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04-18-2007, 07:12 AM
Am 16 Year old and also new to the forum

I also fought i was having a heart attack . i kept geting pains down my arms and it felt num . my heart was also beating fast but it went off after a week.

Then i started gettin bad presure on the sides and back of my head . and knotted feeling at the front . i kept tellin my mam i had a brain tumour and got really worried over it. which made me alot worse.

I always get things into my head .
Like because ave had the flu and a cold i have HIV
or because i have a headache i have a brain tumour .
Its scary because at the time i dident no why i was feeling like this until the doctors said i have Anxitey :(

04-18-2007, 07:17 AM
erm tht wasent suppose to be a new topic i was replying to someone ops :oops: :cry:

04-18-2007, 09:25 PM
That's okay, it's a good topic.
Yes, by the time I was your age, i was already very much a hypochondriac.
I always thought I had a fatal disease.
At least back then, there was no internet (or at least, I didn't have a computer).
The internet makes things a thousand times worse.
Try to resist looking up symptoms or researching diseases on the internet.
It will make your problem a thousand times worse.

Please understand that sixteen-year-olds rarely- VERY RARELY- die from anything except accidents.
Accidents, violence, and suicide are the leading causes of death for teenagers.
It is so incredibly unlikely you'd have a fatal disease, you should not even entertain the possibility.
Just keep telling yourself that.
There will be plenty of time to worry about diseases when you're older.

Try to distract yourself by getting involved in some fun activities.