View Full Version : Do you believe in God?

11-13-2012, 05:29 AM
I know, it's a weird question. But a lot of my anxiety at the moment has has been based around beliefs and not sure what to believe anymore. Just out there for anyone who wants to discuss what they believe :)

11-13-2012, 05:35 AM
Ya know.. this is a sensitive subject.

I can almost guarantee it'll end in a verbal scuffle.


NO. It's a load of gobble-dee-gook. It has absolutely no logic or scientific validity what-so-ever in my opinion.

However, I agree with the way the concept can guide us.

I also find it hard to believe that the earth, in all it's perfection was created by accident.

I mean, we know heat & light is necessary to sustain life, so who's great idea was it to shove a massive, spherical heater in the middle of the universe? (some bright spark, I know that much)

11-13-2012, 05:43 AM
Well I've grown up in a Christian family my entire life and never doubted what I believed in at all until now. Don't know why but its happened. I don't believe the earth could have just been made by accident, that's for sure. I guess my doubt came from feeling like prayers are never answered...

11-13-2012, 05:55 AM
Well I've grown up in a Christian family my entire life and never doubted what I believed in at all until now. Don't know why but its happened. I don't believe the earth could have just been made by accident, that's for sure. I guess my doubt came from feeling like prayers are never answered...

I can understand that.

There's just so much ambiguity / theory / subjection to the whole thing that, it just doesn't add up really.

Don't get me wrong, religion itself can and often is a good thing. It's like having a grande father figure to look up to... and let's face it, we all need guidance once in a while.
In this sense, it's good... but it's all the other fictional crap that goes with it that ruins it I reckon.

Anyway, who's to say that if a prayer for good health is answered, then why can't a prayer for a new Ferrari 355 Spider be?
I mean, where do you draw the line...

Just doesn't add up.

Brainwashing I reckon... sometimes for the good but sometimes for the extreme bad.

11-13-2012, 06:38 AM
I don't believe in it. If you got the time there's 300 arguements to why God doesn't exist here.



11-13-2012, 06:40 AM
I don't believe in it. If you got the time there's 300 arguements to why God doesn't exist here.



I don't believe in God either. If there was a god then he wouldn't make me suffer like this :( I've never done anything bad or wrong to have these cards dealt to me! :(

11-13-2012, 07:02 AM
No I don't. I think it's some story someone made up to make people behave and it got way out of hand!

11-13-2012, 07:34 AM
IMO God used to be a creditable theory until science took over. Now it just seems ridiculous.

11-13-2012, 07:47 AM
Absolutely I believe in God. I believe in Jesus Christ who atoned for my sins and felt every pain and every suffering I have. I find great comfort in that. It helps me through my difficult times. If everything was perfect and fair, we could be never learn from good and bad, unfair and fair, happiness and sorrow. God made it possible for us to learn these things on earth so we can become stronger and learn to be more like Him.

11-13-2012, 09:55 AM
Yes. This all(whole world and human existance) is no accident. IMHO. Alankay

11-13-2012, 10:02 AM
Yes. This all(whole world and human existance) is no accident. IMHO. Alankay

Dontcha just love AlanKay's one-liner world beaters :-)

11-13-2012, 12:11 PM
What god are we talking about? I believe there 100's worshipped around the globe

11-13-2012, 12:19 PM
I 100% believe in God, and that his son Jesus Christ died for each one of us. I pray to God throughout the day, and ask for his guidance.

11-13-2012, 12:25 PM
What god are we talking about? I believe there 100's worshipped around the globe

Rolf Harris, Christopher Biggins, Ronald McDonald, Quagmire... to name a few...

11-13-2012, 12:28 PM
Santy clause!

11-13-2012, 01:05 PM

Refering to this paragraph:

>I have been though alot in my life and at one stage i hated god , never believed that if there was a god that he would put someone though so much . But then i look back and think if i had not been though this or that then i would not have the tools for this or that that happened later . I have learned so much from the shit in my life . so what you may ask . But guess what it is what i learned that i pass on on this forum , to my children . Had i not learned this though the hardships i could not do this

So it "happens" you got through it, but what if you hadn't? what if you had terminal cancer which took a year to kill you... like it does so many?
Would you STILL think positively then?
Or if you were mangled in a car accident... thanks to a drunk driver?

I agree with you that god is personal. This is the only way I can accept such a concept.

11-13-2012, 01:08 PM
If we "happen" to survive anything that could have killed us, beit an accident / disease or whatever... we are obliged to THANK GOD, because, well... we're human and we have manners.
We are brought up to say "thank you"... and let's face it, who else but this made up figure are we going to thank?

11-13-2012, 01:17 PM
Sorry, but this topic gets me going...

I reckon hard-core religious folk (who typically visit church once a week) are this way simply because they'd be scared shitless if they don't show this devotion.
Brainwashed into believing that if you're not this way then you'll end up in this place called HELL.

(There's a true message in there, however, in that if you DO WRONG, then it's likely you'll regret it. The phrase; "What comes around goes around" is testament to that)

However, again, the dressing up of it all is just plain absurd.

Just because you go to church it doesn't make you immune to critical illnesses / accidents and indeed wrong doing.

I don't get the point... UNLESS it's personal, in that it makes a person FEEL better - which is obviously a good thing.
But then, if this was true, then fuck me, it's nothing but embelished selfishness imo.

11-13-2012, 01:26 PM
I think if people wanna believe in god that's fine but don't fucking approach me in the street and try and force your bs beliefs on me!

11-13-2012, 01:37 PM
Scientology there's another fucking wacky invention!

11-13-2012, 01:37 PM
I think if people wanna believe in god that's fine but don't fucking approach me in the street and try and force your bs beliefs on me!

Door bell: DING DONG!

<door opens>

"GOD I mean GOOD evening maddam, can I interest you in this book of Jesus"

<door slams in face>


11-13-2012, 01:40 PM
door bell: Ding dong!

<door opens>

"god i mean good evening maddam, can i interest you in this book of jesus"

<door slams in face>

"allllrightttyyyy thennnnnnnn..."


11-13-2012, 01:42 PM

11-13-2012, 01:47 PM



11-13-2012, 01:49 PM


LOL. What about answering the door dressed as Jesus? Hahaha

11-13-2012, 02:37 PM
One thing I most certainly DO believe in...


11-13-2012, 02:39 PM
LOL. What about answering the door dressed as Jesus? Hahaha

hah... could be interesting!

Or what about just opening the door but hiding behind it... then slowly closing it again without a trace of you being there.

11-13-2012, 02:55 PM
hah... could be interesting!

Or what about just opening the door but hiding behind it... then slowly closing it again without a trace of you being there.

Or answer it bollock naked and see if they still want to talk about Jaysus!

11-13-2012, 02:57 PM
One thing I most certainly DO believe in...


Lol The Lord Gad and his mighty wrath

And your song as the Lord's Prayer haha

11-13-2012, 02:57 PM
I am a non theist. I think all religions are for the purpose of controlling people's thoughts and actions through fear and guilt. They also give the answers we crave and comfort because we fear dying. Religion is fairy tales for grown ups. Some of the Bible stories make me want to vomit. Our society is so different, seeking guidance from Bronze age times when slavery and public stonings were the norm is ridiculous. Lastly the Bible was written by human men, which explains why he (God) has so many petty human emotions and an ego. Not a God I would admire, full of spite and jealousy. The Bible is also very sexist, we have a male God (father figure) and women are the root of all evil and sin, so we must suffer for ever more with painful child birth. Nuf said :)

11-13-2012, 02:58 PM
I'm a devout apathist. I really couldn't give a shit.

11-13-2012, 03:15 PM
I believe in God. We all need something to believe in don't we.. Got a story for u :D yeah that's right I'm gunna preach! LOL
Man goes to a hairdressers for his hair cut, while the hair dressers cutting the mans hair he says he doesn't believe in god, if god was real why are men killing there wives, why is so many people suffering etc..
The man sits in silence.
The hair dresser carries on, God cannot exist, if he does why does he leave people suffering.. Blah, blah.
The man leaves the hair- dressers goes outside and see a tramp, sat on the floor, scruffy, scraggly uncut hair.
He goes back to the hair dresser and tells him to come and see the tramp..
He tells the hair dresser that he does not exist, 'why?' he asks?
'Because if you existed that tramp would not have hair like that, you say god doesn't exist because he leaves people to suffer what's the difference?'
'That man did not come to me or I would have helped.'
^ take that as you want but makes alo sense to me.
I wear a saint christopher and a cross around my neck I've not took it off fo nearly 5 years, I feel lost without it, we all lose our faith at some point, but it does come back.

11-13-2012, 03:33 PM
Can't regain it if it was never there in the first place!

The reason you wear a St. Christopher is because you BELIEVE it brings good luck, like a lucky charm.
You hope that there is something out there that notices the necklace on you.

Bottom line - the only thing you can rely on in life is "luck".

Everything, bar nothing comes down to luck...

11-13-2012, 04:12 PM
To me the concept of God is man made.

I completely believe in a higher power, a spiritual over watcher as it were, but I don't believe in the Bible or church. I think that religion was put forward either as a means of control I. E do this and you live forever, do that and you burn in fire forever, that kind of thing. The other idea is hope, tell people that there is someone watching over them, if they are good to each other then they will be rewarded with eternal life, 72 virgins or whatever have you. I also think that greed has a lot to do with it too, how much money do you think people donate to churches? Millions! So, who can blame someone for wanting to get into the religion business to make a profit?

