View Full Version : Research on Panic Attacks

11-12-2012, 04:01 AM
Dear all,

I am a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at University College London and I am conducting a research study into panic attacks. The study has ethics approval from the UCL ethics committee and I am happy to answer any questions you may have - preferably by email which can be found on the study information page. (please see below)

Thank you for your time.


Participants needed for online research on Anxiety - University College London

Do you suffer from symptoms of anxiety?

Do you experience panic attacks?

People who experience panic attacks often have fears about how their body works. For example, some people have a strong fear of losing control of their bladder or/and bowel; for others this is not a major concern. These fears can cause them great distress, limiting their day-to-day activities and disrupting social relationships.

We are looking for participants to complete an online questionnaire, as part of our study, which is being conducted at University College London. Your information will increase our knowledge of difficulties with anxiety, helping us to develop new and effective treatments which can improve the quality of people’s lives.

If you experience symptoms of anxiety, please copy and paste the link below into your browser to find out more about the study.
