View Full Version : Starting to have another bad day :(

11-14-2012, 07:33 AM
This is so frustrating. I've been feeling pretty good the past week and although I've been getting a few ectopic heart beats (my usual physical symptom of anxiety) I've not been worried about them and have been able to dismiss them as being perfectly harmless if annoying.

However this morning I started getting quite a few ectopic beats and then remembered that I had forgotten to take one of my tablets this morning. This tablet slows the heart down and blocks some of the signals which cause the ectopic beats. However as my GP said when I saw him last week, I don't actually need this drug in the sense that I don't have anything wrong with my heart, this drug is simply helping to reduce the symptoms of anxiety but not treating the cause. Frustratingly though I don't feel anxious or at least I didn't until about an hour ago when the number of ectopic beats has risen dramatically and I'm now getting several every few seconds for several minutes at a time.

So yet again I'm back in the viscous loop of feeling anxious due to ectopic beats but not knowing why the ectopic beats started in the first place. Not knowing why they started then makes me feel anxious again and so it feeds itself and gets worse and worse.

I started CBT last week and have my second session on Friday but so far we've only just scratched the surface of what causes my anxiety so no real 'treatment' as yet.

11-14-2012, 07:47 AM
That's the same thing that happens to me. I think I'm relaxed and not thinking about anything and all of a sudden I get the flutter in my chest and the panic cycle starts again. I'm starting CBT next week. I'm hoping I get results.

11-14-2012, 09:54 AM
That's the same thing that happens to me. I think I'm relaxed and not thinking about anything and all of a sudden I get the flutter in my chest and the panic cycle starts again.

Ditto. I get anxious even though I'm pretty sure I am okay. It's that "what if".

11-14-2012, 10:05 AM
My heart pounds & sometimes my head too which really freaks me out & causes panic!!! Im on a beta blocker for it! But it still comes.

11-14-2012, 03:18 PM
My heart pounds & sometimes my head too which really freaks me out & causes panic!!! Im on a beta blocker for it! But it still comes.

Same here!! Anxiety sucks.

11-15-2012, 05:58 AM
What a difference a day makes. Remembered to take my pill today and the ectopic beats have almost entirely gone. That's good but then stupidly I feel a bit anxious over the fact that it now feels like I'm stuck with taking these pills indefinitely now. Just feel relieved that my heart isn't jumping out of my chest every few seconds.