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11-10-2012, 07:19 PM
There is so much beauty in life, and so many things to enjoy in such a small amount of time. I wish that I could really enjoy it to the fullest and just let this anxiety go.

11-11-2012, 04:52 AM
Before anxiety struck I wasn't really much of an out-goer or do-er really.

Sure, I've done my fair share of travelling / adventure / experiences, but, I can take it or leave it really.

Did / has anxiety stopped you doing the things you used to do before it struck? (if so, what kinda things?)

11-11-2012, 06:22 AM
Mellymel-couldn't agree with u more!
Dazza- I too don't party,drink,socialise,its to do with my insecurities. It's stopped me having a life and being happy. There were so many things I wanted to do when I was younger but anxiety,low self-esteem stopped me and now I spend my time regretting! : ) However,on a more positive note,12months ago,when I turned 25,I decided it was about time that I started to sort myself out. Having suffered in silence with anxiety and depression since secondary school,in September of this year I took the gigantic leap of confronting and admitting that I had issues that needed to be sorted out and I haven't looked back since. Im feeling more positive and have developed the hunger for wanting to change my life and to achieve. WE DESERVE HAPPINESS AND FULFILMENT JUST AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE! : )

11-11-2012, 11:01 AM
Dazza- the only physical things it has stopped me from doing is drinking coffee, smoking weed, and drinking alcohol which I wasn't do much of before this anyways. I can live without the coffee and the smoking it's silly. Emotionally though is another story. It keeps me from allowing myself to be happy with my family and just enjoying them. I love them so much ESPECIALLY my daughter, but he anxiety and bad thoughts make me automatically put up a wall. And that is very sad.