View Full Version : seperation bringing back my anxiety.

11-12-2012, 04:11 PM
I`ve been on paxil for anxiety/panic for 12 years and been doing good, alittle anxiety every now and then but nothing to bad.
last tuesday my wife announces she wants to seperate, and the anxiety is back, mostly in the mornings.
I have to say i have not missed this hell sick feeling. with all the people that have it you would think there would be some wonder drug for it.
so now i`m stuck dealing with anxiety and possible divorse, what a wonderful life.
anybody else have high anxiety in the mornings?
but it is possitive thought that i made it 12 years feeling ok.

11-13-2012, 10:56 PM
I know how u r feeling.... anything random, surprising or out of my control triggers me into a hyper state of anxiety... Just know your not the only one and that with baby steps you will be back to a less anxious life. And hurray to u for having gone 12yrs in a better state of mind. My longest was a year.