View Full Version : Generalized Anxiety

04-18-2007, 10:40 AM
I would consider myself to have generalized anxiety. I will have it at any time of the day no matter what the situation. I can be at work, home, in my car, at a ball game etc. It happens because I am thinking to myself way to much. I have no clue why I am doing this. It is like I am constantly thinking and talking to myself. I just was wondering if anyone had good ways just to relax and stop over thinking and worrying. (I have no clue what I am worrying about)

V for Victor
04-18-2007, 06:25 PM
There are various breathing techniques that you can learn to help calm down. You can also try distracting yourself by focusing on things that are very involving that you enjoy doing.

Sorry I'm not much help on this particular topic. :|

04-19-2007, 11:54 AM
Thanks for the help. I usually have good distraction methods such as sports, music and tv. The only problem is sometimes when I am doing these things I love, I can still have this big time worry that just comes through no matter what I am doing.

04-22-2007, 08:47 AM

I am new to the forum and I have noticed that I have the same sort of problem where I am anxious at random times during the day.

Distraction works really well but it only seems to temporarily fix the problem. I feel as though I am worrying about my own health too much and that is the main trigger point for me.

Once I start thinking about my health the symptoms of Anxiety kick in.

Relaxation does help but talking to people about your experiences is probably the best way to reduce anxiety (This also relaxes you and the symptoms reduce).

I hope this helps!

04-22-2007, 11:22 AM
Distraction works really well but it only seems to temporarily fix the problem. I feel as though I am worrying about my own health too much and that is the main trigger point for me.

Me too. Health worries and worries about my family members' safety are the main culprits for me.
What sorts of distraction techniques do you use?
I have trouble finding anything that works.
When I'm in "worry mode" (nearly all the time lately) I can work, but work doesn't distract me. In fact, I find I can only do a half-hearted job, and i'm very cranky while I do it.
The minute I get a break, I'm sitting there staring at a wall, or pacing, worrying, worrying.
What distractions work?

04-22-2007, 11:32 AM
I have the same problems, I hardly get relaxed and whenever I do, sooner or later(usually sooner) I think about health and get anxious again.

Classical relaxation techniques worked for a few days, now I get anxious only when I think about them...

Computer is my best way to get distracted, but it gets me neck problems which remind about my health which turn into anxiety...

04-22-2007, 02:13 PM
Normally the computer or the PS2 is the best distraction method but it only works for a short while.

I have noticed that I am worse when I have had a few drinks the night before. In fact the 1st attack was triggered after a night out.

As soon as I try to relax my body feels like it's saying 'No you're not relaxing!' and suddenly feel as though I need to do something. It's a really bad vicious circle that I can't seem to break at the moment.

Normally for me it's the heart palpitations that normally set me off into 'Worry Mode' then the other symptoms kick in. It's awful and scary.

04-23-2007, 08:55 AM
It seems to me that I am also worse the next day after I take a couple of drinks. I think that drink make you relax and the body asks for more to relax again.

I can't even watch a movie or something to relax, I get worried as soon as a phisical symtom kicks in or as soon as something in the movie reminds me about my bad situation.

04-23-2007, 04:44 PM
It seems to me that I am also worse the next day after I take a couple of drinks. I think that drink make you relax and the body asks for more to relax again.

I can't even watch a movie or something to relax, I get worried as soon as a phisical symtom kicks in or as soon as something in the movie reminds me about my bad situation.

Or, I get resentful and jealous of the people in the movie, because their problems seem so petty, insignificant, and easily resolved compared to my own problems (or at least, my fears; most of them never come to anything, in the long run, but I still feel like I've lived through hell).

Like, I find it really difficult to sympathize with some character in the movie who is breaking up with her boyfriend, when I'm worried that my husband of 14 years is about to leave me, and my son is going to get hit by a car, and my entire body is riddled with cancer or some other terminal disease. Not that any of these things ever actually happen, but I've worried so much about them that I feel like I've already lived through them all. A thousand times.

So, yeah. Movies don't really work as a distraction for me when things are bad, although I enjoy them during my good, calm times.