View Full Version : Anxiety and giving birth

11-10-2012, 11:00 PM
I have given birth to my little baby boy (11/7/12). I have felt pretty good and then today started getting anxious and panicky!! I am laying here with my anxiety symptoms getting worse. I am feeling guilty letting my anxiety ruin what should be a great moment in my life. I feel like I am having a hard time breathing and it's freaking me out. I know it's anxiety but right now it feels like a real problem.

11-11-2012, 02:03 AM
I have given birth to my little baby boy (11/7/12). I have felt pretty good and then today started getting anxious and panicky!! I am laying here with my anxiety symptoms getting worse. I am feeling guilty letting my anxiety ruin what should be a great moment in my life. I feel like I am having a hard time breathing and it's freaking me out. I know it's anxiety but right now it feels like a real problem.

First off Congratulations on the baby! I just had my 4th in April and can totally relate to your feelings. I felt fine after having her until I returned to work, which was when she was 5 weeks and have had bad anxiety ever since, although I suffered for the last 13 years on and off prior to her. I have fears of not breathing along w/pains in different parts of my body which sometimes will lead into full blown panic attacks and I too feel guilty about not fully enjoying baby (and my other kiddos for that matter). I talked to my doc and was reassured it was anxiety and that I need to give it about a year to get better. She did prescribe zoloft, which I have yet to take, because the thought of taking meds personally scares me. I've been trying to tackle myself w/exercise and deep breathing and just trying to do things that keep my mind busy. Also this forum helps because I feel like I'm not alone (my husband and kids don't understand what I go through). Anyhow I hope you're feeling better and my story eases you a little, I know how hard some days can be. Take care and enjoy the new baby :)

11-11-2012, 07:34 AM
Hang in there. Deep breathing. Close your eyes and Relax. I've been there. I'm actually pregnant again, and in also in a very high state of anxiety. It really can debilitate you. Try separating the feeling of anxiety from the story you are telling yourself that triggers and/ or makes the anxiety persist and escalate. Notice that the feeling and the story are two different things. Then, sit with and pay attention to the feeling only, and not the story you are telling yourself. Stay with the feeling, notice it without any judgment. Do this! Stay with it.

11-11-2012, 09:50 AM
Did you guys take AD's while pregnant? Just curious.

11-11-2012, 11:04 AM
I'll try that. I was on Paxil and then when I got preggo my ob switched me to Zoloft and I am still on that. I am thinking about calling the doc in the morning about getting back on Paxil.

11-11-2012, 12:28 PM
And your baby is healthy? I am trying to conceive but I am worried because I am on prozac. Not sure if I could live without it. Tried getting off of it but after a month I was crying and having panic attacks. Just wanted to know if others have taken something while pregnant and had healthy babies.

11-11-2012, 01:05 PM
I have not taken any meds, although my anxiety has really increased. I have break downs everyday and I have a high heart rate constantly. The high hr is actually causing me anxiety to he worse. I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I'm only 5 wks along. I really try to separate the feeling from the story. It's extremely difficult. Especially when we are so good at convincing ourselves there is something terribly wrong. I've made a cal to see a therapist. I'm looking forward to his return call, and appointment. I have a 5 year old at home with me, and it make it so hard. Ive been a terrible mom. However, I'm no sure how else to cope.

11-11-2012, 02:38 PM
I am sorry to hear that your having such a hard time. Can't even imagine feeling like that again. Prayers to you!! Hopefully the therapist can help! Just remember that the high hr is for the baby and your body has to work harder to support the blood flow. Maybe this will ease your mind about your heart!
