View Full Version : Anxiety or more?

11-11-2012, 02:53 PM
Hi everyone, I'm a normam typical teenager apart from I'm different to all my friends. I've had
This feeling what I can only exsplain as "high" or "out of body" feeling for about 2 months. Sometimes I'm fine and sometimes I'm really scared. My heart pounds so fast and I feel like I'm going insane. I've tried to tell my mates but it's really hard to exsplain what I'm feeling. I feel really depressed because I can't understand why I'm feeling like this. I look around at the walls and my hands etc and it just looks so strange and scary! Can anyone relate to this or am I loosing my mind? Like now I'm sat staring at the tv and after 3 seconds of staring I feel my heart beating and I start worrying thinking I'm going to lose my mind and everything's going to go black or the walls are going to cave in on me or I'm going to see something scary. This feeling always wears off but sometimes it can last all day. Like now when I'm typing this I can feel my body shacking and mY heart beating and I can't seem to relax unless I stand up and walk around. Im so scaredI'm going to "trip out" like see something only a crazy person would. I really want to conquer this feeling, I've even tried welcoming this feeling by staring at my hands and letting the strange feeling get really bad but I always close my eyes because I'm so scared what I'm going to see or what's going to happen! I really need advice! Maybe someone who can relate to what I'm going through! I feel like I'm going to lose my mind but I can't understand how one day I can feel normal and the other I can feel wi upset and strand. Should I be worried? Am I going to go insane!! I really don't know what to do! I want help but I wouldn't know where to start and I don't want to tell my parents because they will just think I'm on drugs! My social life is fine! When I'm with my mates at the pub I feel fine! But then on a Sunday night for instance when I'm alone I feel so strange! Well I hope I have gone on too much and I really hope someone can relate to this. Thanks you.
Also I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and I can't think straight like for 5 seconds I don't know where I am! Then I snap out of it and realise I'm safe and in my bedroom!

11-11-2012, 04:01 PM
Hi everyone, I'm a normam typical teenager apart from I'm different to all my friends. I've had
This feeling what I can only exsplain as "high" or "out of body" feeling for about 2 months. Sometimes I'm fine and sometimes I'm really scared. My heart pounds so fast and I feel like I'm going insane. I've tried to tell my mates but it's really hard to exsplain what I'm feeling. I feel really depressed because I can't understand why I'm feeling like this. I look around at the walls and my hands etc and it just looks so strange and scary! Can anyone relate to this or am I loosing my mind? Like now I'm sat staring at the tv and after 3 seconds of staring I feel my heart beating and I start worrying thinking I'm going to lose my mind and everything's going to go black or the walls are going to cave in on me or I'm going to see something scary. This feeling always wears off but sometimes it can last all day. Like now when I'm typing this I can feel my body shacking and mY heart beating and I can't seem to relax unless I stand up and walk around. Im so scaredI'm going to "trip out" like see something only a crazy person would. I really want to conquer this feeling, I've even tried welcoming this feeling by staring at my hands and letting the strange feeling get really bad but I always close my eyes because I'm so scared what I'm going to see or what's going to happen! I really need advice! Maybe someone who can relate to what I'm going through! I feel like I'm going to lose my mind but I can't understand how one day I can feel normal and the other I can feel wi upset and strand. Should I be worried? Am I going to go insane!! I really don't know what to do! I want help but I wouldn't know where to start and I don't want to tell my parents because they will just think I'm on drugs! My social life is fine! When I'm with my mates at the pub I feel fine! But then on a Sunday night for instance when I'm alone I feel so strange! Well I hope I have gone on too much and I really hope someone can relate to this. Thanks you.
Also I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and I can't think straight like for 5 seconds I don't know where I am! Then I snap out of it and realise I'm safe and in my bedroom!

You are not going mad, definitely not although it feels like you are. I get these feelings a lot, like I'm not in my body or I feel detached from my body, or the walls are closing in on me and it makes me feel really claustrophobic. I also get the racing heart. You're not the only person who feels this way.