Anyway, my personal belief is my own, I do believe in a spiritual guide if you will, someone who directs events in life, but I believe that a given situations outcome depends on the decision of the one in it, and that is how I feel, I also feel that spirituality is found in ones self, almost like you are your own god but you have to truly discover it within yourself. For me anxiety really brought this to the forefront and allowed me to look into myself and find things I didn't know I had, and thus my theories are of my own making.

Do I believe in afterlife? No, I feel like we are all here because of circumstances, not that the earth was created for us, but that we are a product of the environment in which we evolved. I believe that we like all the bugs, plants, and other creatures live and die and that's that.

11-13-2012, 07:10 PM
It takes faith to believe in God...even faith itself is a gift from God. For those that find it, receive blessings unspeakable and for those that don't, a continued search for truth and purpose, while the answer stands at the door and knocks.


11-13-2012, 09:22 PM
Lol there are many misinformed people on this thread. How many of you that don't believe can say that you have actually read the whole bible? How many of you have researched the historical and archeological documents such as the dead sea scrolls. Internet searches are not aloud; you can find any website out there that some wacko wrote about why they don't believe in God.

If you have a problem with religion or church that is a different story. Both of those things can be manipulated by man. Just because you walk into a church in America doesn't mean it is preaching the truth. Most people won't actually read the bible so they don't know the difference. Religion is a man made invention but not in the way you are thinking. Jesus actually disliked the religious leaders of his time and preached against them. Jesus was against the bondage and hypocrisy of religion. A relationship with Jesus is supposed to set you free not put you in bondage. There is no guilt for those who know Jesus. But most people think the exact opposite and that is because "religious people" have distorted their views. If you read the New Testament of the bible I think you would see things are much different than you think.

First of all you can't not believe in the bible or Jesus. They are both factual and tangible things that occurred throughout history. That is like saying I don't believe in Christopher Columbus or Ceasar. Jesus was a living person that walked the earth for many years and it is more documented than any other event. Even a true atheist who has done their homework knows Jesus was a real person. They also know that he claimed to be the son of God and was crucified for it. His body was then placed in a tomb and sealed with guards standing outside. He was resurrected and walked the earth again and appeared to hundreds of people. All of these events were recorded in more places than just the bible.

The bible is actually the most historically accurate and relibale piece of literature in human history. There were only 10 copies of the life of Caesar discovered and only 49 on Aristotle. There we're over 24,000 copies of the New Testament of the bible discovered all over the world. So if you "don't believe" in the bible than you might as well not believe in anything you have ever learned about in a history class.

There is not a single theory of how the earth came about other than creation that can be proven. The Big Bang Theory, Evolution, ect have all been "scientifically" disproved. If we evolved from monkeys then why are there not half man - half monkey people running around. Do you really believe that our world could be so beautiful any other way than it being created by someone.

Really the folks that claim to not believe in God because of lack of scientific evidence just haven't researched it. Wikipedia and Google searches don't count. There have been tons of atheist authors, such as CS Lewis, who have set out to write books disproving the bible and in the process became Christians themselves. If you actually took the time to research the historical and archeological research I think you would come to the same conclusion.

My relationship with God is based on historical and scientific information as well as faith and personal experience. Its not something I believe in, its something I know.

11-14-2012, 12:16 AM
Exerts from the New Scientist:

Some Christians regard the text of the Bible as literally true.

Whichever translation of the Bible you look at it is not hard to find errors. The texts are full of internal contradictions as well as historical and scientific inaccuracies.

There are so many examples it is hard to know where to start. Take its cosmology: according to the Bible, the earth is flat and immovable, the moon emits its own light, the sky is solid and the stars can be shaken from the sky by earthquakes.

Its mathematics is also poor. How many sons do you count: "The sons of Shemaiah: Huttush, Igal, Bariah, Neriah, and Shaphat, six" (I Chronicles 3:22). Such errors are common. The value of pi is given as 3, even though many other cultures had already worked it out with greater precision.

Bible biology

Its biology is no better. The Bible claims that rabbits chew the cud, that the pattern of goats' coats can be changed by what their parents look at while copulating, that only dead seeds can germinate and that ostriches are careless parents.

Fundamentalists try to explain away some of these examples in the light of what we now know: pi is approximately three, they point out, while rabbits eat their own droppings, which is a bit like chewing the cud. But such explanations essentially admit that the Bible is not the ultimate source of of reliable truths about the world.

In other words, if you want to know anything from how rabbits digest their food or how to breed goats to the value of pi or whether the sun orbits the earth or vice versa, you have to turn to science and mathematics, not the Bible. If that's the case, then surely the same is true of how life on Earth came about?

So how reliable is the Bible chapter that relates to evolution? Let's leave aside the long-standing evidence that Earth is older than 6000 years and that there was no world-wide flood, and look at what else Genesis says.

Genesis 1 gives the order of creation as plants, animals, man and woman. Genesis 2 gives it as man, plants, animals and woman. Genesis 1:3-5 says light was created on the first day, Genesis 1:14-19 says the sun was created on the fourth. Genesis 7:2 says Noah took seven pairs of each beast, Genesis 7:8-15 says one pair.

The list goes on. The fruit of the tree of knowledge is said to kill within a day of being eaten, yet Adam and Eve don't die after eating it. Genesis says there were giants (Nephilim) before the flood and that the flood annihilated all creatures other than those on the ark, but Numbers says there were giants after the flood.


Want more, go to:

11-14-2012, 01:12 AM
Funk - I think a lot, if not all of those anomolies could be argued out to be fair. But that doesn't mean it's factual.

Theories are theories until proven fact, but unfortunately no-one can prove anything either way.

My logical & scientific side sways me toward scientific theories.

Same goes for ghosts... I don't believe because it doesn't make sense.
Unless I see absolute proof then it's all just a steaming pile of attention seeking doo-doo.

If god created us, then who created god... and who created the creator of god? I mean, where does it all start...

As for the universe... who created that? what's on the other side? is there a side? nothing is infinitely large... it can't be... or can it?

OMG... brain overload...

11-14-2012, 01:19 AM
@funkstarsista. I enjoy a wholesome theological debate and hope that nothing that I say comes across as hostile. I can tell you right now that most of what that website says is not true at all and to try to disprove the validity of the whole bible based on things such as Pi being 3 or 3.14 is a bit of a stretch. Without investing too much time into the matter I will tell you how two of their points are incorrect. I am looking at a bible as we speak.

In Genesis 2 God is not creating plants and animals after man. The plants that are being created are the ones in the garden of Eden specifically. You can clearly see this if you read through the Chapter.

In Genesis 7:8-15 there is no mention of "one pair". It says they came into the boat in pairs. So image their are seven pairs of each animal. Seven pairs of say for example sheep, birds, and bears. When they get on the boat I want them to get in one pair at a time. Two bears, then two sheep, two bears, two sheep, or however you want to combine it. It does not say one pair of each animal than got on the boat. It just says they came on in pairs.

As far as Pi being equal to 3 goes; 3.14 is just as much an approximation as 3 is. The decimal expansion of pi never ends and never repeats to infinity. To read a whole discussion on this point feel free to view this site http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/pseudosc/pibible.htm

As far as light and sun being created on contradicting days; they are both two separate things. I am sure God did not need the sun to create light. At first he created light and later he put the sun in the sky. The sun and moon were created for many reasons such as to mark of the days, years, and months. When I walk outside I say it is light out not it is sun out.

God told Adam and Eve that eating the fruit would kill them, which is 100% true. He did not say anything about when they would die. "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Before they ate the fruit Adam and Eve were going to live forever and because they ate it they no longer became immortal and eventually did die.

If you pick up a bible and carefully read these Chapters in the correct context you can see everything this website is arguing is false. It was either very intellectually lazy of them or they were just stretching to find something to disprove the bibles validity.

11-14-2012, 01:27 AM
Did god create dinosaurs? Why didn't they get a mention?

11-14-2012, 01:28 AM
@Dazza. Those are very good questions and I have found my brain sizzling when I ask them myself. The way I see it is we as humans are also creators. We have created very smart and functioning robots, computers, ect. Some of these devices can perform calculations and functions better than a human being. But these machines can never have the knowledge we have unless we program it in them. If robots understand everything the human mind did don't you think that would practically make us equals. If they could feel the emotions we feel and understand exactly how we created them and for what reason. If that was the case if think we may have a robot revolution on our hands. There is no way the created will ever have the depth of knowledge the creator does. If there is a God, which obviously is believe is the case, what kind of mighty eternal God would he be if we understood all of our deepest doubts? In the old testament God appeared to the people, he rained down food from the sky, the parted the sea, he performed miracles; but many still doubted. God could show his face in the clouds tomorrow and speak to all the human race but there would still be plenty who didn't believe. They would claim it were a hoax or an optical illusion. I don't blame people for their skepticism this day in age. Everywhere you look there are scams, hoaxes, lies, and deceit. It is hard to believe some things now a days when they are right in front of our faces.

11-14-2012, 01:31 AM
Yes God did create dinosaurs. Though he does not specifically mention them, there are millions of species he never specifically mentions. The bible tells us that God created animals and dinosaurs would have been in this category.

11-14-2012, 01:32 AM
Good answer

11-14-2012, 01:33 AM
Omg brain overload indeed!! Love the dinosaur mention :) oh and I don't believe in a God. Truth is non of us will know until we die. One thing we all have in common no matter what we believe. Be kind to yourself and others until then.

