complete opposite). After so long, of bottling things up it led to anxiety. The feeling is hard to explain like i was floating... scard, dizzy, like something bad was going to happen to me. It was horrible. The worst feeling ever. It got worse. As months passed the panic attacks arrived. They arrived when i least expected it. It was like i lost whole control of my body. Heart beating, feeling dizzy, feeling faint, thinking the worst. The panic attacks carried on for several months... then just stopped. They stopped for quite a while.. then came back again.

In July 2012 this year I went on holiday with the girls, fair to say i never once thought about getting anxiety. I didnt get it on the way there or at all on holiday... it was the best holiday ever... until the flight home. As soon as the plane took off, then it hit me the anxiety... the panic.. it hit me straight away. Four hours on a plane full of these episodes of course i thought well that was it, how the hell am i going to make it home? From already being drained with hardly any sleep from drinking all holiday my body was already exhausted... so to pile on panic attacks wasnt what i needed. I first began to feel strange like i was spinning, dizzy and i didnt feel safe. I keep thinking danger... I just wanted to get home and see my mum but knowing it would take four hours made me feel worse. Eventually i made it home which left me shaken for a long time, however the unstable emotion stayed which has left me feeling worse. Its now triggered to me hating open spaces. As soon as see the sky, i freak out, i want to run in doors? I see as danger? Why? Its just space? Why does it make me feel so nervous and scard?
Even Space scares me all the planets, the unknown freaks me out? I just want to it go away. Typing this makes me feel uneasy. Space is space. Has been for years. Why is it effecting me so much? Its thougth of the earth and gravity. without gravity we wouldnt have the earth? what if gravity dissappeared thats what scares me the earth wil fall? that needs to get out my head and never come back you see its the phobias that trigger my anxierty. feeling unsafe all the open spaces, space in general, heights?

someone help me to resolve all this as it is offically ruining my life

11-16-2012, 09:27 PM

It sounds as if you are financially secure. Do you have health insurance? If you do, you probably have coverage for mental health disorders. I know it's a risk talking to someone, and putting trust in the process, but it's worth the investment in you to take that risk. Many places now will do phone or even home interviews. My advice would be to take a chance. You're worth it!


11-17-2012, 12:07 PM

It sounds as if you are financially secure. Do you have health insurance? If you do, you probably have coverage for mental health disorders. I know it's a risk talking to someone, and putting trust in the process, but it's worth the investment in you to take that risk. Many places now will do phone or even home interviews. My advice would be to take a chance. You're worth it!


I do. My doctors recommended me for therapy which shall be good. I'm suffering with vertigo at the moment for a week now, does it go away on its own? As its not an illness more like a symptom from an ear infection or something? Kinda ruining my daily routine at the moment. Thankyou for replying!

11-19-2012, 01:51 AM
Sorry, I know next to nothing about vertigo. I hope it resolves for you soon.


11-19-2012, 06:09 AM
Katie, lay off the drink for now as it drains your GABA which calms you. We all pretty much feel abit tense after a long night out but anxiety sufferers can see a temp increase in anxiety for sure. Do go to therapy and get educated on anxiety, talk over what's going on in your life now and in the past, etc, and PM me any time. Alankay.

11-20-2012, 05:20 AM
thankyou so much replying. yeah i will stay away from alcohol for a good few weeks, i have been going out nearly everyweekend drinking for a few weeks. Im on some medication now but its not doing anything. my anxiety is just constant at the moment. i will get therapy, am i going through another phrase? do you know any home remedies to reduce anxiety? and do you know anything about vertigo? ive been feeling unbalanced, dizzy for about 7 days now, but people say it will just go away in time? as its a virus?