View Full Version : Rising panic

11-13-2012, 10:07 AM
Through out today I've been constantly getting this awful feeling of panic rising in my stomach. I really don't want to have a panic attack because I'm at work and im scared im just going to have one. Nothing has happened so far. It keeps coming over in waves. I've tried taking deep breaths, distracting myself and trying to remain positive but the feeling won't go away. Does anyone know any good ways of surpressing these feelings?

11-13-2012, 08:08 PM
Honestly xanax..... but if thats not am option breathe, take a moment to yourself your boss has to let u because u have a disability. And try keepin lil snack packs of applesauce handy... apples have a natural calming element. Hope that helps

11-14-2012, 12:52 AM

I'm not sure what "stage" you're at with your disorder, but I can tell you that during the first 3 or 4 months of mine... I had to literally leave work on a handful of occasions.
Panic attacks were new to me and utterly horrifying. There was no fecking way I could continue to work in this state.

Obviously I told my employer about my condition and we came to an agreement where rather than take weeks, perhaps even months off (as some people do), I would make the effort to go to work but would just leave if I had to.
This worked better for everyone.

For medication, I took Diazepam as and when needed. These were priceless during the worst period.
I also quickly got myself a cognetive therapist, with whom I had 7 sessions... one per week. Another priceless helping hand.

All in all it took a good 6 months to get over the worst and be able to handle work without having to leave.

Today, 11 months on, I still get physical symptoms / a general feeling of unease but I don't add panic to it...
The anxiety free days are slowly outweighing the anxious.
It takes time.

11-14-2012, 03:12 AM
Thanks Dazza :) that's a real comfort to know.
I was only diagnosed a week ago but I think I've been suffering for at least a couple of months. I feel frozen to the spot a lot of the time. At work, I try my hardest not to get noticed and as soon as anyone says my name I full on freak out. I feel sick and worried.
Right now I'm sat here and I can't relax. I really want to cry but for no reason.
I really want to go home but I daren't say anything to my employer or my parents because once I get home I'm fine and it makes me look pathetic. I feel like I need to force myself to stay. But I'm really freaked today. I'm jumpy and scared and it's horrible.

11-14-2012, 03:22 AM
I'm at work feeling shitty too and I'm on my own at the moment so I have to deal with all the customers so I can't go and hide for a bit and so finding it incredibly hard to be polite!!

11-14-2012, 05:01 AM
Lorna, if you need go go home, do it, it's not pathetic to take care of yourself.

When I was in my worst stages I would call in to work quite often, no shame!

Getting through anxiety is a game of relaxing, when you get tense you stay tense and this causes more problems, you should get yourself into a position where you are comfortable and get through this wave of it and if that's at home then so be it.

11-14-2012, 05:34 AM
Indeed I agree with everyone else. Let your employer know, and if you need to go just go. Sitting around in it isn't going to help.
If I get a little "uneasy" feeling at work, I'll seek solitude in the dark corners of the Stockroom noseferatu mode or something and just text people for a few minutes, then head back on out into battle.

You'll get through it. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming :D

11-14-2012, 01:48 PM
Good thread - hope you are feeling better LornaLoo. I sometimes get like this at work too. I find it helps to try to accept what's happening and then beat it off asap - go for a walk, have a chat, anything to distract my wandering brain! Body posture is worth a check too, sometimes you can hunch forward if you work at a computer which I think adds to the shallow quick breathing you really don't want. Like others say, it's a good idea to tell your boss too, or if this doesn't feel right is there anyone else you can talk to?

11-15-2012, 01:43 AM
I'm too afraid to tell my boss incase it affects things at work. I work for a really small company and I'm not sure what anyone would think. I don't really have anyone I can talk to as they all tend to gossip a lot and anything anyone says gets around the office quickly.
Work is definitely the cause of my anxiety. I just don't know why. I'm terrified of going in the morning and feel as though I'm physically pushing myself through every door to get there.
I can't explain the feeling to anyone. My parents are big believers in not giving up so I feel like I need to force myself to stay in work even when I'm freaking out. I know it's for the best but sometimes I feel like i just can't be there.
Thanks for all your help and understanding.

11-15-2012, 08:14 AM
No matter how big or small the business is you work for. They need to be aware of your disability. Its not a bad thing! Hiding your anxiety may be causing it to manifest even more because u are so stressed out tryin to hide it...