11-14-2012, 01:45 AM
Honestly from a theological perspective this could all be argued back and forth for ages. I encourage you all to educate yourselves with the historical and archeological evidence. But all of this goes way past the point of facts and knowledge. Jesus Christ came to this earth and died to pay for all of our sins because of his love for us. Christianity is not about what things you aren't allowed to do because they are sins. It is not about making you guilty or getting you to give money to your church. Just like your mother and father, God is our creator, our heavenly father. He loves us more then you can imagine and above all else he wants to have a relationship with you. He wants to be there with you through the good times and the bad. He wants us to trust him and not fear or worry.

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." -Philippians 4:6

He wants to give us rest for our souls. Us anxiety sufferers more than anyone need rest for our souls.
"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

He wants to spend eternity in heaven with us.

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever." -Revelation 21:4

Image a day where all of this ANXIETY is gone forever. No more sadness, death, pain, just pure love and joy. This is what God wants for your life. He does not want us as robot followers or he wouldn't have given us free will.

I can't tell you I don't have questions even tho I am a believer. Some questions I have had answered but some I will have to save until I get to heaven. All I can tell you is that Jesus Christ has changed my life and my heart. Despite all the facts and knowledge it is something I know and feel in my heart. Even in my most anxious times I know that he is by my side and he is protecting me. As much as I hate the anxiety I can see that once I am rid of it forever I will be stronger than I could have ever imagined, and for this I thank God.

11-14-2012, 01:57 AM
For the skeptics I encourage you to keep perusing the truth because it is out there. If you challenge God to show up in your life and give him a chance I believe he will.

For all others I promise you that God can change your life 180 degrees. I have experienced it in my own life and seen it in the lives of others right in front of my eyes. You too can have a changed life and a promise to spend eternity in heaven with God. It is not just about believing in God but believing in his Son Jesus Christ and what he did for us. If you want to start your relationship with Jesus today you can pray a simple prayer. You tell Jesus that you believe he died on the cross to pay for your sins and you want to surrender your life to him and accept him into your heart.

"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." Romans 10:9-10

Please message me if you want to talk I am more than happy to answer any questions I can or share any experiences with you. For the skeptics feel free to keep up the debate :) Even tho we may not agree on this subject we can all agree that anxiety SUCKS

11-14-2012, 02:59 AM
So if you are a good Christian and you have a loving, merciful God who answers prayers and you are one of his chosen children...why do you have an anxiety disorder?

Or more generally - Why do bad things happen to good people?

It seems to me that Christians have the same misfortunes and hardships as everybody else.

If religion comforts you then more power to you.

Peace brother

11-14-2012, 06:10 AM
For the skeptics I encourage you to keep perusing the truth because it is out there. If you challenge God to show up in your life and give him a chance I believe he will.

For all others I promise you that God can change your life 180 degrees. I have experienced it in my own life and seen it in the lives of others right in front of my eyes. You too can have a changed life and a promise to spend eternity in heaven with God. It is not just about believing in God but believing in his Son Jesus Christ and what he did for us. If you want to start your relationship with Jesus today you can pray a simple prayer. You tell Jesus that you believe he died on the cross to pay for your sins and you want to surrender your life to him and accept him into your heart.

"If you declare with your mouth, &ldquo;Jesus is Lord,&rdquo; and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." Romans 10:9-10

Please message me if you want to talk I am more than happy to answer any questions I can or share any experiences with you. For the skeptics feel free to keep up the debate :) Even tho we may not agree on this subject we can all agree that anxiety SUCKS

Thankyou so so so much. I have been feeling so anxious over what I believe. Everything you have said I agree entirely with. I have been going through such turmoil in my mind for months with NO ONE to talk to about it and you have eased my mind quicker in 5 minutes than I have in about 3 months. I'm still working in trusting god again but you have put me in a big step in the right direction. Xxxxxx

11-14-2012, 12:25 PM
So if you are a good Christian and you have a loving, merciful God who answers prayers and you are one of his chosen children...why do you have an anxiety disorder?

Or more generally - Why do bad things happen to good people?

It seems to me that Christians have the same misfortunes and hardships as everybody else.

If religion comforts you then more power to you.

Peace brother

That is a very good question that I have asked before. While this anxiety disorder has been one of the toughest hardships in my life, I am thankful for it. I am healing and getting better each and every day and I know soon I will be done with it forever. Living with anxiety has given me a compassion for others that I would have otherwise never gained. I have learned a great deal about nutrition, medicine, and other anxiety combating techniques. Because of this I have been able to help others around me that are struggling with this same thing. I was able to connect with a friend and help change his life after his attempted suicide. He says I am the only person he can talk to because I'm the only one who understands what he is going through. If me having anxiety saves my friend from taking his life then it is worth it.

I am stronger now than I ever have been, even though I don't feel it often. I believe anxiety is one of the most horrible things we can go through and once it has passed it makes us stronger then ever. What really can you worry about or be afraid of compared to the daily feeling that your going to die. Anxiety has given me such an appreciation for LIFE and the simple comforts of it. I know am content in the simplest of situations because I know what its like to feel like im dying each day and to simply not feel that is a blessing in itself.

So bad things happen to good people for plenty of important reasons. Some of lifes most important lessons are learned from bad things. God is not like Santa Clause. We as Christians are not favored and he does not make naughty and nice lists and punish the naughty. We are ALL his children and he loves us equally whether you believe in him or not. Those who don't believe are still his children, he is just waiting for them to come home.

God rejoices with those and who rejoice and he weeps with those who weep. Our suffering is also his suffering but sometimes it is necessary. If you have children you know sometimes they think you are punishing them to be mean but really you are doing it because you love them. You see the bigger picture that they cannot begin to understand and you know it will help them grow as a person.

Jesus, not religion, is more than just comfort to me. It is not a stuffed animal I squeeze tight when I am afraid. Its the knowledge that the God of the universe is holding me in his hand and whatever happens to me is his will. Though I may not understand my circumstances I know that "God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." -Romans 8:28 I know that I may suffer with anxiety for a few more weeks or the rest of my life but in the end "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever." -Revelation 21:4.

And it is because I KNOW Jesus not just know about him that "Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:7

I hope you one day know this peace that I experience everyday.

11-14-2012, 12:46 PM
That is a very good question that I have asked before. While this anxiety disorder has been one of the toughest hardships in my life, I am thankful for it. I am healing and getting better each and every day and I know soon I will be done with it forever. Living with anxiety has given me a compassion for others that I would have otherwise never gained. I have learned a great deal about nutrition, medicine, and other anxiety combating techniques. Because of this I have been able to help others around me that are struggling with this same thing. I was able to connect with a friend and help change his life after his attempted suicide. He says I am the only person he can talk to because I'm the only one who understands what he is going through. If me having anxiety saves my friend from taking his life then it is worth it.

I am stronger now than I ever have been, even though I don't feel it often. I believe anxiety is one of the most horrible things we can go through and once it has passed it makes us stronger then ever. What really can you worry about or be afraid of compared to the daily feeling that your going to die. Anxiety has given me such an appreciation for LIFE and the simple comforts of it. I know am content in the simplest of situations because I know what its like to feel like im dying each day and to simply not feel that is a blessing in itself.

So bad things happen to good people for plenty of important reasons. Some of lifes most important lessons are learned from bad things. God is not like Santa Clause. We as Christians are not favored and he does not make naughty and nice lists and punish the naughty. We are ALL his children and he loves us equally whether you believe in him or not. Those who don't believe are still his children, he is just waiting for them to come home.

God rejoices with those and who rejoice and he weeps with those who weep. Our suffering is also his suffering but sometimes it is necessary. If you have children you know sometimes they think you are punishing them to be mean but really you are doing it because you love them. You see the bigger picture that they cannot begin to understand and you know it will help them grow as a person.

Jesus, not religion, is more than just comfort to me. It is not a stuffed animal I squeeze tight when I am afraid. Its the knowledge that the God of the universe is holding me in his hand and whatever happens to me is his will. Though I may not understand my circumstances I know that "God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." -Romans 8:28 I know that I may suffer with anxiety for a few more weeks or the rest of my life but in the end "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever." -Revelation 21:4.

And it is because I KNOW Jesus not just know about him that "Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:7

I hope you one day know this peace that I experience everyday.

You write well & I agree with most all of your sentiments... however, when i read the words "jesus, god, bible etc." it gets silly :-)

11-14-2012, 01:17 PM
The bible is one of the most popular fictional books I hear.

11-14-2012, 03:35 PM
Thankyou so so so much. I have been feeling so anxious over what I believe. Everything you have said I agree entirely with. I have been going through such turmoil in my mind for months with NO ONE to talk to about it and you have eased my mind quicker in 5 minutes than I have in about 3 months. I'm still working in trusting god again but you have put me in a big step in the right direction. Xxxxxx

I am so glad that what I have said has helped you. Although I am a Christian I still find myself asking questions plenty of times. I have finally found a non-denominational church that a love and it has made all the difference. That as well as reading my bible and prayer have really helped grow my relationship with Jesus. It is easy to feel like he's not there in the times, especially the anxiety ridden ones. I can promise you that he will show up in your life the more you trust in him, talk to him, and study his word. As James 4:8 says "Come close to God, and God will come close to you."

