View Full Version : Work tomorrow :/

11-11-2012, 12:22 PM
So it's Sunday night and as usual I am terrified of going to work tomorrow and it's ruining my evening. I feel sick and scared and I hate it!! Wish I could just enjoy life!

11-11-2012, 12:49 PM
What kind of work do you do? I always enjoy Thursday nights cause there is 1 more day of work till the weekend!!! I find once Monday is over its easier. Hope you have a good day at work.

11-11-2012, 12:53 PM
I'm a graphic designer at a fashion company. Should be a dream job!! Haha. Unfortunately it's a small company and there's a lot of pressure which I can't handle thanks to my anxiety :/ I get really scared of going in, can't sleep the night before and have small panic attacks throughout the day! I like Thursday nights too :) do you work? What do you do? Xxx

11-11-2012, 02:10 PM
I hear you, I worked for an insurance company and was completely miserable!

I couldn't even enjoy any time off because all I could think of was that I would have to go back.

The job caused the anxiety for me and so having to keep doing it really didn't help!

I ended up having to quit because it was controlling and ruining my life, I am much happier now. Either way you decide to go, I wish you the best of luck I know exactly what you're going through.

11-11-2012, 02:33 PM
This is the trouble, I'm constantly dreading going back to work. I feel scared because I've gone straight into a full time job whilst my friends are all having the time of their life at Uni. I'm worried I've given up my childhood too quickly. I hate leaving home everyday. I'm 19 and I still get upset leaving my mum at home. I always feel like I'm not spending enough time with my family because I'm always at work :/
I quit my last job because I thought I hated it but it must have been the anxiety doing the thinking because now I really regret it and wish I could go back :/ hindsight is a wonderful thing, hey?
I feel constantly exhausted and behind on my work and I feel like I get no support, only criticism from my manager. I struggle to mix with my colleagues and often feel really alone all day :/
How did you overcome it all in the end? Are you in a new job now? :) x

11-11-2012, 03:05 PM
Simply put, quitting was the only thing that helped me. I hated every single thing about that job, the work, the hours, the stress.. The only thing I didn't hate was some of the people I was working with, other than that it was all bad.

I took a job doing what I used to do which is auto mechanics, I am actually really happy now the money isn't great but I am happy. Still have anxiety from time to time, but not about work!

Whatever you do here you just have to think it through and make sure that what you're doing is right for you. Your happiness must come first, that's what I had to learn after thinking on what really mattered for about a year of misery.

11-11-2012, 04:52 PM
I'm a graphic designer at a fashion company. Should be a dream job!! Haha. Unfortunately it's a small company and there's a lot of pressure which I can't handle thanks to my anxiety :/ I get really scared of going in, can't sleep the night before and have small panic attacks throughout the day! I like Thursday nights too :) do you work? What do you do? Xxx

Yes I work too. I'm a toddler teacher so I know stress! Currently I'm at the end of a six week medical leave due to surgery. Part of me had loved being away from the stress and b.s that goes on at my work. I go back in about a week. There is more stress at my job and often it's not fun cause we"re short staffed.

11-11-2012, 08:31 PM
Ugh I know all those feelings all too well. I don't know what's worse the stress AT work or the stress and anxiety on the weekend leading up to work. I can't seem to shut my mind off and I just keep making it worse on myself. I'm so tired of feeling like this.