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04-19-2007, 11:15 AM
I just came across this forum and thought it might help me out. I suffer from severe anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Because of my current life circumstances and environment, both have increased dramatically and at times I feel hopeless. Lots and lots of tears. My hop is that this will be a place for me to come when I have no place else to go. I also hope that maybe some of my experiences might help you.

04-19-2007, 11:55 AM
Hello. My name is Chris from South-West England. I'm actually an ex-anxiety sufferer, thankfully. I suffered from anxiety disorder for 7 years, badly. PM me if you have any questions on how I got cured, & what I used to go through.

04-19-2007, 01:14 PM
Thank you for your post to me. I suffer greatly from anxiety and depression on a daily basis. I am currently taking Xanex. I believe my life situations contribute to my feelings, but sometimes it's hard to change those things. I'm very new so I don't know what PM means, but thanks for your response. I'm glad you are an ex-sufferer.

04-19-2007, 02:10 PM
PM means private message. You can't directly E-mail someone on this website. I know the debilitating effects of anxiety, & it was ruining my life. But now I'm cured, thank goodness. Feel free to PM me & ask questions on how I did it, became an ex-anxiety sufferer. But everyone's experience is different, depending on chemical make-up, & life circumstance.

04-19-2007, 02:34 PM
PS. Anxiety/panic disorder IS curable, to anyone reading.