View Full Version : Shuld i see someone???

11-12-2012, 08:50 PM
Hey guys I think I have pretty bad anxiety I was put on effexor 150mg once a day and it was working for awhile but the last few days I have been feeling horrible worrying myself sick obsessing over death or people dying overthinking everything for example my daughter and her dad went to the park an all I could think about is her being taken getting killed u know stuff that u shuldnt obsess about I'm getting to the point I can't stay sane unless my kids are around me I worry to much I have also been sleeping like no tommorow during the day but as soon as night comes I'm afraid of everything wake knearly every hour have horrible
Nightmares :( just don't know if this is normal or if I might need some
More help :/

11-12-2012, 09:01 PM
Ever since my mom passed away in September of heart disease all I do is obsess about death. I have visuals of her and how she suffered on her last few days. Ironically enough right after she passed is when I started suffering from chest pains. I've been checked out and I've been told by two doctors that it is anxiety related. I'm still planning to go for a third opinion before I convince myself that I don't have heart disease but I go have anxiety. I find that anxiety hits me the hardest Shen I'm driving home from work, shower or in bed. I fight my thoughts by shaking my head and trying to replace a bad thought with a good one. Exercise helps me too.

11-12-2012, 10:20 PM
You could consider going to see someone. Often times it helps.

11-13-2012, 12:24 AM
Hey guys I think I have pretty bad anxiety I was put on effexor 150mg once a day and it was working for awhile but the last few days I have been feeling horrible worrying myself sick obsessing over death or people dying overthinking everything for example my daughter and her dad went to the park an all I could think about is her being taken getting killed u know stuff that u shuldnt obsess about I'm getting to the point I can't stay sane unless my kids are around me I worry to much I have also been sleeping like no tommorow during the day but as soon as night comes I'm afraid of everything wake knearly every hour have horrible
Nightmares :( just don't know if this is normal or if I might need some
More help :/

I think you should try to stop sleeping during the day. A half hour nap is supposed to revitalise us but you sound like you're taking more than that... which is obviously going to affect your night sleep.

A bad nights kip and the shitty feeling the next day is a recipe for anxious disaster. Seriously.
Anxiety LOVES a run-down body & mind. It thrives on it.

Your (hideous) sleeping pattern could be the cause of most of your problems.

11-13-2012, 12:31 AM
Ever since my mom passed away in September of heart disease all I do is obsess about death. I have visuals of her and how she suffered on her last few days. Ironically enough right after she passed is when I started suffering from chest pains. I've been checked out and I've been told by two doctors that it is anxiety related. I'm still planning to go for a third opinion before I convince myself that I don't have heart disease but I go have anxiety. I find that anxiety hits me the hardest Shen I'm driving home from work, shower or in bed. I fight my thoughts by shaking my head and trying to replace a bad thought with a good one. Exercise helps me too.

Interesting you say your anxiety hits when driving home, shower or bed.
This is quite common amongst anxious folk.

The driving home is most likely because either a/ you live alone and fear being alone or b/ your home life is hectic / unhappy.
I suffered panic in the shower but I never worked out why. I could feel myself getting anxious leading up to the shower.
Perhaps it's the feeling of being trapped? or that a shower signified going to work... and work causes stress. Who knows... it's common anyway.
Bed - well, it's the perfect time to think and worry.

11-13-2012, 06:02 AM
I think you should try to stop sleeping during the day. A half hour nap is supposed to revitalise us but you sound like you're taking more than that... which is obviously going to affect your night sleep.

A bad nights kip and the shitty feeling the next day is a recipe for anxious disaster. Seriously.
Anxiety LOVES a run-down body & mind. It thrives on it.

Your (hideous) sleeping pattern could be the cause of most of your problems.

Oh I wish I could stop the sleeping during the day i constently feel out of energy and I myself was diognoised with a heart disease middle of last year I have always been a anxious over thinker but it's now gone into over drive

When I first found out about how the worlds meant to end in 2012 I obsessed over that for a month sleeping maybe 2 hours a night then researching the rest DAMN good a anxious persons worst enemy

Just lookin for some teqniques to curb the anxiety and panic attacks

11-13-2012, 06:06 AM
I meant google is a anxious persons worst enemy