View Full Version : Shall i Start Taking Pills ?
So Basically after suffering From Depression and anxiety for 8 Months I decide to go to psychiatric and she Prescribed Me with Faveline and lexamil Which is antidepressants which can be used for Both Anxiety and Depression
My Questions is Should i start taking Pills or There might Be something else i can try ? and if anybody Took antidepressants did They work for you ?
How Much Time Will it take for them to Show Improvements ?
and For How Long Will i Be taking Them ?
Does depression make you feel sick, nausea and cause your Bp to Be Raised Too ?
Keeping in mind am just 18
maggie tia
11-14-2012, 05:32 PM
So Basically after suffering From Depression and anxiety for 8 Months I decide to go to psychiatric and she Prescribed Me with Faveline and lexamil Which is antidepressants which can be used for Both Anxiety and Depression
My Questions is Should i start taking Pills or There might Be something else i can try ? and if anybody Took antidepressants did They work for you ?
How Much Time Will it take for them to Show Improvements ?
and For How Long Will i Be taking Them ?
Does depression make you feel sick, nausea and cause your Bp to Be Raised Too ?
Keeping in mind am just 18
Iv suffered anxiety for 7 years & only recently have done something about it.. I have been prescribed lexapro also an anti depressant that treats anxiety also.. I'm on day 4 I think it will be rewarding in the long run
11-14-2012, 05:39 PM
Another teenager bites the anxiety dust...
Do you really want your life to be ruled by medication, depression and anxiety? Really... is that what you want?
I'd be fucked if I did at 18... there was far too much fun to be had.
Seriously question the step you're about to take. Look at the options good and hard... take a deep breath and realise that life doesn't need to be this way. No one is making you go down this path to oblivion.
C'mon... you're stronger than this, surely?
Fight. Fight hard. Fight like you're life is at stake... because frankly, it is.
Iv suffered anxiety for 7 years & only recently have done something about it.. I have been prescribed lexapro also an anti depressant that treats anxiety also.. I'm on day 4 I think it will be rewarding in the long run
am starting my pills after 2 days Hope they Help Me. 7 years That Must have been awful.
Another teenager bites the anxiety dust...
Do you really want your life to be ruled by medication, depression and anxiety? Really... is that what you want?
I'd be fucked if I did at 18... there was far too much fun to be had.
Seriously question the step you're about to take. Look at the options good and hard... take a deep breath and realise that life doesn't need to be this way. No one is making you go down this path to oblivion.
C'mon... you're stronger than this, surely?
Fight. Fight hard. Fight like you're life is at stake... because frankly, it is.
No i really Don't Want to But My Main Diagnosis Was Depression Which was caused By Trauma's and am really Sick of being sick, afraid, Weak. My parents are fed up with me and my constant Failing and Visiting Doctors. and i really Tried many Things Like eating healthy, Going Out, etc. But Non Have improved me maybe pills could help me and i wont let myself be addicted to them i hope soo. and Why is it at Stake Dont Freak me out plzz Why ?
11-14-2012, 06:08 PM
No i really Don't Want to But My Main Diagnosis Was Depression Which was caused By Trauma's and am really Sick of being sick, afraid, Weak. My parents are fed up with me and my constant Failing and Visiting Doctors. and i really Tried many Things Like eating healthy, Going Out, etc. But Non Have improved me maybe pills could help me and i wont let myself be addicted to them i hope soo. and Why is it at Stake Dont Freak me out plzz Why ?
Addiction - that's why. Especially at your age and vulnerability.
All the shit that plagues you now WON'T last forever you know. It WILL all pass and one day be a distant memory.
(I know it doesn't seem this way, but TRUST me, I'm right)
You're effectively grieving over whatever traumas have occured. Just as someone grieves over losing a partner in a broken relationship.
The ensuing, world-destroying depression / sadness / guilt / confusion is a shock reaction. As with all shocks... their initial impact is great, but through hell and high water they fade.
It is up to you of course. The "happy pills" may offer some comfort but heed the above... it WILL pass in time.
I Really Hope you are right. But you are saying That i will be addicted to pills But maybe i wont and after some Time I will withdraw from them and become fine. and btw what's addiction mean like how can it start ?
11-14-2012, 06:34 PM
Don't be afraid to take medication to help. That's why medicine exists. It's like having to take medicine for high blood pressure or cholesterol. They are made to help you. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries before you find the right one. The same goes for birth control pills, high blood pressure pills and cholesterol pills and other Meds. They are made to help us. You can ween yourself off them once you feel better. People get on diets and ween themselves of high blood pressure and cholesterol Meds all the time. So what's the worst if you can ween yourself off? Would you rather live like a zoombie? If you don't try you won't find out.
11-15-2012, 01:13 AM
I Really Hope you are right. But you are saying That i will be addicted to pills But maybe i wont and after some Time I will withdraw from them and become fine. and btw what's addiction mean like how can it start ?
I'm not trying to scare you, pills might work for you and you may not become addicted.