I have been on this anxiety roller-coaster for quite some time now but I am getting better each day. Please feel free to message me anytime that you want to talk. And these people on this site are very supportive and are always here to talk. You don't have to worry about sounding crazy because most of us understand whatever it is your going through.

11-14-2012, 05:42 PM
Nf - I'm intrigued, when and why did you turn to Christianity?

11-14-2012, 06:39 PM
I think if we met in person I would like you nf1234. I like to help people also. It is a chain, people have helped me and now I want to pass on what I have learnt and help others.

So I have a different query for you and I'd like your input as a Christian.

I go to a playgroup at a baptist church on Wednesday and they know me quite well. The Mums have started asking me to do things socially outside of playgroup. I like them and think they are good people, but I am reluctant to progress the friendships. I am concerned once religion comes up and I say I am not a Christian that they may reject me. What do you think...could you be friends with a non Christian and be cool with it and accept them for who they are? Or do you think it's a deal breaker? Curious.

I've had a friendship in the past go sour over this same issue. She became preachy with me and I didn't appreciate it.

It's actually another reason I dislike religion - it divides people into in-groups and out-groups. In the extreme this can turn to violence e.g catholics vs protestants, muslins vs christians etc.

11-16-2012, 01:42 PM
I think if we met in person I would like you nf1234. I like to help people also. It is a chain, people have helped me and now I want to pass on what I have learnt and help others.

So I have a different query for you and I'd like your input as a Christian.

I go to a playgroup at a baptist church on Wednesday and they know me quite well. The Mums have started asking me to do things socially outside of playgroup. I like them and think they are good people, but I am reluctant to progress the friendships. I am concerned once religion comes up and I say I am not a Christian that they may reject me. What do you think...could you be friends with a non Christian and be cool with it and accept them for who they are? Or do you think it's a deal breaker? Curious.

I've had a friendship in the past go sour over this same issue. She became preachy with me and I didn't appreciate it.

It's actually another reason I dislike religion - it divides people into in-groups and out-groups. In the extreme this can turn to violence e.g catholics vs protestants, muslins vs christians etc.

Actually I would say 75% of my friends are non-christians and I love them dearly. I believe what I believe with all my heart but I don't discriminate against those who don't. I have no problem with my non-christian friends as long as they are not as insulting to what I believe. Just as you would be insulted if someone was trash talking your mother or father I take offense when people trash talk Jesus.

If you like these folks I say continue your friendship. I can't promise they won't try to share the love of Jesus with you but that's what it is, Love. Unfortunately, Christians historically are some of the most judgmental people out there. It's because of this because so many people are turned off to the whole Jesus, God, Church thing. I think you would find it very interesting, as did I, the things Jesus did when he was here on earth. He actually preached against the "religious people" and called them hypocrites. You could find him hanging out with the local prostitutes, drunks, tax collectors, outcasts. He never pointed his finger at them he just shared God's love for them and explained the better life there was for them.

Back when Jesus lived there was an event recorded as followed; A local woman was caught in the act of adultery so the religious leaders dragged her outside to where Jesus was and demanded that she be stoned to death. A large crowd formed around the woman and they all held large rocks in their hands. Jesus said whoever is without sin can throw the first stone. Everyone slowly walked away and Jesus said “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

So the point is that Jesus himself never condemned others. He simply shared Gods love with them and challenged them to live a new life of freedom from the bondage of sin. We as Christians are called to do the same. There are specific verses where God commands us not to judge others. If you have a bible I would recommend reading through the book of Matthew. It is a short walk through about the events during Jesus' life. I was surprised but the Jesus that I read about compared to the Jesus that radical judgmental Christians had previously portrayed. He was one cool dude and I wish I could have been alive back then to meet him.

I suggest you continue your friendship with these folks and keep an open mind. If the subject of religion comes up maybe you all can have a friendly educated conversation. If you keep it insult free maybe both sides can get a perspective they never had before.

11-17-2012, 02:23 AM
Actually I would say 75% of my friends are non-christians and I love them dearly. I believe what I believe with all my heart but I don't discriminate against those who don't. I have no problem with my non-christian friends as long as they are not as insulting to what I believe. Just as you would be insulted if someone was trash talking your mother or father I take offense when people trash talk Jesus.

If you like these folks I say continue your friendship. I can't promise they won't try to share the love of Jesus with you but that's what it is, Love. Unfortunately, Christians historically are some of the most judgmental people out there. It's because of this because so many people are turned off to the whole Jesus, God, Church thing. I think you would find it very interesting, as did I, the things Jesus did when he was here on earth. He actually preached against the "religious people" and called them hypocrites. You could find him hanging out with the local prostitutes, drunks, tax collectors, outcasts. He never pointed his finger at them he just shared God's love for them and explained the better life there was for them.

Back when Jesus lived there was an event recorded as followed; A local woman was caught in the act of adultery so the religious leaders dragged her outside to where Jesus was and demanded that she be stoned to death. A large crowd formed around the woman and they all held large rocks in their hands. Jesus said whoever is without sin can throw the first stone. Everyone slowly walked away and Jesus said “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

So the point is that Jesus himself never condemned others. He simply shared Gods love with them and challenged them to live a new life of freedom from the bondage of sin. We as Christians are called to do the same. There are specific verses where God commands us not to judge others. If you have a bible I would recommend reading through the book of Matthew. It is a short walk through about the events during Jesus' life. I was surprised but the Jesus that I read about compared to the Jesus that radical judgmental Christians had previously portrayed. He was one cool dude and I wish I could have been alive back then to meet him.

I suggest you continue your friendship with these folks and keep an open mind. If the subject of religion comes up maybe you all can have a friendly educated conversation. If you keep it insult free maybe both sides can get a perspective they never had before.

Nf - I'm intrigued, when and why did you turn to Christianity?

11-17-2012, 08:24 AM
I do believe in God. The one that created the universe and everything else I am not a deist. I am a Christian. If any of you (non theists) are real seekers and not just debating just to get a lick in on someone else, I recommend the following:
1. Actually read the Bible starting with the book of John. Then go back to Genesis.
2. Go to the website answersingenesis.org.
3. Go to khouse.org
4. Go to hallindsey.com
Take care and I wish you all the best! I will close by simply saying that even being a Christian does not eliminate all problems. We struggle just like everyone else. Ours is not a prosperity gospel I think that is another reason people doubt God’s existence and/or love.
They aren't given the truth in most mainline churches.

11-17-2012, 09:18 AM
I do believe in God. The one that created the universe and everything else I am not a deist. I am a Christian. If any of you (non theists) are real seekers and not just debating just to get a lick in on someone else, I recommend the following:
1. Actually read the Bible starting with the book of John. Then go back to Genesis.
2. Go to the website answersingenesis.org.
3. Go to khouse.org
4. Go to hallindsey.com
Take care and I wish you all the best! I will close by simply saying that even being a Christian does not eliminate all problems. We struggle just like everyone else. Ours is not a prosperity gospel I think that is another reason people doubt God&rsquo;s existence and/or love.
They aren't given the truth in most mainline churches.

if, as you quote "EVEN being a Christian does not eliminate problems" - then why bother? If both Christians & non-believers are equal... then what's the point?

11-17-2012, 09:23 AM
if, as you quote "EVEN being a Christian does not eliminate problems" - then why bother? If both Christians & non-believers are equal... then what's the point?

Do you have Jesus army people in your town? Dems is scary looking people!

11-17-2012, 01:59 PM
I remember growing up the concept of hell scared the living crap out of me, especially when my panic attacks would make me think I'm dying. I realized that it's exactly what religion wants you do to do. I definitely don't believe in any God that religion has made up, but I think there's a good chance that one does exist, it seems hard to imagine that everything happened randomly and spontaneously.

11-18-2012, 02:51 PM
Apparently, you didn't follow any of the steps!!!

if, as you quote "EVEN being a Christian does not eliminate problems" - then why bother? If both Christians & non-believers are equal... then what's the point?

11-18-2012, 03:54 PM
Most def 😄 it's what get me through a day knowing there is someone there for me everyday and I can talk to

11-18-2012, 10:44 PM
Nf - I'm intrigued, when and why did you turn to Christianity?

Well the story is a long one but I am happy to share. I grew up in a Catholic school for my early childhood so I would say that is where my belief in God began. Looking back now though it really did not have much influence on where I am today in my faith. The Catholic religion adds so much on top of what the bible actually teaches. This is where "religion" and Christianity differ. At Catholic school you would go into the confessional booth to tell the priest your sins. He would then instruct you to do something such as "say 10 hail marys" and you will be forgiven. Well looking back now there was no truth in any of it. The bible says you confess your sins to Jesus Christ alone and you are forgiven when you accept him into your heart. Past, present, and future sins are forgiven. I could really go on and on about my experience in the Catholic church was so far from the truth.

Fast forwarding, my family moved and I started at a public school. We found a local Lutheran church and went decently often but it was still just an event of the week. There was way less religiosity in the Lutheran church but it still lacked any sort of intimacy with God. I grew up like a normal teenager and began drinking, having sex, getting into trouble, pretty normal teenage behavior. I always had a belief in God and would pray when I needed him. I didn't think much about the way I was living. I just figured I was being a normal teenager and I will grow out of it one day and God understands. Most Sundays that my mother forced me to church I was hungover and couldn't wait for it to end.

