View Full Version : Is this Normal

04-18-2007, 07:00 AM
Ave Been to the doctors about 6 7 times bfore thier said i had anxiety . i think it was all brought on by the flu i had for to weeks then tonselitus for another 2 3 weeks .

My head feels in bits everyday . it isent a pain its like a notted feeling at the front . and presure on the back and sides . it gets better but doesent completly go away .

anyone else had this ? and any tips on how to calm it ? .

04-19-2007, 10:22 AM
i went to the emergency room about three times before they told me it was anxiety, then i went about three more times b/c i still thought it was a heart attack, so it took me a while to realize that it is just anxiety, even after the fifth hospital visit i still didnt completly believe it was just anxiety, but i seen a cardiologist and had some test done ,and now i feel much more better about it all, but in the beggining i had tonsilitis twice and then a upper sinus infection. one of my main problems was i thought about all this too much, i always put it in my head that i had somethin major wrong with me, HIV, brain tumor, heart problems, but once you understand that its all anxiety and it cant hurt you and you just dont think about all the bad things it gets much better, you can control your anxiety somewhat, not completly tho, but im also on medication[ativan] and it really really helps me, but its better if you can go through this without meds b/c some meds are addictive but i dont know if i was any help but just try to stay calm and you'll be okay :)

04-19-2007, 04:06 PM
Yeah thanks

ave had the same thoughts . hiv , brain tumour and heart attack its horrible :(