View Full Version : Anixous 17 year old, please help!

04-18-2007, 02:40 PM
Hi, i'm 17, male.

I really can't take this horrid anxious feeling anymore! Had it for the last 4 months now. I had a run in with the police and I have to go court and stuff, for something I didn't do. It's not the most serious thing, and no resolution anytime soon. This mixed with upcoming exams, coursework, finding a job, is getting too much for me.

My chest feels heavy all the time, difficault breathing, sweating, thinking the worst, not being able to speak, palputations, diorreah, headaches.

I feel terribly anixious..not only about this but speaking to other people involved, I feel angry at them for no particular reason and don't really wanna see them till I have to as being around them increases my anxiety. I even get that pressing feeling when I open my email as i'm scared what's gonna be there. Same with the phone etc.

What should I do? I've tried to help myself, but one day i'm up one down i'm really down. It's also making me depressed...I sometimes feel like crying over things for no reason.

I am considering going to the doctors, what do you think will happen?

Please help, Thanks :)

V for Victor
04-18-2007, 06:07 PM
Hey, welcome to the forums! :)

I'm 18, male, and I know how you feel. I've had anxiety for years, but I've largely got it under control now, thanks to medication and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Anxiety usually manifests itself in our teen years, and it may be doing that with you. However, it sounds like you're also under a lot of pressure, just considering everything that's going on in your life right now. There is a chance that once things slow down, your anxiety will ease up.

However, if you actually have an anxiety disorder, then it may try and stay with you. It's okay, though. It's not a death sentence. There are many, many ways to control anxiety, and to go on living with it, and quite happily.

If you're really feeling down, and you feel that you ought to see a doctor, do so. The doctor will simply ask you questions about if you've ever attempted or seriously considered suicide, if you hear voices in your head, if you wash your hands a lot or check things, etc... They ask everybody who comes to them with anxiety these questions, not because they think you're crazy or they're trying to trap you, but simply because they need to know what your symptoms are in order to diagnose you and help you.

Be warned, they will also need to know if you drink alchohol, use drugs or smoke. It is very important that you be honest with them on this If the answer is yes, say yes. It would be very dangerous for them to give you medication if you're doing drugs or drinking.

In the meantime, just try some breating exercises. Exhale completely, and count for four seconds slowly. Then inhale for a period of four seconds. Hold the breath for four more seconds, and then exhale, and repeat. That usually calms me down.

If you have any more questions, do post them here, or send me a private message. :)

04-22-2007, 03:41 PM
Just let go any time you suffer for somthing like the symptoms of anxiety the more you suffer the more it will be there stop suffering and it will eventually go away pm me for details It went away for me

04-29-2007, 08:48 AM
Hi there,

Im alot older than you but can totally understand where your coming from right now as im at the end of my studies & have alot of work to do & deadlines looming & i also have alot going off in my life.

Firstly, remind yourself that this will pass. It wont be this bad for ever & if nothing else works other than just hanging in there, then just do that-hold on. It sounds to me like your also suffering from stress, you have alot on your plate at the moment. Im in the same position and my stress has made my anxiety almost unbearable. The funny thing about stress is that you dont always know your stressed, it kinda creeps up on you. Through experience, i now know im stressed when i start to lose my memory.

I think its a good idea to go & see what your doctor has to say, if they offer you medication & your not sure about taking it then you dont have too. Remeber, you always have choices.

AS for your friends & family, it may be helpful to go to the post called Anxiety sypmtoms, print it off and explain that this is how your feeling - if you feel able to do that with them. Ive just done this to help my friends & boyfriend understand where im at & why im being the way im being at the moment.

Things that help me are taking a walk, drinkin plenty of water & staying well away from alcohol!

Keep in touch & take care

Tat :)