I eventually graduated high school and moved onto college. I did the whole college thing for about 3 years and never really went to church except when I was at home visiting. I still had my belief in God as always and if someone would ask I would say yeah I believe in God. One Easter I decided to goto a local church in the town I was attending college. I figured it was Easter so why not. The church I attended was a non-denominational church and I was blown away by my experience there. I had never felt the spirit of God so powerful in a place. This church was different than any other I had been to. The atmosphere was casual and the teachings were straight from the bible. The pastor was just a normal dude who was, like myself, far from perfect. They preached straight from the bible and the people there seemed to actually know Jesus instead of just knowing about him. This was not a place of guilt but a place of freedom. This was not a place about intimidation tactics but one of truth. The believer and the unbeliever are all welcomed. People don't put on fake smiles and pretend to like one another. I saw true joy and true sorrow in that place. I saw love and compassion that I had never seen anywhere else.

Since that Sunday several years ago I haven't missed a service. I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and it hasn't been the same ever since. I can now honestly say that I am not playing church, playing religion, or following some far away God in the sky. I can truly say that I know who God is and everything in my life is more clear then I have ever seen it. Each day my relationship with Jesus grows deeper, and with it my understanding of the truth. I can't say that because I know Jesus that all my problems have faded away because that would be a lie. But now I have a peace at the center of my heart that can never be disturbed. I never feel alone because I know he is always there with me. I know what heaven looks like and I know that I will be there one day. I don't fear death because I know what is waiting next. I can honestly say that God has not failed to answer a single on of my prayers. He is always there, always listening, and wants to provide for those he loves.

If you think that Christianity is about the rules, the bondage, the guilt, scare tactics, or judgements you couldn't be further from the truth. We can all sit here and argue about this fact and that and why some think God is a joke. I don't have all the answers but I do know that my life changed and there is no arguing that. I know I have seen other lives change before my eyes and you cant argue that either. If you are holding back I dare you to give God a chance. Talk to him and ask him to show you, to prove to you that he's there.

All of this is not something I "believe", it's something I KNOW.

So in summary Dazza, my turn to Christianity was a gradual one. No one ever pushed it on me and I made the choice based on what I could undeniably feel in my heart. God chose to show himself to me and draw me unto him. There was no guilting of a pastor, no elaborate sermon, no fear of burning in hell. The reason I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ is because he showed himself to me. I promise you that if you seek him he will show himself to you also. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself. What do you have to lose?

11-18-2012, 10:47 PM
if, as you quote "EVEN being a Christian does not eliminate problems" - then why bother? If both Christians & non-believers are equal... then what's the point?

Let me ask you a question Dazza. Why are you in a relationship with your parents?

11-18-2012, 10:48 PM
I remember growing up the concept of hell scared the living crap out of me, especially when my panic attacks would make me think I'm dying. I realized that it's exactly what religion wants you do to do. I definitely don't believe in any God that religion has made up, but I think there's a good chance that one does exist, it seems hard to imagine that everything happened randomly and spontaneously.

Hell is a place the scares the living crap out of me also but why were you so scared of its concept. Did you believe you were going there?

11-19-2012, 02:56 PM
Well the story is a long one but I am happy to share. I grew up in a Catholic school for my early childhood so I would say that is where my belief in God began. Looking back now though it really did not have much influence on where I am today in my faith. The Catholic religion adds so much on top of what the bible actually teaches. This is where "religion" and Christianity differ. At Catholic school you would go into the confessional booth to tell the priest your sins. He would then instruct you to do something such as "say 10 hail marys" and you will be forgiven. Well looking back now there was no truth in any of it. The bible says you confess your sins to Jesus Christ alone and you are forgiven when you accept him into your heart. Past, present, and future sins are forgiven. I could really go on and on about my experience in the Catholic church was so far from the truth.

Fast forwarding, my family moved and I started at a public school. We found a local Lutheran church and went decently often but it was still just an event of the week. There was way less religiosity in the Lutheran church but it still lacked any sort of intimacy with God. I grew up like a normal teenager and began drinking, having sex, getting into trouble, pretty normal teenage behavior. I always had a belief in God and would pray when I needed him. I didn't think much about the way I was living. I just figured I was being a normal teenager and I will grow out of it one day and God understands. Most Sundays that my mother forced me to church I was hungover and couldn't wait for it to end.

I eventually graduated high school and moved onto college. I did the whole college thing for about 3 years and never really went to church except when I was at home visiting. I still had my belief in God as always and if someone would ask I would say yeah I believe in God. One Easter I decided to goto a local church in the town I was attending college. I figured it was Easter so why not. The church I attended was a non-denominational church and I was blown away by my experience there. I had never felt the spirit of God so powerful in a place. This church was different than any other I had been to. The atmosphere was casual and the teachings were straight from the bible. The pastor was just a normal dude who was, like myself, far from perfect. They preached straight from the bible and the people there seemed to actually know Jesus instead of just knowing about him. This was not a place of guilt but a place of freedom. This was not a place about intimidation tactics but one of truth. The believer and the unbeliever are all welcomed. People don't put on fake smiles and pretend to like one another. I saw true joy and true sorrow in that place. I saw love and compassion that I had never seen anywhere else.

Since that Sunday several years ago I haven't missed a service. I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and it hasn't been the same ever since. I can now honestly say that I am not playing church, playing religion, or following some far away God in the sky. I can truly say that I know who God is and everything in my life is more clear then I have ever seen it. Each day my relationship with Jesus grows deeper, and with it my understanding of the truth. I can't say that because I know Jesus that all my problems have faded away because that would be a lie. But now I have a peace at the center of my heart that can never be disturbed. I never feel alone because I know he is always there with me. I know what heaven looks like and I know that I will be there one day. I don't fear death because I know what is waiting next. I can honestly say that God has not failed to answer a single on of my prayers. He is always there, always listening, and wants to provide for those he loves.

If you think that Christianity is about the rules, the bondage, the guilt, scare tactics, or judgements you couldn't be further from the truth. We can all sit here and argue about this fact and that and why some think God is a joke. I don't have all the answers but I do know that my life changed and there is no arguing that. I know I have seen other lives change before my eyes and you cant argue that either. If you are holding back I dare you to give God a chance. Talk to him and ask him to show you, to prove to you that he's there.

All of this is not something I "believe", it's something I KNOW.

So in summary Dazza, my turn to Christianity was a gradual one. No one ever pushed it on me and I made the choice based on what I could undeniably feel in my heart. God chose to show himself to me and draw me unto him. There was no guilting of a pastor, no elaborate sermon, no fear of burning in hell. The reason I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ is because he showed himself to me. I promise you that if you seek him he will show himself to you also. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself. What do you have to lose?


>I grew up like a normal teenager and began drinking, having sex, getting into trouble, pretty normal teenage behavior

So, did you stop drinking & having sex after that Sunday?

Is drinking and having sex ALLOWED in true Christianity? (I know the drinking isn't in certain other religions)

What is your view now, on drinking and having sex?

>The reason I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ is because he showed himself to me
Tell me, how DOES Jesus show himself? I mean, what's the process / procedure / method in this respect? I'm not sure what this means exactly.
At what point did this happen? and how did you know?

How do you think your life would differ if, all of a sudden you became an atheist? (tomorrow, for example)

12-04-2012, 11:19 PM

>I grew up like a normal teenager and began drinking, having sex, getting into trouble, pretty normal teenage behavior

So, did you stop drinking & having sex after that Sunday?

Is drinking and having sex ALLOWED in true Christianity? (I know the drinking isn't in certain other religions)

What is your view now, on drinking and having sex?

>The reason I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ is because he showed himself to me
Tell me, how DOES Jesus show himself? I mean, what's the process / procedure / method in this respect? I'm not sure what this means exactly.
At what point did this happen? and how did you know?

How do you think your life would differ if, all of a sudden you became an atheist? (tomorrow, for example)

Sorry its been a while Dazza. I came down with a pretty bad case of the flu and it has hung on me for a while now. In response to your above questions:

The drinking actually stopped before I became a Christian. I can't say it was voluntary though. I was a pretty heavy drinker in college and one day it finally caught up to me. I began to experience all kinds of stomach issues, which they believed to be caused by an ulcer. There were many things I had to cut out of my diet including alcohol. I eventually just accepted that if I wanted my stomach to ever heal again I was going to have to stop drinking. It was a pretty hard thing to do in the middle of college. Looking back now though I see it as a blessing in disguise. My major was extremely hard and I honestly don't think I would have passed all my classes if I still had been drinking. It was a very slow process but I learned to truly appreciate and enjoy things for what they were. For example, usually I would go to a concert and have to get drunk for it to be really fun. The first few sober concerts I went to sucked but after time I learned to truly enjoy the music and be content sober. I still go to parties and bars with my friends but I don't drink. I can honestly say I have just as much fun but don't wake up with a hangover the next day or make any regrettable decisions lol.

As far as sex goes I have always been conservative, only having sex with girls that I dated for a while. I have not been in a relationship for a while now so there has been no chance for sex. I don't plan on having sex until I am married now. I will admit it will be a challenge and maybe a struggle at times but it doesn't worry me. When I am married I will have all the great sex that I want. God wants us to have lots of sex and enjoy it, just with someone we are married to.

