View Full Version : Worst i have ever felt!

11-16-2012, 01:38 PM
I feel terrible.. Derealization is out of control, I can't feel myself breathe and it feels as though I am having to force myself to breathe. I also can't feel myself swallow so i haven't eaten at all today. I feel as if I habe to force myself to breathe or i'll die! This is the scariest sensation i've ever had, is this just really bad anxiety? Need some help :-(

11-16-2012, 01:56 PM
It is. I always feel that way when I'm having anxiety and even though I know it's anxiety, each time is scary because I still think something serious is wrong. Hope you're calming down right now and realizing it is anxiety

11-16-2012, 02:17 PM
I agree. Sometimes I feel like I can breathe but then I say to myself silly me this happens everyday and I'm still around. The only thing with me is that anxiety doesn't stop me from eating. Thank God!

11-16-2012, 02:23 PM
Hey you :)
I get derealisation/depersonalisation quite badly, its the scariest thing ever.
The first bit of advice I'm going to give you is distraction! Distraction, distraction, distraction.
You know when your sat thinking how nothing is familiar blah, blah. Do something, I talk to people, go on my fone, clean, go out.
Believe me that can help a hell of a lot, it starts to bring you out of that bubble.
The second is don't search for a cure. There's no miracle out there to help us, the only thing you can do is accept it and move on, don't think I don't know that that's a lot easier said then done! I still get it every single day but its no longer constant.
All that needs doing is your brain needs a rest, its burnt out, when you sit and wonder about what's happening to you (your breathing, your swallowing, etc) its tiring your brain out even more, you have the power to stop yourself, your in control of your own thoughts. When I feel myself starting to think about these things I just tell myself to stop it, before it even begins, because let's face it, its stupid. Its a stupid thing. There stupid thoughts that we should dwell on do you know why? Because there's no point. Just think so what?
All these things that are scaring us, the derealisation so what? We still have family and friends that we love, we still have lives, just pick yourself up and carry on, live your life like its not even there, that's what I'm doing, I've only started doing this for a few weeks and already I feel so much better. Its got to the point where I don't even care about it and that's what I want you to do.
Just don't give 2 f**ks about it. Things start to look familiar again, they stop scaring you, you start to live again, and with that the derealisation fades, its fading with me, it will for you.
Trust yourself, trust your brain, its protecting you and trust that you will get better. Once you start doing this, and stop dwelling its gets SO much better believe me. I've been where you are and I get better every single day, good luck :) you can do it. Trust yourself :)

11-16-2012, 02:24 PM
I can relate to what you are going through. I have had that recently and I've been able to tell myself its anxiety... stop worrying and then I try to keep myself busy till it passes. I can recall about a year ago I was driving home from work, which then was a 40 mile commute so I had close to an hour in the car w/my thoughts just going crazy. But I remember specifically this time because I too felt like I "HAD" to tell myself to breathe or else if I didn't I seriously thought I was going to stop breathing and die. And I thought that the entire 45-50 min car ride and it was one of the worst attacks I've ever had! Maybe try to call someone just so that you can be in conversation and unable to think about it... that sometimes helps me. Good luck to you and I hope it passes quickly!

11-16-2012, 02:30 PM
I agree. We need to keep ourselves distracted at all times. I think the only cure is us. I think talking about it with people like us who have it helps. I'm dreading my car ride home tonight from work. The traffic, seat belt and coat kills me but I'm looking forward to dinner with some friends so I can vent. So I know that I will talk myself out of my panic attack on the way home.

11-16-2012, 02:35 PM
I agree. Sometimes I feel like I can breathe but then I say to myself silly me this happens everyday and I'm still around. The only thing with me is that anxiety doesn't stop me from eating. Thank God!

pahaha! Me either!

And I agree with everyone. Distract yourself by keeping your mind busy. If I'm just sitting down somewhere, I will get anxious. I always have to be doing something.

11-16-2012, 04:13 PM
Thanks for all the replies guys, hopefully this will help put my mind at rest. Could the not being able to feel myself swallow be anxiety related? It has been non stop along with the other symptoms today. I feel like theres a bit of that feeling you get before ypu get a sore throat, but it doesn't hurt. Thanks again

11-16-2012, 08:06 PM
Yes, it could be anxiety. It does crazy things to us.

11-16-2012, 08:48 PM
That's true it does to crazy things. Can numb parts of your body and such. Make your arm or shoulders hurt and such.

11-16-2012, 10:53 PM
I get the numbness with my anxiety... It's scary but the more I think about it the worse it gets.

I too get the depersonalisation, it used to set off my panic attacks but now when it happens I tell myself it's part of my anxiety and it will pass and that has helped me manage it.

I have been doing kinesiology for my anxiety and I highly recommend it!!

11-17-2012, 05:22 AM
Hello, since my anxiety started I have been getting this feeling also. I really dont like it either. I think if I didnt have this feeling I could deal with the anxiety easier.

The 2 things I have found that can really help are like others have said, distraction ( I like to play video games) and relaxation.

In fact the relaxation can bring me out the bubble fairly quickly. The thing is, it is hard to relax when you are anxious. So I ask my girlfriend to give me a back rub, which is very relaxing. 10mins later I feel human again.

The only other thing I can suggest is to not think about the feeling and try to get your thoughts projected outward and not inward.

11-17-2012, 11:49 AM
Certainly could be anxiety, but to be sure - please get checked for tonsillitis, tonsilliths and sinusitus.

Are you the same guy who posted "no gag reflex"?

You may actually have a throat infection or allergic reaction. Anxiety shouldn't cause THAT much trouble in my opinion.

11-17-2012, 09:48 PM

What can tonsilioths mean? I get them all the time and they are gross, but I didn't think they contributed to breathing problems in anyway.

I have massive tonsils, but I'm too old to get them out now.

11-18-2012, 06:42 AM

What can tonsilioths mean? I get them all the time and they are gross, but I didn't think they contributed to breathing problems in anyway.

I have massive tonsils, but I'm too old to get them out now.

I think this is another word for tonsil stones? (might have got that wrong)

Please also read this:


I notice "difficulty breathing" is one of the possible symptoms.