View Full Version : Fear

11-11-2012, 02:12 PM
So I've always been afraid of heights,I'm scared that if I'm some Where up high (harnessed or not),I'm going to fall to my death-whether through injury,panic attack that becomes a heart attack etc,I have all these scenarios running through my head. I don't go to theme parks cuz the thought of going in rollercoasters,waltzers makes my head spin and I get nauceas. But earlier tonight I discovered something else. Your average step ladder has 5 or 6 steps,Well earlier in work I was asked to go up these stepladders-something I didn't believe was a problem for me...Well it was, I managed to climb onto the second step before I had to come down as my body was shaking,and my heart was beating faster. I was scared that even from that short height,something bad was going to happen!