View Full Version : Morning anxiety

11-12-2012, 10:18 AM
First off, I love seeing all these profile pics!

Now, my anxiety seems to hit me HARD in the morning/during the day. But at night, I'm COMPLETELY relaxed. No meds. It's like my body knows its the end of the day, I can stop worrying because I made it through one more day. But as SOON as I wake in the morning, bam! My body says, hey! You have another day to worry...better get started! It sucks. I called my ob, told them about my racing heart. They said to find comfort in my EKG results, and not to worry. And to keep my pcp informed. Informed of what? There is nothing they want/can do for me! Blah. Am I supposed to go to 2 docs my entire pregnancy? One to look listen to my heart and another to the baby? I hate docs. One is more than enough for me. The thought of having to see two is stressing me out. The end.

11-13-2012, 07:31 AM
Forwells, my hormones are all screwed up! I'm pregnant! Lol. Maybe that's why this is happening. :/