View Full Version : I need your help!

11-11-2012, 11:28 AM
So I recently made a post called 'hypochondria' and how I thought I may be pregnant. If I am pregnant I'd be 20weeka now and showing - I'm not. I've taken four pregnancy tests and they're all clearly negative. I've had no other symptoms of pregnancy.
What I want to ask, is has any of the females on this site ever experienced 'flutters' in the far
Low abdomen on left and right side? It feels like it is right Above my ovaries and they feel under pressure and it feels as though the two muscles either side of your belt are spasming tere?
I cannot be pregnant, but I wonder if this physical symptom is related to anxiety? I'm going through an extremely stressful time at the moment and my anxiety is at it's peak.
If anyone has experienced anything like this male and female alike it'd really put my mind at rest because despite four negative tests my mind is sill saying what if I'm an anomaly etc.