View Full Version : Wishing my panic attacks would go

11-16-2012, 08:32 AM
How do I tell my mum about these horrible things

11-16-2012, 09:01 AM

11-16-2012, 09:02 AM
How do I tell my mum about these horrible things

Best change your t-shirt first... she's unlikely to take you seriously dressed as a giant moostosh lmao

11-16-2012, 09:13 AM
Do you have a close relationship with your mom? If you do, it should not be hard at all. Sit her down and let her know how you feel. Let her know you went to the doctor. Refer her to this forum. At your age you shouldn't have to be going through this alone.

11-16-2012, 09:20 AM
Do you have a close relationship with your mom?

I bet she has... I imagine mom's got a moostosh t-shirts too and they both go out in them at the weekends.

11-16-2012, 10:10 AM
How do I tell my mum about these horrible things

I would sit down with her at a time where you can have her attention without anyone or anything else taking away your time. Just tell her how you're feeling, thinking and what scares you and what you're avoiding. As a mom myself I would want to know this about my kids. I hope it goes well.

11-16-2012, 11:17 AM
I would sit down with her at a time where you can have her attention without anyone or anything else taking away your time. Just tell her how you're feeling, thinking and what scares you and what you're avoiding. As a mom myself I would want to know this about my kids. I hope it goes well.

Thanks ur amazing I am gonna tell her tonight and u have helped so much

11-16-2012, 11:20 AM
I bet she has... I imagine mom's got a moostosh t-shirts too and they both go out in them at the weekends.

For ur information my mum doesn't have a matching t shirt and if she did we wouldn't wear them at the same time or go out matching and btw I don't have a close remark ship with my mum she has no time for me

11-16-2012, 11:40 AM
Is your mom a single mom? Do you try to be close to your mom? Writing a letter to your mom explaining how you feel might open up
A conversation for you if that's easier. Try also keeping a journal. I've kept journals for years and the one good thing about it is that its always there for me. It's like a shoulder to cry on and does not pass judgement on you. I'm the mom with the anxiety problems but if one of my kids were going through something regardless of what size it is I'd want to know. I have a fifteen year old daughter who a few years back was suffering from depression because of her not do perfectly skinny body and she was being bullied in school. What she was going through hurt me so much. I think it hurt me more then her. I am glad she was able to talk to me about it. Since then my daughter and I are inseperateable. I truly wish you the best. You can always count in this forum for help.

11-16-2012, 02:14 PM
Thanks ur amazing I am gonna tell her tonight and u have helped so much

Thanks but I would want to know if it was one of my kids. Let me know how it goes!!

11-17-2012, 12:01 PM
Thanks but I would want to know if it was one of my kids. Let me know how it goes!!

Turns out my mum didn't want to know I tried talking and she didn't believe me I wrote a letter and I found it ripped up in the recycling the next day I guess I am the least of her worries wth her depression . I want my happiness back I wish my panic attacks would go away :(

11-17-2012, 12:23 PM
Turns out my mum didn't want to know I tried talking and she didn't believe me I wrote a letter and I found it ripped up in the recycling the next day I guess I am the least of her worries wth her depression . I want my happiness back I wish my panic attacks would go away :(

I'm sorry it didn't go as you hoped. With your mum having depression maybe it was too much for her to deal with at the moment. Do you have an aunt or other adult you can talk to? Someone at school? You can find lots of self help here on the Internet. Or maybe your local library has books on anxiety and panic attacks. Plus you have this site. I hope your mum has better days so she can help you. You can find ways to relax.

Here are somethings I remind myself when I'm anxious:

The worst has never happened
I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion
I can't predict the future
Anxiety can't hurt me
A beating heart is a good thing
Just because you think something bad will happen it doesn't make it true
Anxiety comes from within
I am good I am strong
It only makes me uncomfortable
Stay in a situation till anxiety passes
Face it, accept it, float, let time pass

I hope these tips help you!!!!

11-18-2012, 01:29 AM
Thankyou these sound good ideas I wil try these