View Full Version : Morning hell :(

11-12-2012, 02:45 AM
My anxiety and panic attacks seem to be getting worse. This morning I broke down in tears at the mere thought of going to work. I was terrified, felt sick and couldn't stop shaking and my attack made me late for work. I feel rubbish now. Scared and quiet. I don't know what to do anymore. It's work that causes me to get like this but I can't just quit my job even though I really want to just walk out and not come back. I need help. I'm so so scared and about at the end of my tether. Please someone help me.

11-12-2012, 02:58 AM
I know exactly how you feel. Mine have been happening at work here lately, and the only thing I do to make myself feel better is ask someone to distract me. Is there anything you can do to get your mind off of how you feel? That usually helps me.

11-12-2012, 03:08 AM
Maybe start looking for a new job somewhere? I had a job I really hated, I mean I hate my job now but at my last job I used to have to go off and cry in the toilets!

11-12-2012, 04:38 AM
Thanks for the advice guys. I would love to quit my job and find something new but I'm scared that whatever job I end up in, I'm just going to be the same. I quit my last job because of it thinking things would be different here. Maybe I need to look at a different line of work altogether?
I'm scared of disappointing my family and not being able to earn enough for a stable future. But there's a lot of pressure here and although the people are nice, I struggle to relate to them and have no one to talk to. I just feel alone and scared and I'm trying to do the best for my future but I can't decide what's right :/ I've always thrived on pressure but recently it's just turned me into a quivering wreck :/

11-12-2012, 05:06 AM
I hate my job I just got. I feel like everyone's watching me, and that they don't like me or something all the time. Like I get this feeling when they're grouped up and I'm not around they're talking behind my back or some shit. And I feel like the manager likes the other new hires more than me. Hate the feeling, but I know it's anxiety. I really shouldn't even give a shite about what anyone there thinks, I'm there to pay my bills off. Buuuut yeah. I'd consider looking into another job perhaps. If this one makes you feel like you're living in hell then it's not gunna work out xD

11-12-2012, 05:39 AM
No offense, but it sounds to me like it isn't necessarily your jobs that are at fault... but more yourselves / your own, personal issues in the working environment.

If you have generalised issues with stuff like a/ being told what to do b/ don't feel like you fit in c/ can't work under pressure d/ feel singled out and so on then no matter where you go, you're likely to take these problems with you.

More often than not, people say they hate their job... but in fact, it's themselves they hate for feeling the way they do... but they use their job as an excuse to have a whine and whinge.

Comes a point in your life where you gotta "man-up" and stop ya whinging.

If you genuinely don't like it then do something about it... TODAY.
Take control and responsibility of your life.

11-12-2012, 06:00 AM
I didn't come on here to complain about my job. I will be the first to admit that it's a bloody good job and I'm lucky to have it. My problem lies with the fact that I panic at and before work and it's making me feel shit all the while. I spend nights, weekends and days off dreading going back to work. I'm also worried about messing things up for the company.
I don't have a problem with authority. I've always been a bit of a geek and a teachers pet haha so I'm sure it's not that.
I'm upsetting my family being like this and I hate doing that. I've tried to man up and my mum has even tried bring tough on me as opposed to sympathetic to try and make things better but nothing seems to work. I feel exhausted constantly and like I can never relax.
I know I need to do something about it but I'm struggling. I'm scared of ruining my future

11-12-2012, 06:04 AM
I love moaning and whinging, it's one of the few things that brings me joy :)

11-12-2012, 06:28 AM

I can sympathise. I have been off work now for 5 weeks with Anxiety. I have to go back Monday and Im more than a little nervous. My problem is, I really want to get back to work because being at home is boring me shitless, and as a result I have more time to think about my anxieties. However I know when I get back to work it is going to be too much and my anxieties may get the better of me so this makes me anxious too, so I know how you feel.

I dont know if this will help or not, but the biggest thing that has helped me over the past 5 weeks is to understand why I am anxious and understanding this has helped me not only come to terms with the anxiety but for some reason it has helped eliviate it. An instance of this would be whenever I have been able to talk openly about my childhood and upbringing to someone I trust who truly cares about listening I have felt the anxiety slowly disapear and I have felt fine for the rest of the day. Im not saying this is what you should do, but its helped me.

Im guessing from reading your posts, something has urked you at work. Maybe dealing with whatever that is will help. This is just my opinion and I retain the right to be totally wrong.

Hope this helps

11-12-2012, 08:56 AM
I feel the same. I'm very thankful I had a 3 day weekend because that means 1 less day I gotta be at the office. My anxiety is controlling me, all I think about is Wk. I often think about quitting but then I realize no matter where I go ill be like this. The jobs that I have had that I absolutely loved I made no money. So I feel stuck. I'm planning on talking to my boss as soon as I can get up the nerve to do so. My supervisor knows about my anxiety but doesnt seem to care. I'm at my wits end.