View Full Version : Please please please help me, I don't know what else to do.

04-19-2007, 07:35 PM
Hi, my name is Michael and I have anxiety disorder.

Ive been prescribed Lorazeapam (to take on an, as needed basis) and Propanohol to take when I feel my heart rate going too high.

I have a cavity, and I need to go to the dentist to get it fixed. The last time I was in the dentist chair I had these nervous neck twitches. Ive had the twitches for the last year. The twitches were a lot worse when I first got them, but seem to subsided to only stressful situations. I don't know why they happen. Now, I'm getting extremely stressed out about going to the dentist because of how embarrassing the twitches are, and I have no idea on how I am going to handle myself with the stress of sitting in the dentist chair. Will my Lorzeapam stop the twitches from happening in the dentist chair, or is there anything else I can take to stop the twitches from happening, like a muscle relaxant. It is so embarrassing and I don't want them to happen when getting the procedure done, but I can't keep putting off the dentist as the pain in my tooth is getting progressively worse. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP, I don't know what else to do, and I feel so lost right now.

Thank you.

04-19-2007, 07:53 PM
Be upfront with the dentist about your anxiety disorder, and the possible symptoms you might exhibit while in his chair.
Everybody knows about anxiety disorder these days; it's quite common.
You'll feel more relaxed if you've warned the dentist beforehand that these neck twitches might happen and he won't be alarmed about them.

I'm about to go back to the doctor to have a medical test repeated; I plan to be upfront with the doctor and say, "I have anxiety disorder, and waiting for medical test results is extremely difficult for me, So while you're doing this exam, please don't say anything that will cause me to worry more than I already am, or make this waiting for results needlessly stressful for me."

Because a lot of times a doctor or nurse will make a comment, and I'll take it out of context, blow it out of proportion, replay it over and over in my head until I've managed to convince myself that what they were really trying to say is that I'm dying.

So, I'd prefer they make no comment at all, not even a supposedly reassuring one. Because whatever they say, my mind will manage to twist it into something negative, and I will then take it as a bad omen or a sign that I'm suffering from a terrible disease.

And I'm going to calmly explain that to them.
And I think you should explain to your dentist about your nervous twitches.
It's better just to be upfront about these things; most medical personnel are surprisingly understanding and willing to accomodate you.

04-19-2007, 08:04 PM
It didn't even come to me, but maybe that would be helpful. It sucks so much too, because the dental assistants are very good looking women and the last time it happened I felt like a freak, and I had to make this elaborate lie as to why it happened. I hate it so much. I know my Benzos are mild tranquilizers so I wonder If i take them, if my anxiety will be put at ease - therefore putting my anxiety to rest if it will put my twitches to rest as well. The last thing I want is his needle to be prodded into my tounge while my neck starts twitching.

The problem too, is that they arn't small twitches either. They are very visible ,very hard to control twitches. And I know that if I don't think about them, they don't happen, but I keep pondering about the day I have to go there, and I worry more and more, so not thinking about it is out of the question.

Thanks for any and all replies.