View Full Version : You can do it! I did (not selling you anything either) & thanks!!

11-16-2012, 07:42 AM
Hi, Ive never done this before and to be fair i didn't think i would ever reach the point where i could do this....

Im posting to say thanks to everyone out there that suffers with anxiety and to all who have posted tips and experiences. It has been great journey feeling what others have been through and coming out of the other side. Anxiety and panic is like an old friend to me now, when i knocks on my door i recognize it but i show it now fear! I enjoy mastering an on coming attack. My habits are all but fading and i have felt part of a huge family during this time through reading forums and watching youtube vids etc.

I used to picture anxiety suffers as weedy & it mainly effected women! and then BOOOOM a 28 year old 6 foot 4 guy like me gets completely freaked out, heart thumping, instant panic - the need to get out of the room... I used to think this is it im dying.. IT CAME FROM NO WHERE!!
After around an hour of being freaked out - the aftershocks soon set in. the constant panic that something is wrong with me and i haven't got much time left.. it just kept bringing it all back.. I used to imagine my throat closing up by chest was constantly heavy. I was compulsive and my job was unbearable!! My stomach ached constantly - i was lethargic.
Everything changed in a heartbeat...... (or a rush of them)

Now i didn't register on any of these sites - i just watched and read others experiences.. That question "is anxiety curable", searching for answers like "will it end"...

It has been a 2 years struggle if i'm honest, i don't even believe i am better - or anything has been fixed. Its all still kind of here with me but i am no longer scared. Which has stopped the stress, eased my stomach, my throat... my mind. I have come to accept that i have faced death and we are all stronger and blessed from experiencing that! We could have died but we didn't - we faced it and we are now stronger.

I believe anxiety is a cycle - when something happens in your life for the first time its new and scary!! but as it keeps happening it becomes habit and compulsive. if anyone is reading this to see how i got over this you have to learn to hate the feelings..and not fear them. I started winning the battle when i believed that there was no point in carrying on living feeling like this - i may as well be dead! its a sh!t existence! And that's where the hate grew..

I used to wake every morning and it was on my mind
I used to go bed and it was on my mind
I used to drive and it was on my mind..
I used to work and it was on my fuuckiing mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was scared my son would have to grow up without me thinking that was the worst thing in the world that could ever happen!

I was wrong! if i am to die at any point there is nothing i can do about it and i needed to accept it and embrace the biggest and most horrific fear ever!!


I had to change the way i accepted my thoughts - just because i thought i was going to die didnt mean i was going to die
A thought could pop into my mind now that the sky was going to turn green - it doesn't mean that it will happen. Its soo easy to freak yourself out, I had to accept that a thought was just a thought it wasn't written in stone!

i had to believe that if i was to die there was nothing i could do about it - i was powerless. And i would probably know nothing about it anyway. Its a strange thing to fear because when it happens its done and dusted. Why ruin this (YOUR LIFE)

I had to relax - believe it or not, the stretching and tensing - then releasing, if this becomes habitual you will have no anxiety - it is defiantly relaxing. Do something you want to do! Forget about others for a while - just have fun when you can!

If you suffer from any of my symptoms its not going to be over tomorrow - it takes time. Time will mend your actions and thoughts. It will turn something tragic into something acceptable. Time is everything - do not give up!!!!!

I take borocca every morning - B vitamins!! give me a major boost!! I quit smoking and took up airwaves (mint menthol chewing gum to ease the airways)


DONT BUY THESE STUPID HELP GUIDES - The community has all the experience - we have all been through it - all these guys want is your money and that will lead to less fun for you!

Dont be scared of having a beer (in moderation) it will help you relax if your not on any meds! get out of the house and enjoy a pint or a glass of wine now an then! Dont listen to every health warning! At this stage in your life you will take it as the bible! when everyone is different and everything effects us all in different ways!!

Get some exercise, walk swim or run - these will all give you a nice high and a chilled low

When you feel your back and your shoulders tense up - relax them. They are probably tense right now!! so relax them. CHill!!

DOnt ever forget that you can do this - its all natural, a natural response and it cant harm you! WHen you stop reacting to every twitch they will stop.

And the biggest and hardest challenge is to accept your friend fear - when a panic sets in you are familiar with the ride. You already know where it will take you and you know the symptoms. The second you ride it and allow yourself to shrug this feeling off you will become in control of it again - as we all are from birth. You have simply lost control of it through fear. Its natural and its beautiful - the adrenaline empowers us - its like our body working overdrive - superhuman.

Anyway - i hope this helps somebody like it helped me - there is more but you need to find your own path!!