View Full Version : I'm tired, I'm comfortable... I just don't fall asleep!

11-11-2012, 05:32 PM

I have serious sleep problems at the moment. It always took me long to fall asleep, but at the moment it's just impossible. Today I was very tired and went to bed early at 9:30 pm. I was really, really tired, lying there, very comfortable, and thought: ok, I'm going to doze off any moment.. and nothing happened. For hours. I got up again at midnight because I could feel that I was slowly starting to become awake again. On weekends I'll eventually fall asleep at 4-6 am and wake up again between noon and 2 pm, so I get enough sleep, but during the week it's a catastrophe. I get way too little sleep and I don't know what's the problem, since I usually am tired at night and really feel like sleeping but it just doesn't happen.

Well, I have a hard time stopping to think, so that's part of the problem. I'm constantly thinking about something - not even worrying, just thinking, planning... most of the time there's a song playing in my head... so I can't really relax...

Are those kinds of sleep problems "normal" for anxiety? I will see a doctor about this, but maybe you can tell me what helped you fall asleep more quickly...

11-11-2012, 05:47 PM
No... just medication for my Hypothyreosis.