View Full Version : A2x

maggie tia
11-12-2012, 07:05 PM
Has any one used or heard of the herbal drug a2x? I just ordered it online just wanting to know if anyone else has used it?

maggie tia
11-13-2012, 02:24 AM
Run it past your doctor as some of these can effect the lexapro you are one .

I take this one .


Seems to work but slowly .

The Theanine is also found in green tea and is what makes it calming . Works the same as a benzo on gaba

One thing you can add with the lexapro is magnesium .

I googled the FAQs on the a2x it says its fine to take with the lexapro but these tablets came from overseas I'm just a little weary but then again I'm like that with everything

maggie tia
11-13-2012, 02:26 AM
Run it past your doctor as some of these can effect the lexapro you are one .

I take this one .


Seems to work but slowly .

The Theanine is also found in green tea and is what makes it calming . Works the same as a benzo on gaba

One thing you can add with the lexapro is magnesium .

Also the main ingredient in this is Passion flower