View Full Version : Panic averted

11-14-2012, 11:43 PM
I just successfully stopped a panic attack in its tracks. :) I feel so much better.

11-15-2012, 12:09 AM
Awesome! Tell us how you did it?

11-15-2012, 12:44 AM
Awesome! Tell us how you did it?

Don't jump too soon... for all you know Agraves may have dashed to A&E with his therapist, then drank 1 litre of neat whisky to wash down 5 valium pills!


11-15-2012, 01:34 AM
Haha no, I told myself, shut up. I splashed cool water on my face told myself to get a grip, and then I read my Bible which took my mind off what set me off in the first place. So. Maybe if someone would prefer not to read a Bible, then so then do else comforting like watch a comedy flick or read something else. I just forced myself not to think about what made me panicky.

11-15-2012, 03:32 PM
Excellent! Thats the best way to stop a panic attack dead in its tracks, distract yourself!
For many people, they never think about distracting them selfs when they feel an attack coming on, i know i didn't!
I used to feel one coming and panic about having a panic attack, haha!
I used to think "its coming, its coming, there is no way to stop it, its going to happen!" But no, i was a fool and thought there was no way of avoiding it, turns out there is and its simple, think of something else!
I am glad you have found this technique and have used it successfully!

AnnaLea :)

11-15-2012, 03:37 PM
I was always told not to add the second fear. The second fear is what puts you into panic mode. First you have something that triggers the first fear, like your walking in the grocery store and all of a sudden you get a weird feeling. The second fear is when you say oh no there is a panic attack coming oh no oh no I need to leave here. If you can stop right at the first fear and say this is normal there is nothing to worry about, then your can avoid the 2nd fear. Splashing your face with water, reading, turning on tv, or other forms of distraction are great for avoiding the 2nd fear.

11-15-2012, 11:02 PM
Certain things cause my anxiety. And I'd I watch a movie or tv show or read a book that is about that trigger then I get real panicky. So for me it's really about avoiding my trigger.

11-15-2012, 11:25 PM
Hello to my new friends. I am now in major depression but the panic has been going on for many years. With the money I've spent on Psychs I testify that right brain/left brain activities really help. I started with the alphabet backward, then switched over when I couldn't drive home from work without freaking out to verbally saying tag numbers, make, model, color of cars. But the best one I have found yet is picking a subject (names, cars, sports, whatever) and go from A to Z in your mind. It puts me to sleep most nights. I can control the anxiety but the full blown panic attacks I still need my trusty paper bags and the meds have to come sometimes. Another calming thing for me is knowing that if I lose it I will pass out for less than a minute and all is well again. After over 20 years I now know that I'm not dying (even though it feels like it) The depression is what is getting to me right now. But..after just joining yesterday I'm already feeling that I'm not alone and I also try to remain positive. It's hard as hell but the alternative is to give up on a 16 year old that has excelled in school and music beyond my belief and a husband of only 7 months. I try to count my blessings but lately I have to check myself. I DO want to give up but I know that I can't. I look forward to being a part of this group. Sometimes others just don't understand!