View Full Version : feel like nobody understands me

11-11-2012, 01:29 PM
feel like nobody understands me. My friends don't understand because they haven't suffered with it and can't understand that there's just some things I can't do and they sometimes fall out with me if I don't come out, but I'm just full of nerves :( does anybody on here have Facebook? I would love to meet people and talk to people who understand how I feel :(

11-11-2012, 02:38 PM
Heyy, I think I read on another thread that your 19? Would be great to chat to someone my own age suffering with the same problems :) I have Facebook, my URL thing is /looloolimitless I think, but if you look for Lorna 'patrick' Boyer you should find me :) x

11-11-2012, 02:39 PM
Heyy, I think I read on another thread that your 19? Would be great to chat to someone my own age suffering with the same problems :) I have Facebook, my URL thing is /looloolimitless I think, but if you look for Lorna 'patrick' Boyer you should find me :) x

Yeah I am 19, nearly 20. I would love to talk to someone else who understands me and to try and help you too. I will search for you on Facebook now. Thank you! X

11-11-2012, 02:43 PM
I have felt that way before. Yeah, they tell you to just get over it and all that. I have health anxiety issues and these same people will then proceed to tell me about someone being sick or has died in great detail. I then will start worrying that I have it. My Uncle died last year of heart disease and now I am obsessed with it even though my Doctors say I am fine and just have GERD!

11-11-2012, 02:54 PM
I have felt that way before. Yeah, they tell you to just get over it and all that. I have health anxiety issues and these same people will then proceed to tell me about someone being sick or has died in great detail. I then will start worrying that I have it. My Uncle died last year of heart disease and now I am obsessed with it even though my Doctors say I am fine and just have GERD!

That's awful :( but I know what you mean. Whenever I hear of someone dying or having something wrong with them, I always think that I have it too! I tried searching for you on Facebook, but can't find you :( x

11-11-2012, 03:43 PM
I'm the same, I'm 18 almost 19 and all of my friends just don't seem To understand me when i tell them about my anxiety! Ive told one of My friends and she kind of just reassures me, I know she doesn't understand but it's still nice to know she cares. I just try to keep going and hopefully one day someone will share the same problems as me.

11-11-2012, 03:48 PM
I'm the same, I'm 18 almost 19 and all of my friends just don't seem To understand me when i tell them about my anxiety! Ive told one of My friends and she kind of just reassures me, I know she doesn't understand but it's still nice to know she cares. I just try to keep going and hopefully one day someone will share the same problems as me.

It's horrible isn't it? I know it's hard for people to understand when they haven't suffered with it, but when they don't even try to understand, that's upsetting :( if you ever want to talk about it then I'm here! Stacey Easter on Facebook if you have it.

11-11-2012, 03:53 PM
I don't think many people understand anxiety until they've been through it. Took me ages to get through to people that something wasn't right! Xx

11-11-2012, 04:08 PM
I don't think many people understand anxiety until they've been through it. Took me ages to get through to people that something wasn't right! Xx

The best cure for my anxiety is talking to somebody who understands you. Nothing worse than unloading all your feelings onto somebody who can't understand how it feels. I try not to go into detail about my anxiety with friends, it embarrases me. I worry about what people think of me. Half my mates wouldn't believe me if I told them. It's hard to smile when deep down you're suffering. How do you run away from something that's in your head?

11-11-2012, 04:09 PM
A lot of how this is accepted is to do with your age I reckon.

If you're young, you're less likely to be taken seriously for the following reasons:

1/ because you're young, by default you aren't taken that seriously... one of life's facts I'm affraid

2/ others your age most likely have never even heard of anxiety disorder, let alone comprehend it

3/ you're less likely to be able to explain it as well as say, a middle-aged person

People my age (fourties) are more open to such issues, since they've either experienced it themselves / know someone who has / have read about it / are more mature about it

Both my parents took some heavy duty convincing but I think that's mostly because they couldn't believe it would happen to someone like me (I still can't to be honest).
My work were great & very understanding.

