View Full Version : Pains

11-12-2012, 03:11 PM
I've got the most horrendous pains in my side under my left boob, every time I breathe or even move. I've had it since about 5pm. I'm too scared to go to sleep :(

11-12-2012, 03:48 PM
Could be gas.....not trying to be funny....but I've had terrible gas that causes me terrible pain in that region. Do you have any ginger? If so, boil some and drink it as a tea. Or use ginger ale....just try to do something that will cause you to butler or pass the gas.

But, if you start to get any other pains, spreading out to your arms and jaw, then you may want to go and see the doc.

11-12-2012, 07:20 PM
I get those sensations as well. They are very scary. I have GERD so it may be causing mine. I also recommend the tea. It does help. Take care.

11-13-2012, 12:51 AM
Could be gas.....not trying to be funny....but I've had terrible gas that causes me terrible pain in that region. Do you have any ginger? If so, boil some and drink it as a tea. Or use ginger ale....just try to do something that will cause you to butler or pass the gas.

But, if you start to get any other pains, spreading out to your arms and jaw, then you may want to go and see the doc.

Why, what could it be if I have the pains in my arm and jaw as well? I'm worried now :/

11-13-2012, 02:13 AM
Pulled muscle . From being tense .

Anxiety makes your muscle pull from both ends making them sore . Chest muscle will radiate pain into other places .

Nothing to worry about .

Oh, I thought you meant to get to the doctors because it could be something bad lol.

11-13-2012, 05:16 AM
You're fine Stacey. Forwells is right; just muscles, strain or gas. Don't respond to pain with fear, it triggers anxiety. If it lasts a few days or gets progressively worse and you can't function, then see a doc. Until then, accept it as anxiety.

You'll be okay,

11-13-2012, 05:29 AM
I've got the most horrendous pains in my side under my left boob, every time I breathe or even move. I've had it since about 5pm. I'm too scared to go to sleep :(


Boing... boing... boing... ouch!

11-13-2012, 05:43 AM

Boing... boing... boing... ouch!

Noooo, no booby bruise :(

11-13-2012, 06:10 AM
I get that all the time and it can be heaps of stuff but nothing to scary lol I have been to the emergency room 100 times for random pains that being one and mine what's reflux and gas related tried drinking some milk? Having a hot shower relax being tense isn't Gunna help lol and I know trying to relax is knear impossible when u have pain because if your any thing like me you automatically think your on the verg of death but try sleep hopefully it's gone in the morning :)

11-13-2012, 06:35 AM
Why, what could it be if I have the pains in my arm and jaw as well? I'm worried now :/

Don't worry, just perhaps it could be a pulled muscle....but I still think it is probably gas.....

11-13-2012, 06:40 AM
Don't worry, just perhaps it could be a pulled muscle....but I still think it is probably gas.....

A crab went into a sea nightclub and spent all night chatting up the women. He eventually pulled a mussell.