As far as what is "allowed", drinking and sex would be a yes, but in the right context. As I said before God wants us to have lots of awesome sex, just with our spouse. He could have created reproduction any other way he wanted but instead he chose the awesome method that is sex. Jesus actually drank when he lived here on earth. The famous bible story tells how he changed water to wine, not Gatorade. The bible does say that getting drunk, or altering your mind is a sin. The pastor of my church drinks, my Christian friends drink, and I would probably drink if I could. It is all about moderation. If you want to have a couple drinks, no problem. But if your main goal is to go out and get hammered every night, the bible would say that is a sin. But I think we know, or at least I do, that maybe that standard isn't so harsh after all. I know that I have made some pretty regrettable decisions at the end of a drunken night. I’m sure there are many people out there with DUI's and other arrests, unplanned pregnancies, and too many hangovers to count that would not be in that situation if they were sober.

Most people think, well I’m not going to follow that Jesus stuff because then I can't get drunk and have sex. Sadly, those are the two highlights of life in our society. People think their life would suck if they couldn't get drunk or have sex. I agree that both are fun and at one point were highlights of my life. But if your life sucks without those two things your life just sucks in general. You should never place your happiness in such varying things. It has taken time but I have learned to be happy with the simple things in life. I like my material things too but I won't be heart broken if they are removed from my life. Aside from my family there isn't anything that could be taken from me that would crush me. I suppose the apostle Paul felt this way when he said, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12-13.

Jesus shows himself in all kinds of ways. It is hard for me to describe but I guess you could call it more of a feeling inside and not actually a physical experience. It is a peace and fullness in your heart that you have never experienced before. My prayers have been answered right before my eyes. I have seen lives of loved ones changed. There have been countless days when I am struggling with something and I open up my bible and it seems like God is speaking directly to my situation. If you give him the chance he will show himself to you. There will be fullness in your heart that was not there before. Things in your life will start to change. He will answer your prayers in some way or another. Your thoughts, desires, and actions will start to change. The best evidence to this is my own life. If only we had known each other and you would have seen who I was and who I am now. It is not that I have changed my behavior and “sin” less because I am a Christian. Jesus has changed my heart and because of that I have new desires. The bible says that when you surrender you life to Jesus Christ the old you dies and you become new. When this happens God looks down at you and sees his son Jesus. You become forever spotless and despite your mistakes God looks at you and says not guilty. God is not some far away ruler and judge but a piece of him resides in your heart; a piece that you can actually feel. I would say that this was a gradual experience in my life. For some it is an instantaneous experience in their lives for some it is different. They more I perused God the more he showed up in my life. Jeremiah 29:13 says “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

12-04-2012, 11:19 PM
Many people believe that if they are a good person and believe in God they will go to heaven. This is not true. You cannot “earn” your way to heaven and the bible clearly states this. “For no one will ever be saved by obeying the law”. Just because you believe in God does not mean you KNOW him or Jesus. “Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as “Lord”, but they still wont enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey my Father in heaven. On judgment day many will tell me, “Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.” But I will reply, “I never knew you, go away.” Matthew 7:21-23

To be saved, born again, become a Christian, or whatever you would like to call it, you must surrender your life to Jesus Christ. You must believe in your heart that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, died for our sins, and was resurrected into heaven. You simply pray a prayer to God and tell him you believe this. You can tell him you admit that you are a sinner and you want accept Jesus Christ into your heart. There is no specific or fancy way to do this; it’s just a conversation between you and God. The bible says “For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.” Romans 10: 9-10.

I don’t think it would be possible for me to suddenly become atheist. My whole faith is not exactly based on what I believe but what I know. I can never un-know something but there is always a tendency to drift away from God. I have felt the drift before when I get to caught up in the less important distractions in this world. I can tell you that I don’t run back to God because of fear but because of love. I can honestly say that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and that is what it’s all about. Above all else he wants a relationship with you, plain and simple. He is an important apart of my life and it is not the same without him. At times when I drift from him I begin to lose my sense of a foundation. I may begin to feel an emptiness in my heart that I try to fill with material things.

I would say that if I had never started a relationship with Jesus Christ my life would be very different. I think that I would be forever after the pursuit of “happiness. I would believe that more money, more girls, more things, would make me happy. I would think that for my life to be perfect I needed the American Dream. I would dedicate my life to the pursuit of the hot wife, the perfect kids, the big house, the fancy car, and the boat. These things would never truly satisfy me and there would always be emptiness in my heart. When I finally achieved all I had worked for I would probably be extremely disappointed. The things I had spent my whole life chasing could not fill the void in my heart. If I were an anxiety sufferer I probably would be popping pills on a daily basis. I can tell you for a fact that my relationship with Jesus has been essential in my recovery from anxiety. Honestly the list could go on and on and on. I think I could still have a “good” life but there would never be that peace or joy deep within my heart that I feel now. Most importantly I would not have the promise of spending eternity in heaven with God. For us, this life seems so long but to God it is gone in the blink of an eye. Hell is a very real place and its not somewhere you want to be. There are no second chances or going back. It’s not a hot place where you drink cheap beer, listen to AC/DC, and have lots of sex.

I think people stop need to seeing Christianity as a religion and start seeing it for what it is. It is all about knowing Jesus and having a personal relationship with him. That is the main point. He loves you, wants to get to know you, wants to make your life better, and wants to save a place for you in heaven. If you think Christianity is all about rules, guilt, and control tactics, then you couldn’t be further from the truth. Before you can start a relationship with someone you have to meet them. The bible says that Jesus stands at the door of your heart and knocks. You have to let Jesus into your heart before you can meet him. Once you meet him you gradually grow in your relationship with him just like you would grow in a relationship with any human that you’ve met. You will have lots of questions and doubts at first but he wants you to bring those to him.

I am always happy to answer questions on this subject but the best advice I can give you is to give Jesus a chance. He is knocking at the door of your heart waiting to come in. The best thing you can do is let him in and take it from there.

12-05-2012, 05:52 AM
What a loaded question, and I can't resist adding my 2 cents.

I lost my faith when I was 12. My father drowned when I was a year and half, leaving my mother 1 month pregnant with my brother. Have you ever tried to love someone you have no memories of? It tore my mind to shreds. I was 12 the 1st time I wanted to kill myself so that I could meet my dad. But if I committed suicide I'd go to hell. So I started praying that someone would kill me.

When that plan went south I explored every religion, settling on none. My experience with my father taught me that connections with beings I could not see, hear, or touch could no be made. I became very cynical about religion.

Recently I've settled on the idea that we all just have to rely on each other, that's why I joined this forum. I take inspiration from my fellow humans. And yes, I know Jesus was human (it's the divinity part I can't reconcile), just like Buddha was human. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves.

12-05-2012, 06:02 AM
It is a scientific fact that Jesus existed. Am I a strict constructionist when it comes to the bible? No. I believe it was written by man and has its flaws. I also believe religion kills the whole concept of Christianity. I say what can it hurt. Studies are more than clear that people who believe in a higher power live happier lives.

12-05-2012, 04:57 PM
Did god create dinosaurs? Why didn't they get a mention?

I'm not saying that this is for a fact, but I once asked this question and was referred to the mentioning of behemoths in the bible. After looking into it, it makes sense. To me atleast.

Job 40:15-24

15 ¶ Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
16 Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and his force [is] in the navel of his belly.
17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.
18 His bones [are as] strong pieces of brass; his bones [are] like bars of iron.
19 He [is] the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his
sword to approach [unto him].
20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.
21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
22 The shady trees cover him [with] their shadow; the willows of the brook
compass him about.
23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, [and] hasteth not: he trusteth that he
can draw up Jordan into his mouth.
24 He taketh it with his eyes: [his] nose pierceth through snares.

12-05-2012, 05:27 PM
I think that may be refering to a Rhino.

12-06-2012, 12:02 AM
God created the universe according to a set of consistent principles and theories (often known as science) which allowed him to create the earth, this was at least 5 billion years ago. With there being a God there has to be an afterlife, maybe not the traditional Christian heaven and hell but something, otherwise when you die, how can you simply "not exist" anymore? It logically can't be an eternity of nothingness, I know you can't prove an afterlife in a strict scientific observe and test it sense but if I die now, what s the next thng I experience? It can't be just me not existing, its such an out there concept I can't even get my head around it and the very suggestion of nothingness makes me anxious.

12-06-2012, 12:32 AM
God created the universe according to a set of consistent principles and theories (often known as science) which allowed him to create the earth, this was at least 5 billion years ago. With there being a God there has to be an afterlife, maybe not the traditional Christian heaven and hell but something, otherwise when you die, how can you simply "not exist" anymore? It logically can't be an eternity of nothingness, I know you can't prove an afterlife in a strict scientific observe and test it sense but if I die now, what s the next thng I experience? It can't be just me not existing, its such an out there concept I can't even get my head around it and the very suggestion of nothingness makes me anxious.

Do you reckon it's the same for all creatures?

Ants, elephants, dolphins, butterflies, blue whales, dogs, cats, thunder bugs... bacteria?

Or just humans?

If just humans... why? what makes us any different to other creatures?

You LIKE to believe in afterlife coz you can't handle the sadness of it not being the case. Understandable, but misguided in my opinion.

12-06-2012, 12:24 PM
Dazza im curious as to what exactly you don't believe in?

Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? What do you think of the bible, just made up by a bunch of loonies back in the day?

Also what exactly do you believe in?

12-06-2012, 11:55 PM
Do you reckon it's the same for all creatures?

Ants, elephants, dolphins, butterflies, blue whales, dogs, cats, thunder bugs... bacteria?

Or just humans?

If just humans... why? what makes us any different to other creatures?