When you put your case forward, you need to be fully clued up on the condition & be able to explain it well & clear.

maggie tia
11-11-2012, 08:36 PM
feel like nobody understands me. My friends don't understand because they haven't suffered with it and can't understand that there's just some things I can't do and they sometimes fall out with me if I don't come out, but I'm just full of nerves :( does anybody on here have Facebook? I would love to meet people and talk to people who understand how I feel :(

I know exactly how u feel Stacey , and like u no one around me understands... Add me on Facebook under maggie Tia britton :)

11-11-2012, 09:10 PM
Hey wow i soooo understand you girl! Im on the same boat! Im 21 and i have anxiety issues and when i tell my fam i dont feel good or sumthing they say well always is their a day u dont feel good? And it makes me feel bad and tey tell me is ok get over it is all in your head. Like really?! Is not that easy to ignore the symptoms.

11-12-2012, 12:09 AM
I'm 20 but luckily my friends and brother and family understand. Cept for my dad, he just says "Meh, you'll get over it in time, son." Which is actually true. So perhaps he does understand? A few of my friends irl have it or have dealt with it. It must be super tough to deal with if nobody understand ya though. Add some of these guys on facebook :] good to talk to people our age to have it as well.

11-12-2012, 12:36 AM
Thank you so much for the advice. Obviously I have my mum and my fiancé who are very understanding and support me the best they can, but I've lost friends all down to them falling out with me because I 'don't come out' to certain places and they say that I don't make any effort, but I try, they just don't understand that I'm just not comfortable with doing certain things and some things I physically can't do. It just upsets me, especially when they're meant to be good friends, but they're obviously not x

11-12-2012, 02:43 AM
I feel very much the same, whilst a select few of my friends know that I have it they don't understand what I'm going through. I find having relationships really hard as well.

Social Butterfly
11-12-2012, 05:52 AM
This is exactly how I feel.
I only have my mum, partner and daughter.
Everybody else has left and I often feel like the people left I am pushing away because of my anxiety.
they don't fully understand and it gets hard when you really need somebody to feel where you are coming from.

11-12-2012, 06:07 AM
This is exactly how I feel.
I only have my mum, partner and daughter.
Everybody else has left and I often feel like the people left I am pushing away because of my anxiety.
they don't fully understand and it gets hard when you really need somebody to feel where you are coming from.

I feel like I'm pushing people away too. I try not to talk about my anxiety because I feel like I'm always putting people on a downer but I can't keep things cooped up completely so I end up talking about it anyway. I'm scared of losing my boyfriend because I'm always down lately :/

11-12-2012, 06:13 AM
I know how you feel, people say they understand but unless you've experienced it you don't know just how bad it is! I haven't been out in months because of how I feel and I have drifted away from alot of friends :/ Add me on facebook if you need to talk :-)

11-12-2012, 06:15 AM
I feel like I'm pushing people away too. I try not to talk about my anxiety because I feel like I'm always putting people on a downer but I can't keep things cooped up completely so I end up talking about it anyway. I'm scared of losing my boyfriend because I'm always down lately :/

If your partner loves you then you will not lose him. I get afraid that I will push my partner sometimes because of my mood swings and constant panics, but I know that he loves me and will always try and support me. We're all exactly the same and I'm here for both of you if you need to talk.

11-12-2012, 06:16 AM
I know how you feel, people say they understand but unless you've experienced it you don't know just how bad it is! I haven't been out in months because of how I feel and I have drifted away from alot of friends :/ Add me on facebook if you need to talk :-)

What's your name on Facebook? And exactly! They say that they understand, but they actually don't at all, they have no idea :(

11-12-2012, 06:30 AM
Jamie Harvey, let me know if you find it :) makes it even worse when your parents don't even believe that anxiety is a condition and tell you to "get over it"!

11-12-2012, 06:35 AM
Really? That's awful. I guess that I'm lucky really as my mum has suffered and still does suffer with it so she is very supportive. Well we're friends on Facebook now so if you want to talk then you know where I am! :-)

11-12-2012, 06:46 AM
Thanks alot, I will do :-)