View Full Version : Anxiety is coming back

11-13-2012, 07:54 PM
Really need some reassurance...

Suffered from anxiety for over 2 years. Been feeling good apart from an off day here and there. I recently started a new job. Totally different hours to what i was doing... Used to work 2pm til 10pm. Now i do office hours 8 til 4 or 9 til 5. My anxiety seems to be gradually coming back. Waking up feeling anxious etc. is this to do with my change of circumstances?

11-13-2012, 09:45 PM
Having anxiety because your routine changes.... yeah i deal with that alot. We as anxious people thrive betta in a routine so it seems. But once you get use to the changes you should start feeling less anxious.... :) just breathe... hope that helps

11-14-2012, 12:56 AM
>just breathe

What, like he wasn't breathing before? WOW... no wonder he was panicked, lol