View Full Version : I'm McKenna and I have anxiety.

11-10-2012, 12:56 AM
I'm sure most of you are adults, and so to you my problem may seem silly and childish, and I don't disagree. I am 17 years old and and I have a little thing I like to call 'Romantic Anxiety'.
You see I like a boy, he likes me. He lives 2000 miles away, and I would love to meet him in person. But the problem is whenever I think he is going to come to see me I have an anxiety attack. He wants to surprise me some day and show up, and whenever I start to think, maybe it's the day, I get incredibly ill. I don't necessarily know what to do. I haven't tried medication because the only time I get the anxiety is when I fear he might show up. As I said, it may seem childish and silly but I cannot control this anxiety, if I could I would not be here calling out for help. If anybody out there has taken the time to read this and has any advice for me, please do help.

11-10-2012, 02:58 AM
Reminds me of "Runaway Bride". ever see that film? :P
Could be fear of commitement. Or fear of perhaps him not liking how you are in person. When somebody is living that far away, they don't really know what your like ALL the time in person, and perhaps your scared that he might not like you after spending time around you in person so you fear it.

11-10-2012, 03:51 AM
When I read the title I thought it was Paul Mckenna come to cure us all!

11-10-2012, 03:57 AM
>He lives 2000 miles away

Sayy whatttttt?

How on earth did this come about? a dating site?

I suggest you pick someone a little more local... this is absurd! lol

11-10-2012, 06:08 AM

Its not really silly. At the root of all anxiety is probably some type of trauma, some got abused physically, some never got the right type of emotional support, etc.

You seem to be nervous about his acceptance. I can relate. We probably all can here on this forum. It might be good to know that, especially at a young age so that at least you can try to work on it. Perhaps thats the approach while you buy some time before you meet him.

You are not weird, you are anxious.