You LIKE to believe in afterlife coz you can't handle the sadness of it not being the case. Understandable, but misguided in my opinion.

My understanding is there is a seprarate heaven for animals an "animal heaven" With respect, you've kind of dodged the question of "how can you simply not exist in any way, without some form of consciousness?" Humans are more than just a bunch of cells and chemicals.

03-07-2015, 10:27 PM
Yes I very much believe and God and believe those who don't are punished for it.

03-07-2015, 10:53 PM
Yes I very much believe and God and believe those who don't are punished for it.

I bet you're fun at a party..

03-07-2015, 10:53 PM
I believe in some form of higher power. The universe is far too much like clockwork to be totally random. As far as our knowledge of it goes, anyhow.

03-08-2015, 12:48 AM
I bet you're fun at a party..


I don't believe in *THE* God but I believe in *A* God or Gods. Will I be punished? :)

03-08-2015, 06:50 AM
A small channelled reading for today:

Begin -

Hello human 'family' -

If God were to show up in front of all humanity, it would be like a White House briefing. Naturally, humans would project their ideas and beliefs about Him (onto Him) - if indeed He decided to show as male. (If female was chosen it would raise a completely different set of issues to face). Some would worship, some would resent, some would throw stones, and some would send Him to death. Of course this sounds familiar to most of you. Now, when your parents pass on, they leave you with brothers, sisters, and family, or perhaps you start your own. God has, in that same context, left you with all your brothers and sisters.

And so, even if life has some pain, it is ever so precious, and you are never truly alone. You can hide out, if you wish. Once you surface however, you will be greeted by a smiling face of a neighbor somewhere, say at the market, and in that face you see your father, as He greets you out into the sunshine, among his children. Where you could be good for something.

Say passing along that wonderful smile.

Animals have no separate heaven. There is no heaven to go to, (using human terms) - other than what you create, moment by moment. And so earth is to train you in that. You are meant to appreciate what's before you, now. Should you not like what you see, create differently by examining how you ended up with your creation. In a very real sense animals are there to teach you, and learn from you, in a vast cooperative venture.

You are part of a larger personality grouping, your spirit family, so to speak. Or overall entity, who has identities in many realities at once. Through interrelated (psychic) communications each knows of the other, and is meant to contribute to the overall welfare of the group, learning through trial and error. Now you do not see them, but you do feel them, knowing you are part of something bigger, you see, more than the confines of your bodies. And so, it would behoove you in this regard, to learn to create not only responsibly but consciously and with purpose knowing each indivuated action has more consequence throughout many dimensions at once. Say if you smile at a stranger in your life today, your sibling in another reality might experience your smile as say a flower in the ground, you see. And so each of your actions are far reaching, if you understand, multidimensional. Yes. Your actions help shape a universe, and beyond.

Not only each day, but each moment is truly a blank canvas, if you should desire to paint your life differently, regardless of the past. The present, in greater terms, will actually reach out in all directions altering all time periods because of your current beliefs and or action. In that sense you are not fated to some karmic outcome beyond your control.

When you pass on from the earth, your identity, of say Jessed, or GypsyLee for example (two forum members) is not annihilated but combined once again with your psychic family, and so there is greater knowing but also a fond remembrance of all the personhoods who occupied bodies over the eons. So even though you are a part of something much greater, you still retain that which was learned in the body as Gypsys life, for example. It should help some of you to know that your integrity is intact, and never annihilated at so called death of the body.

I do not expect all of you to understand what we speak of. But maybe allow these words to give you a glimpse into who you really are, much more, so to speak, than your limiting concepts or beliefs. God in His truest sense, if explained to you using words or information would not be one millionth of the spiritual account of who He is, nor would you be able to hold such concepts in your minds at the present. God truly is within each sparrow, and every creature of infinite systems of home realities, all of which you know nothing about. He is indeed aware of every breathe and every thought of every one - of creaturehood at once. That one concept is so large as to be 'mind boggling' in itself, and doesn't even begin to touch the surface of who He is. A physical father on earth say, would have his hands full with 2 children, you see.

There are many gods (small g) who watch over humanity (the human system) and even walk among you. Those that have finished the cycle of human rebirth, and are here as teachers, you see. And so you have 'The One' and then a hierarchy (within Him) which are archetypes, of Him, in many others, down to the smallest of all, in every organism, including those within your bodies - what you call an attacking virus - which do indeed have their own agenda and consciousness - there is nothing outside of Him. By the time you say He is all that is, He is more. And you, dear ones, are gifted with the same 'stuff'' as the gods (small and big G) -

You create your reality.

With love for each and every reader, throughout life, that stumbles across this message at just the right 'time'.

Edit - I have read this post back and I'm happy with it. I do hope it is received as comforting to many of you. The result a greater awareness of who you are.

Two One
03-08-2015, 12:34 PM
I grew up in a Catholic family and I was raised with some pretty strong religious values. When my anxiety flared up in 2013 I tried for a long time to put my faith in a higher power, and when that wasn't enough in early 2014 I grew incredibly frustrated with the concept of faith. My desire to understand everything and value of science led me to believe the only way to help myself was to push through it myself and with therapy. However, I've realized that there was no way for me to be angry at God without believing in him.

I'm about as scientific as anyone can be, especially as an aspiring doctor, but there is no way the earth and all of its inhabitants were created by accident.

03-08-2015, 12:50 PM
I grew up in a Catholic family and I was raised with some pretty strong religious values. When my anxiety flared up in 2013 I tried for a long time to put my faith in a higher power, and when that wasn't enough in early 2014 I grew incredibly frustrated with the concept of faith. My desire to understand everything and value of science led me to believe the only way to help myself was to push through it myself and with therapy. However, I've realized that there was no way for me to be angry at God without believing in him.

I'm about as scientific as anyone can be, especially as an aspiring doctor, but there is no way the earth and all of its inhabitants were created by accident.

Maybe not, but if it was by design, then I think it was a pretty shitty design, in all honesty. You only have to look across the globe to see major bugs in the system. And that's not including the universe which includes massive rocks bumping into each other and black holes which swallow things up at alarming rates.

If the Universe was a website, nobody would visit. The glitches would drive them insane. If that's the best a so-called all-powerful being has, I'm not overly impressed.

03-08-2015, 01:40 PM
I know, it's a weird question. But a lot of my anxiety at the moment has has been based around beliefs and not sure what to believe anymore. Just out there for anyone who wants to discuss what they believe :)

Yes, I do. That doesn't mean I don't struggle with questions and pain, but I do. I believe in Jesus as well.

03-08-2015, 01:47 PM
Yes, I do. That doesn't mean I don't struggle with questions and pain, but I do. I believe in Jesus as well.

What kind of questions do you struggle with?

03-08-2015, 01:55 PM
What kind of questions do you struggle with?

Why there is so much psychological suffering, pain, etc.... I can be told a million intellectual answers, but emotionally it still hard to deal with.

03-08-2015, 02:04 PM
Why there is so much psychological suffering, pain, etc.... I can be told a million intellectual answers, but emotionally it still hard to deal with.

I guess that's why I've failed to connect with religion lately. Up until I was 19, I went to a religious school. I even planned to be a theologist. But then one day I had this bad bout of depersonalization, and for about 10 minutes, saw the world is this new, unattached way. And I saw so much suffering I wept. I wept so so much. It dawned on me, pain was everywhere. And most of it unfair.

Even the meat I'd eaten for lunch was the life of an animal that had probably felt terror, and wept itself for its life before it was killed. And I realised everything around me - nature, evolution, survival and even human existence - was so incredibly cold, callous and uncaring.

Natural disasters, death, pain, disease are everywhere punishing people for crimes they never committed. Once this really hit me and I had a momentary break from my social conditioning, I could no longer accept that life was about love, as we're told. I couldn't see a trace of evidence for a caring creator.

I can believe something did create the universe, but I can't believe it values humans above everything else like religion tells us. To be honest I can't even believe that it's loving, either. That viewpoint just seems so at odds with science, nature and logic.

Maybe one day I'll connect with it organised religion again. I doubt it, but who knows.

I hope you find solace with your questions.

03-08-2015, 02:24 PM
If there is god, he/she/it does not care about such small parasites on this planet like us. God is something unfeeling and no mercy. Look at the girl who was beheaded because her husband said she was flirting. Do you really think that there is different God for her? That God takes care of christian only?
Jessed I am so impressed with your posts here, I had read them twice. You are awesome and smart :)

03-08-2015, 02:47 PM
I guess that's why I've failed to connect with religion lately. Up until I was 19, I went to a religious school. I even planned to be a theologist. But then one day I had this bad bout of depersonalization, and for about 10 minutes, saw the world is this new, unattached way. And I saw so much suffering I wept. I wept so so much. It dawned on me, pain was everywhere. And most of it unfair.

Even the meat I'd eaten for lunch was the life of an animal that had probably felt terror, and wept itself for its life before it was killed. And I realised everything around me - nature, evolution, survival and even human existence - was so incredibly cold, callous and uncaring.

Natural disasters, death, pain, disease are everywhere punishing people for crimes they never committed. Once this really hit me and I had a momentary break from my social conditioning, I could no longer accept that life was about love, as we're told. I couldn't see a trace of evidence for a caring creator.

I can believe something did create the universe, but I can't believe it values humans above everything else like religion tells us. To be honest I can't even believe that it's loving, either. That viewpoint just seems so at odds with science, nature and logic.

