View Full Version : I need your thoughts..

04-19-2007, 06:06 PM
Hi, I'm a new poster and until today I never really thought about having anxiety. I've always been pretty shy growing up, ever since I was a baby, so it just seemed normal and I just kept being shy and what not. Growing up in my teens I always had an on and off depression and just thought it would pass, but now I'm 18 and I haven't really changed much from that. I just thought it would pass and it was because of all the hormones. I found this forum through google and I read that thread about the common symptoms of anxiety, there were 122 (some were repeated) symptoms and I put an "X" next to everyone I felt, it ended up being 68, more then half.

I don't know how I should seek help, I know I should go see a doctor but I just barely turned 18 on the 3rd of april and so I'm still new to being an adult and doing things for myself. My mom never doesn't think I have anxiety, she thinks that I should start exercising more and socializing with my family more, but whenever I talk to them I don't know what to say and to carry out a conversation, I can and have before easily. If I'm in the mood I can easily talk but not about myself. I feel alone in the world like no one is like me, that I'm smarter then the average person. I see and think things that the average person my age wouldn't even know about. I hear from my friends and family about how smart I am, but I dont see it. I think of it as being weird because I don't have any friends like me.

I don't really know what to say. My mom doesn't think I have anxiety at all. She thinks I don't live a normal life I guess. I always seem to put myself down about everything, looks, emotions, thoughts etc... I think I'm ugly but girls tell me that I'm not, I just always feel inferior to other guys. I just dont really know I guess.. Sometimes I KNOW I'm not ugly but other times I'll get depressed and just feel like I am. I'm about 5'8" 150lbs, so I'm not overweight or anything, I'm a clean person in general..

but enough of my silliness haha.. I just don't really know what else to say.. I feel I have anxiety, I feel that I fail at life. I feel that I'm not supposed to be here like I've come before my time because I know that I'm smarter then most people by far, as I hear it from others around me as well. But I don't know.. I just feel I don't fit in, even though I have lots of friends and what not.. I'm always thinking to myself about everything going on in my life, whether it be abotu what happened last night and how I could have done a certain thing differently, I guess I worry about what will happen if i do one thing and not another.

Do you think I have anxiety? Sorry for the wall of text :?

I also forgot to add that I have a REALLY hard time opening myself up to others, I feel that they have enough problems of their own to deal with and they don't need to be bothered with mine so I just keep them inside. I like to help others with their problems though, whenever I have a friend in a problem I try to help them out even if they just need someone to listen to.
I have a hard time to describe my feelings to others when they ask me what I feel or what my thoughts are. I don't know what I feel or think.

I have an easy time talking to others through texts or msn messenger / aim etc.. Its easier for me to talk to others by typing it out as I guess I fear what their reaction will be.

04-19-2007, 07:01 PM
I'm sort of in the same boat; I haven't been to a dr, haven't been diagnosed.
But I just began to realize that I have terrible crippling anxiety, far beyond what is normal, so I started to research Anxiety Disorder, and I'm positive I have it.
Like you said, once you read the symptoms and recognize yourself in almost all of them, it's hard to deny. It's obvious.

Well, good luck with your life.