View Full Version : Blood pressure HELP !!

11-13-2012, 07:42 AM
My Blood pressure is 144/86 is this normal for a 18 year old Male ?

I Frequently have head pressure and blocked nose is this normal too with somebody with depression and Anxiety ?

plz answer i would really appreciate it.

11-13-2012, 08:00 AM
First of all , did you go to a dr. Or was this at some place like a cvs? Yes, it is normal, , bloodpressure skyrockets the first time I have it taken, to higher levels than that. A lot of people have anxiety when they are getting it taken which increases it a lot. My doctor always takes it several times because of that. So just relax next time and ask to have it taken again. Mine last week was like 140/87 and the second reading two minutes later was 117/72 . I'm a 24 yr old 120lb girl, so believe me I was horrified when I first got a high reading. Just relax and know it happens to a lot of people and usually of you get it taken again knowing that it will go down significantly!

11-13-2012, 08:19 AM
I Did at Home just half an hour ago my father has the BP Machine, am going to check it again tomorrow hopefully but this time at the hospital. do you also get pressure in head too and blocked nose, you feel like your head has high BP ?

11-13-2012, 08:38 AM
Yea,I have bad sinus problems so sometimes he pressure in your head can make it seem like you are in worse shape than you are ! Unless your really overweight for your siZe or you have a history of heart problems, I would try to relax and remember that it is most likely your anxiety !

11-13-2012, 08:50 AM
My Height is 187 cm and i weigh 61 kg so i guess its just anxiety I Hope so. i was so freaked out yesterday i thought i was dying. Thanks btw

11-13-2012, 09:21 AM
No problem I'm glad i could help :) Haha it's funny that I still cannot understand the metric system it's like gibberish to me. I'm in law school yet I can't understand anything except our stupid US measurements lol .