Maybe one day I'll connect with it organised religion again. I doubt it, but who knows.

I hope you find solace with your questions.

yes, that articulates what I feel on different levels at different times. I am broken hearted today because a family member put down a dog that was attached to me yesterday without telling me. That is so jacked...and cold.She didnt have to do that yet. Case in point.

Thank you for your wishes...I hope you are doing well too.

03-08-2015, 04:24 PM
I don't quite see how there could be a God if I'm honest, but I'm not at all opposed to the belief in God.

03-08-2015, 04:33 PM
I don't think it is possible to perceive happiness on any level without a corresponding level of suffering. You need balance for perspective, or in other words, the bad must exist for the experience of the positive to exist. The opposite is also true.

If the universe were a place of just joy, there would be no reference that joy was taking place, thus it would not in fact be joy.

I also agree with you guys in that human beings are not some above all species. That, however, does not take away from our capability to spread love.

03-09-2015, 12:25 AM
All the suffering and brokenness in the world does make one wonder. Why would God create a world like this? Well hypothetically speaking, he didn't. If we are talking about the God of the bible, we see in the account of creation that God's original plan was not the one we live in today. There originally was no sickness, death, sadness, anxiety, ect. It gets a little theological about why this changed but basically God created a beautiful and perfect world where death did not exist, including animals. There was only one command given to the first humans, be fruitful and multiply. They were naked at the time. It doesn't get much better. Your only command is to thrive and make lots of babies with your hot naked wife in a beautiful world without anything bad in it. God lived among his children in a perfect and intimate relationship. He does give them the choice to choose evil, to say F U God we wanna do things our way. That is what they do and that is where the fracture of Gods original plan occurs. From the point that they allow evil into the world, that is where you get the tragedy that we see today. How this happens is a little in depth and lengthy and I doubt anyone gives two $hits anyway. Anyway, the point of Heaven is there will one day be again a New Earth. A place where this is no sickness, crying, death, and we will live in a perfect loving relationship with God once again. Thats for the people who chose to. Not the good people but they people who want to go there, who choose to go there. People dont just "go to hell" because they said too many cuss words. They choose to go to hell aka an eternity separated from God. The point of heaven is that we will be with God, forever. So why does anyone who doesn't believe or want to mock christianity want to go there. When the first humans "sinned" , chose to give the middle finger to God, go with their plan and not his, choose evil, that is when everything got messed up.

I agree that it is a complex subject but I think people could have a lot of their questions answered if they just approached it with an open mind and a kind heart.

03-09-2015, 12:37 AM
Out of interest nf, what is your opinion of the bible? Do you believe every word is the absolute word of God? Do you believe facts and details have been slightly obscured due to stories being passed on in a Chinese whisper type of way? Do you take some bits, but discard others?

03-09-2015, 02:38 AM
Yes, I do. I'm a muslim, so I believe in the God of the Qur'an. I feel like the muslim community has, in many ways, failed persons who are mentally ill. There are many muslims who will assert that you're either lacking in faith or are possessed if you are mentally ill. Both conclusions are rather callous, aside from untrue. I myself suffer from depression and anxiety.

03-09-2015, 05:07 PM
I believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible and not what others tell me to believe. God will give you what he wants you to understand when you read the Bible and not what others tell you it means. Yes God is my only refuge especially now when I am in this dark place with my mental problems. I am pretty shut down but God knows a way to make something good come out of it. For now, I have to depend on that refuge and keep living day by day.

03-09-2015, 05:24 PM
I too believe in God but I wish this thread would go away.

Nothing good comes from telling others what you believe....since they believe maybe the same or maybe something different

Nobody is changing their minds so let's move on

Lets just get back to all the things that brought us here in the first place... Good recipes

03-09-2015, 05:30 PM
I believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible and not what others tell me to believe.

So you weren't raised a Christian?

03-09-2015, 05:57 PM
Lets just get back to all the things that brought us here in the first place... Good recipes

True. Even though the recent responses have been well-mannered, these threads don't go anywhere. I don't know why I got involved. Probably because my sleep's been a bitch. I never do in the past.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in God, guys. God is an irrelevant subject on an anxiety forum. Any benefits you'll gain from religion will be personal and achieved in your time of quiet reflection. They don't need to be spoken about.
Any questions you have about religion won't be solved for very long either if the answers to them are written in short paragraphs such as those you find on threads like these.

So there's nothing to gain by participating...

In conclusion

If you do believe in God, spend the 5 minutes or so you'd have used to write a post to pray instead.

If you don't believe in god, hearing somebody talk about two naked people taking dietary advice from a talking snake isn't going to convince you. Spend your 5 minutes meditating.

You'll both be better off for it.


03-09-2015, 10:10 PM
Out of interest nf, what is your opinion of the bible? Do you believe every word is the absolute word of God? Do you believe facts and details have been slightly obscured due to stories being passed on in a Chinese whisper type of way? Do you take some bits, but discard others?

My opinion of the bible is that it is one of the most significant historical documents we have to date. It has led to numerous archeological and historical findings. Yes I do believe that the entire bible is the inspired word of God written through various authors. I don't choose certain parts to believe that benefit. I believe it all. I don't see how some Christians can pick and chose the parts that they like. I don't see how they can say the parts that make them uncomfortable are "old and outdated" but the parts they are cool with like going to heaven are relevant and true.

I know that small details have changed over such a long time but we are talking about grammatical errors not the kind of thing where big important details change. I've studied this stuff and the scribes who copied these documents were super OCD about it. We have copies dating wayyyy back and we can see if there are changes over the huge time periods and there are not.

I think the main issues comes from people not fully understanding the bible. I'll be the first to admit its a daily learning experience for me. People think it is like this giant rule book of do's and donts, telling us how bad we are. It is really just a historical document that is extremely fascinating even to those who don't believe. The key to the bible is CONTEXT. Folks love to quote crazy old testament versus out of leviticus. If you see someone do that its a red flag that they have NO clue what they are talking about. For example, the book of the leviticus looks nuts at first. All kinds of weird rules in there. But you have to look at the context. This was written by Moses to the Israelites and especially the Levites. It was written at a specific time. These people had been slaves of Egypt forever and had begged God to rescue them. After he does they are kind of wandering out in the wilderness not sure how to handle themselves. They have been under the rule of Egypt for so long they don't no how to live like normal human beings. They are also God's chosen people that Jesus will eventually be born from. They are being trained to be Gods holy people and a nation of priests. So when you see crazy rules in leviticus you have to realize it was written specifically at the time to these people only. It tells them how to live among each other and how not to kill one another. It says some really weird stuff like don't cut your hair a certain way, but if we dig deeper we see it is because the people of that day that cut their hair this way BURNED BABIES ALIVE. So Gods like hey you aren't gonna cut your hair like them.

The biggest context of all is old testament vs new testament. Old testament is rich in knowledge and history but you cannot apply many of the things now a days. When Jesus died on the cross it changed everything. It started the New Testament aka the New Covenant or New Contract. So when we have a new contract we don't go buy the things that are stated in the old. I think people, believers and non, can make wayyy more headway in intelligent discussions if they stick to the New Testament. but again look at the context. A lot of the new testament is written by Paul to specific churches he had planted. So in that context what is it saying to us.

Ultimately it all comes down to understanding. If the bible puts a bad taste in your mouth and you don't want to believe it, your reading it wrong. The bible has 1 point and that is God saving all of humanity through Jesus so that we can spend eternity with him in a wonderful place. It is a message of hope and love. If there are things you don't understand or don't believe I totally get it. I myself am learning everyday.

BTW I really don't care what anyone believes. I'm not here to push anything on anyway. Would it be cool if I could help answer some peoples questions, yeah, but I've got more important things to do with my life than yell at people on the internet.

So if anyone wants to just have an intelligent convo about this stuff, I'm here. Not hating no bashing and no finger pointing. I have a degree in Engineering so I am a thinker. It's hard to find smart people to chat about this stuff with each day.

Be easy folks

03-10-2015, 06:42 AM
YES! I believe in God and his son, Jesus Christ. Praying has helped me through some difficult times.

03-10-2015, 08:59 AM
Yes, having doubts, no, maybe, Yes. My thought process over the years. I have settled at yes now.

03-10-2015, 06:56 PM
yes i beleive in God, I was brought up in a fundamentalist church, old fashioned and had a hard time but after I left home I made friends with a pastor of my own age. He just glows with Gods love and his love for everyone. I had run into trouble trying to beleive and do what others thought I should to be a christian. Now I just go by the Bible, God will give you the understanding of his word for you while you read it. A lot of people talk about Gods wrath and punishments but I try to live in Gods love, after all He is our Father and loves us so much that He gave us His only son. I concentrate on His love, his refuge when I can't deal with things, and I know that he watches over me.

03-10-2015, 07:35 PM
It doesn't matter whether you believe in God, guys. God is an irrelevant subject on an anxiety forum. Any benefits you'll gain from religion will be personal and achieved in your time of quiet reflection. They don't need to be spoken about.
Any questions you have about religion won't be solved for very long either if the answers to them are written in short paragraphs such as those you find on threads like these.

So there's nothing to gain by participating...

In conclusion

If you do believe in God, spend the 5 minutes or so you'd have used to write a post to pray instead.

If you don't believe in god, hearing somebody talk about two naked people taking dietary advice from a talking snake isn't going to convince you. Spend your 5 minutes meditating.

You'll both be better off for it.