I'm just telling you that you have a choice :-)
Knowing you have a choice should provide you with some comfort... because sometimes people BELIEVE they have no other choice but to drug themselves up in order to escape their own minds, but actually - they have.
Repeat: I AM in control. I CAN manage this. I'M a slave to my own mind - that is all, there is nothing physically wrong with me.
Regarding medication, if you HAVE to go this route, then I would suggest NOT jumping in at the deep end, but rather try something less drastic first.
I took diazepam ONLY when I absolutely had to. When I really couldn't cope with the panic & physical symptoms that ensued.
At worst, this amounted to about 3 pills a week (as opposed to the maximum of up to 3 pills a day)
Work on self control in parallel with taking pills WHEN NEEDED. Just having the pills in your pocket is often enough to provide comfort, proving that the placebo effect is VERY effective.
With this in mind, try natural stuff first like BACHS rescue remedy - a mildly alcoholic + herb calming mixture than comes in a spray or drops.
Keep this in your pocket and PRETEND it is your cure. Convince yourself this is a miracle drug and it will work.
Don't be afraid to take medication to help. That's why medicine exists. It's like having to take medicine for high blood pressure or cholesterol. They are made to help you. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries before you find the right one. The same goes for birth control pills, high blood pressure pills and cholesterol pills and other Meds. They are made to help us. You can ween yourself off them once you feel better. People get on diets and ween themselves of high blood pressure and cholesterol Meds all the time. So what's the worst if you can ween yourself off? Would you rather live like a zoombie? If you don't try you won't find out.
Yea I Guess am gonna Try Them
Its up to you if you take pills.
But from some one that more or less got conned into taking his first one at 21 and not dealing with the problem or being told that i had options i would say that i would never do it again unless i was to try ever single option i could .
The simply fact of the a matter is the drugs help with symptoms , they do not fix the problem .
Addiction i would not worry too much about at this stage . It is not a addiction as such were you body demands more drugs . When there are stopped they is a period of time that your symptoms may come back while you brain adjust without drugs . But at that stage you should have dealt with the underlying problems .
Why Would You not take the pills if you had the chance again ? is it Because of the side effects or They Do not Really Help Explain Your Experience with them plzz and what was your condition was it anxiety or Depression ?
I'm not trying to scare you, pills might work for you and you may not become addicted.
I'm just telling you that you have a choice :-)
Knowing you have a choice should provide you with some comfort... because sometimes people BELIEVE they have no other choice but to drug themselves up in order to escape their own minds, but actually - they have.
Repeat: I AM in control. I CAN manage this. I'M a slave to my own mind - that is all, there is nothing physically wrong with me.
Regarding medication, if you HAVE to go this route, then I would suggest NOT jumping in at the deep end, but rather try something less drastic first.
I took diazepam ONLY when I absolutely had to. When I really couldn't cope with the panic & physical symptoms that ensued.
At worst, this amounted to about 3 pills a week (as opposed to the maximum of up to 3 pills a day)
Work on self control in parallel with taking pills WHEN NEEDED. Just having the pills in your pocket is often enough to provide comfort, proving that the placebo effect is VERY effective.
With this in mind, try natural stuff first like BACHS rescue remedy - a mildly alcoholic + herb calming mixture than comes in a spray or drops.
Keep this in your pocket and PRETEND it is your cure. Convince yourself this is a miracle drug and it will work.
Ok so here is what am going to do and plz tell me if you support this or not
am goin to take the antidepressants with minimum dosages but i wont really depend on them to Be Happy or calm. am travelling to my home country after 3 weeks or less where am going to live there. i have many friends there and am going to start university there and this is what really going to make me Happy. But am just going to take those pills to give me a Push start and i wont ever let myself get addicted. Thanks you for your advice alot
11-15-2012, 09:48 AM
I'm no doctor but I don't see anything wrong with that as long as your under a doctors care. Make sure when you arrive at your country you follow up with a doctor.
11-15-2012, 10:42 AM
Ok so here is what am going to do and plz tell me if you support this or not
am goin to take the antidepressants with minimum dosages but i wont really depend on them to Be Happy or calm. am travelling to my home country after 3 weeks or less where am going to live there. i have many friends there and am going to start university there and this is what really going to make me Happy. But am just going to take those pills to give me a Push start and i wont ever let myself get addicted. Thanks you for your advice alot
Sounds good to me!
So Forwels basically you are saying is That i should wait For Till I Travel to Egypt and not to take AD's and i if i dont feel any improvement then i should Take Them ? and one more thing Why are you still on them 16 years is too long i thought you only Take them for one year or 6 months then you're Back to Normal ? one more thing Thanks alot For your Help
Thank You a lot Forwells I've Been soo scared and confused Thinking am Stuck in this State of mind with no support from anyone Neither Family or friends. God Bless you and Thanks For your advice. I Have Massive Respect for ppl like you :)
11-15-2012, 05:11 PM
I think no matter what you take, you need the proper supplements to actually help heal you. Take these:
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